[flang-commits] [flang] [flang][openacc] Lower DO CONCURRENT with acc loop (PR #79223)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jan 23 15:15:34 PST 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Valentin Clement (バレンタイン クレメン) (clementval)


Lower basic DO CONCURRENT with acc loop construct. The DO CONCURRENT is lowered to an acc.loop operation.

This does not currently cover the DO CONCURRENT with locality specs.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/79223.diff

2 Files Affected:

- (modified) flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp (+115-55) 
- (modified) flang/test/Lower/OpenACC/acc-loop.f90 (+20) 

diff --git a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
index d619d47fc23597..4f06436d38739c 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Lower/OpenACC.cpp
@@ -1607,6 +1607,48 @@ mlir::Type getTypeFromIvTypeSize(fir::FirOpBuilder &builder,
   return builder.getIntegerType(ivTypeSize * 8);
+static void privatizeIv(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
+                        const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
+                        mlir::Location loc,
+                        llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type> &ivTypes,
+                        llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Location> &ivLocs,
+                        llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> &privateOperands,
+                        llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> &ivPrivate,
+                        llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Attribute> &privatizations,
+                        bool isDoConcurrent = false) {
+  fir::FirOpBuilder &builder = converter.getFirOpBuilder();
+  mlir::Type ivTy = getTypeFromIvTypeSize(builder, sym);
+  ivTypes.push_back(ivTy);
+  ivLocs.push_back(loc);
+  mlir::Value ivValue = converter.getSymbolAddress(sym);
+  if (!ivValue && isDoConcurrent) {
+    // DO CONCURRENT induction variables are not mapped yet since they are local
+    // to the DO CONCURRENT scope.
+    mlir::OpBuilder::InsertPoint insPt = builder.saveInsertionPoint();
+    builder.setInsertionPointToStart(builder.getAllocaBlock());
+    ivValue = builder.createTemporaryAlloc(loc, ivTy, toStringRef(sym.name()));
+    builder.restoreInsertionPoint(insPt);
+  }
+  std::string recipeName =
+      fir::getTypeAsString(ivValue.getType(), converter.getKindMap(),
+                           Fortran::lower::privatizationRecipePrefix);
+  auto recipe = Fortran::lower::createOrGetPrivateRecipe(
+      builder, recipeName, loc, ivValue.getType());
+  std::stringstream asFortran;
+  auto op = createDataEntryOp<mlir::acc::PrivateOp>(
+      builder, loc, ivValue, asFortran, {}, true, /*implicit=*/true,
+      mlir::acc::DataClause::acc_private, ivValue.getType());
+  privateOperands.push_back(op.getAccPtr());
+  ivPrivate.push_back(op.getAccPtr());
+  privatizations.push_back(mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get(builder.getContext(),
+                                                    recipe.getSymName().str()));
+  converter.bindSymbol(sym, op.getAccPtr());
 static mlir::acc::LoopOp
 createLoopOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
              mlir::Location currentLocation,
@@ -1640,68 +1682,86 @@ createLoopOp(Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter &converter,
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Location> ivLocs;
   llvm::SmallVector<bool> inclusiveBounds;
-  if (outerDoConstruct.IsDoConcurrent())
-    TODO(currentLocation, "OpenACC loop with DO CONCURRENT");
   llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Location> locs;
   locs.push_back(currentLocation); // Location of the directive
-  int64_t collapseValue = Fortran::lower::getCollapseValue(accClauseList);
   Fortran::lower::pft::Evaluation *crtEval = &eval.getFirstNestedEvaluation();
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < collapseValue; ++i) {
-    const Fortran::parser::LoopControl *loopControl;
