[flang-commits] [flang] f6a2a55 - [flang][cuda] Handle lowering of stars in cuf kernel launch parameters (#85695)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 18 19:46:15 PDT 2024

Author: Valentin Clement (バレンタイン クレメン)
Date: 2024-03-18T19:46:11-07:00
New Revision: f6a2a55ba1fe1a4b720b8760704785d12137b35e

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f6a2a55ba1fe1a4b720b8760704785d12137b35e
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/f6a2a55ba1fe1a4b720b8760704785d12137b35e.diff

LOG: [flang][cuda] Handle lowering of stars in cuf kernel launch parameters (#85695)

Parsing of the cuf kernel loop directive has been updated to handle
variants with the * syntax. This patch updates the lowering to make use
of them.

- If the grid or block syntax uses only stars then the operation
variadic operand remains empty.
- If there is values and stars, then stars are represented as a zero
constant value.




diff  --git a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td
index f4792637f481c0..6e520d111701f0 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td
@@ -3131,6 +3131,16 @@ def fir_BoxOffsetOp : fir_Op<"box_offset", [NoMemoryEffect]> {
 def fir_CUDAKernelOp : fir_Op<"cuda_kernel", [AttrSizedOperandSegments,
     DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<LoopLikeOpInterface>]> {
+  let description = [{
+    Represent the CUDA Fortran kernel directive. The operation is a loop like
+    operation that represents the iteration range of the embedded loop nest.
+    When grid or block variadic operands are empty, a `*` only syntax was used
+    in the Fortran code.
+    If the `*` is mixed with values for either grid or block, these are
+    represented by a 0 constant value.
+  }];
   let arguments = (ins
     Variadic<I32>:$grid, // empty means `*`
     Variadic<I32>:$block, // empty means `*`

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp b/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp
index 6c32c537198c67..c3cb9ba6a47e3d 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/Bridge.cpp
@@ -2529,23 +2529,42 @@ class FirConverter : public Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter {
     const std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr> &stream =
+    auto isOnlyStars =
+        [&](const std::list<Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr>
+                &list) -> bool {
+      for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
+           list) {
+        if (expr.v)
+          return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    };
+    mlir::Value zero =
+        builder->createIntegerConstant(loc, builder->getI32Type(), 0);
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> gridValues;
-    for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr : grid) {
-      if (expr.v) {
-        gridValues.push_back(fir::getBase(
-            genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr.v), stmtCtx)));
-      } else {
-        // TODO: '*'
+    if (!isOnlyStars(grid)) {
+      for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
+           grid) {
+        if (expr.v) {
+          gridValues.push_back(fir::getBase(
+              genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr.v), stmtCtx)));
+        } else {
+          gridValues.push_back(zero);
+        }
     llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> blockValues;
-    for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
-         block) {
-      if (expr.v) {
-        blockValues.push_back(fir::getBase(
-            genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr.v), stmtCtx)));
-      } else {
-        // TODO: '*'
+    if (!isOnlyStars(block)) {
+      for (const Fortran::parser::CUFKernelDoConstruct::StarOrExpr &expr :
+           block) {
+        if (expr.v) {
+          blockValues.push_back(fir::getBase(
+              genExprValue(*Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr.v), stmtCtx)));
+        } else {
+          blockValues.push_back(zero);
+        }
     mlir::Value streamValue;

diff  --git a/flang/test/Lower/CUDA/cuda-kernel-loop-directive.cuf b/flang/test/Lower/CUDA/cuda-kernel-loop-directive.cuf
index c017561447f85d..6179e609db383c 100644
--- a/flang/test/Lower/CUDA/cuda-kernel-loop-directive.cuf
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/CUDA/cuda-kernel-loop-directive.cuf
@@ -42,7 +42,20 @@ subroutine sub1()
 ! CHECK: fir.cuda_kernel<<<%c1{{.*}}, (%c256{{.*}}, %c1{{.*}})>>> (%{{.*}} : index, %{{.*}} : index) = (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index) to (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index) step (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index)
 ! CHECK: {n = 2 : i64}
-! TODO: lowering for these cases
-! !$cuf kernel do(2) <<< (1,*), (256,1) >>>
-! !$cuf kernel do(2) <<< (*,*), (32,4) >>>
+  !$cuf kernel do(2) <<< (1,*), (256,1) >>>
+  do i = 1, n
+    do j = 1, n
+      c(i,j) = c(i,j) * d(i,j)
+    end do
+  end do
+! CHECK: fir.cuda_kernel<<<(%c1{{.*}}, %c0{{.*}}), (%c256{{.*}}, %c1{{.*}})>>> (%{{.*}} : index, %{{.*}} : index) = (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index) to (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index)  step (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index)
+!$cuf kernel do(2) <<< (*,*), (32,4) >>>
+  do i = 1, n
+    do j = 1, n
+      c(i,j) = c(i,j) * d(i,j)
+    end do
+  end do
+! CHECK: fir.cuda_kernel<<<*, (%c32{{.*}}, %c4{{.*}})>>> (%{{.*}} : index, %{{.*}} : index) = (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index) to (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index)  step (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}} : index, index)


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