-    if (i == 0) {
-      loopControl = &*outerDoConstruct.GetLoopControl();
+  bool isDoConcurrent = outerDoConstruct.IsDoConcurrent();
+  if (isDoConcurrent) {
+    const Fortran::parser::LoopControl *loopControl =
+        &*outerDoConstruct.GetLoopControl();
+    const auto &concurrent =
+        std::get<Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Concurrent>(loopControl->u);
+    if (!std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::LocalitySpec>>(concurrent.t)
+             .empty())
+      TODO(currentLocation, "DO CONCURRENT with locality spec");
+    const auto &concurrentHeader =
+        std::get<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentHeader>(concurrent.t);
+    const auto &controls =
+        std::get<std::list<Fortran::parser::ConcurrentControl>>(
+            concurrentHeader.t);
+    for (const auto &control : controls) {
-    } else {
-      auto *doCons = crtEval->getIf<Fortran::parser::DoConstruct>();
-      assert(doCons && "expect do construct");
-      loopControl = &*doCons->GetLoopControl();
-      locs.push_back(
-          converter.genLocation(Fortran::parser::FindSourceLocation(*doCons)));
+      lowerbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
+          *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<1>(control.t)), stmtCtx)));
+      upperbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
+          *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(std::get<2>(control.t)), stmtCtx)));
+      if (const auto &expr =
+              std::get<std::optional<Fortran::parser::ScalarIntExpr>>(
+                  control.t))
+        steps.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
+            *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(*expr), stmtCtx)));
+      else // If `step` is not present, assume it is `1`.
+        steps.push_back(builder.createIntegerConstant(
+            currentLocation, upperbounds[upperbounds.size() - 1].getType(), 1));
+      const auto &name = std::get<Fortran::parser::Name>(control.t);
+      privatizeIv(converter, *name.symbol, currentLocation, ivTypes, ivLocs,
+                  privateOperands, ivPrivate, privatizations, isDoConcurrent);
+      inclusiveBounds.push_back(true);
+  } else {
+    int64_t collapseValue = Fortran::lower::getCollapseValue(accClauseList);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < collapseValue; ++i) {
+      const Fortran::parser::LoopControl *loopControl;
+      if (i == 0) {
+        loopControl = &*outerDoConstruct.GetLoopControl();
+        locs.push_back(converter.genLocation(
+            Fortran::parser::FindSourceLocation(outerDoConstruct)));
+      } else {
+        auto *doCons = crtEval->getIf<Fortran::parser::DoConstruct>();
+        assert(doCons && "expect do construct");
+        loopControl = &*doCons->GetLoopControl();
+        locs.push_back(converter.genLocation(
+            Fortran::parser::FindSourceLocation(*doCons)));
+      }
-    const Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds *bounds =
-        std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds>(&loopControl->u);
-    assert(bounds && "Expected bounds on the loop construct");
-    lowerbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
-        *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->lower), stmtCtx)));
-    upperbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
-        *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->upper), stmtCtx)));
-    if (bounds->step)
-      steps.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
-          *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->step), stmtCtx)));
-    else // If `step` is not present, assume it as `1`.
-      steps.push_back(builder.createIntegerConstant(
-          currentLocation, upperbounds[upperbounds.size() - 1].getType(), 1));
-    Fortran::semantics::Symbol &ivSym =
-        bounds->name.thing.symbol->GetUltimate();
-    mlir::Type ivTy = getTypeFromIvTypeSize(builder, ivSym);
-    mlir::Value ivValue = converter.getSymbolAddress(ivSym);
-    ivTypes.push_back(ivTy);
-    ivLocs.push_back(currentLocation);
-    std::string recipeName =
-        fir::getTypeAsString(ivValue.getType(), converter.getKindMap(),
-                             Fortran::lower::privatizationRecipePrefix);
-    auto recipe = Fortran::lower::createOrGetPrivateRecipe(
-        builder, recipeName, currentLocation, ivValue.getType());
-    std::stringstream asFortran;
-    auto op = createDataEntryOp<mlir::acc::PrivateOp>(
-        builder, currentLocation, ivValue, asFortran, {}, true,
-        /*implicit=*/true, mlir::acc::DataClause::acc_private,
-        ivValue.getType());
-    privateOperands.push_back(op.getAccPtr());
-    ivPrivate.push_back(op.getAccPtr());
-    privatizations.push_back(mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get(
-        builder.getContext(), recipe.getSymName().str()));
-    inclusiveBounds.push_back(true);
-    converter.bindSymbol(ivSym, op.getAccPtr());
-    if (i < collapseValue - 1)
-      crtEval = &*std::next(crtEval->getNestedEvaluations().begin());
+      const Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds *bounds =
+          std::get_if<Fortran::parser::LoopControl::Bounds>(&loopControl->u);
+      assert(bounds && "Expected bounds on the loop construct");
+      lowerbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
+          *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->lower), stmtCtx)));
+      upperbounds.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
+          *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->upper), stmtCtx)));
+      if (bounds->step)
+        steps.push_back(fir::getBase(converter.genExprValue(
+            *Fortran::semantics::GetExpr(bounds->step), stmtCtx)));
+      else // If `step` is not present, assume it is `1`.
+        steps.push_back(builder.createIntegerConstant(
+            currentLocation, upperbounds[upperbounds.size() - 1].getType(), 1));
+      Fortran::semantics::Symbol &ivSym =
+          bounds->name.thing.symbol->GetUltimate();
+      privatizeIv(converter, ivSym, currentLocation, ivTypes, ivLocs,
+                  privateOperands, ivPrivate, privatizations);
+      inclusiveBounds.push_back(true);
+      if (i < collapseValue - 1)
+        crtEval = &*std::next(crtEval->getNestedEvaluations().begin());
+    }
   for (const Fortran::parser::AccClause &clause : accClauseList.v) {
diff --git a/flang/test/Lower/OpenACC/acc-loop.f90 b/flang/test/Lower/OpenACC/acc-loop.f90
index 6bd4dd61bd893b..28da9f99282ced 100644
--- a/flang/test/Lower/OpenACC/acc-loop.f90
+++ b/flang/test/Lower/OpenACC/acc-loop.f90
@@ -306,3 +306,23 @@ program acc_loop
 ! CHECK: acc.loop gang([#acc.device_type<nvidia>, #acc.device_type<default>])
 end program
+subroutine sub1(i, j, k)
+  integer :: i,j,k
+  integer :: a(i,j,k)
+  !$acc parallel loop
+  do concurrent (i=1:10,j=1:100,k=1:200)
+    a(i,j,k) = a(i,j,k) + 1
+  end do
+end subroutine
+! CHECK: func.func @_QPsub1
+! CHECK: %[[DC_K:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "k"}
+! CHECK: %[[DC_J:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "j"}
+! CHECK: %[[DC_I:.*]] = fir.alloca i32 {bindc_name = "i"}
+! CHECK: acc.parallel
+! CHECK: %[[P_I:.*]] = acc.private varPtr(%[[DC_I]] : !fir.ref<i32>) -> !fir.ref<i32> {implicit = true, name = ""}
+! CHECK: %[[P_J:.*]] = acc.private varPtr(%[[DC_J]] : !fir.ref<i32>) -> !fir.ref<i32> {implicit = true, name = ""}
+! CHECK: %[[P_K:.*]] = acc.private varPtr(%[[DC_K]] : !fir.ref<i32>) -> !fir.ref<i32> {implicit = true, name = ""}
+! CHECK: acc.loop private(@privatization_ref_i32 -> %[[P_I]] : !fir.ref<i32>, @privatization_ref_i32 -> %[[P_J]] : !fir.ref<i32>, @privatization_ref_i32 -> %[[P_K]] : !fir.ref<i32>) (%{{.*}} : i32, %{{.*}} : i32, %{{.*}} : i32) = (%c1{{.*}}, %c1{{.*}}, %c1{{.*}} : i32, i32, i32) to (%c10{{.*}}, %c100{{.*}}, %c200{{.*}} : i32, i32, i32)  step (%c1{{.*}}, %c1{{.*}}, %c1{{.*}} : i32, i32, i32)
+! CHECK: } attributes {inclusiveUpperbound = array<i1: true, true, true>}




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