[flang-commits] [flang] [flang][OpenMP][RFC] Add support for COPYPRIVATE (PR #73128)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 24 08:27:29 PST 2023

@@ -1075,16 +949,226 @@ class FirConverter : public Fortran::lower::AbstractConverter {
                  fir::ExtendedValue val, bool forced = false) {
     if (!forced && lookupSymbol(sym))
       return false;
+    return addSymbol(sym, val, forced, localSymbols);
+  }
+  /// Add the symbol to \p symMap.
+  /// Always returns `true`.
+  bool addSymbol(const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef sym,
+                 fir::ExtendedValue val, bool forced,
+                 Fortran::lower::SymMap &symMap) {
     if (lowerToHighLevelFIR()) {
-      Fortran::lower::genDeclareSymbol(*this, localSymbols, sym, val,
-                                       fir::FortranVariableFlagsEnum::None,
-                                       forced);
+      Fortran::lower::genDeclareSymbol(
+          *this, symMap, sym, val, fir::FortranVariableFlagsEnum::None, forced);
     } else {
-      localSymbols.addSymbol(sym, val, forced);
+      symMap.addSymbol(sym, val, forced);
     return true;
+  void initClonedValue(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
+                       const fir::ExtendedValue &clone,
+                       const fir::ExtendedValue &orig) {
+    mlir::Location loc = genLocation(sym.name());
+    mlir::Type symType = genType(sym);
+    // The type of a non host associated symbol may be wrapped inside a box.
+    if (!sym.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>()) {
+      if (mlir::Type seqType = fir::unwrapUntilSeqType(symType))
+        symType = seqType;
+    }
+    // Initialise cloned allocatable
+    orig.match(
+        [&](const fir::MutableBoxValue &box) -> void {
+          // Do not process pointers
+          if (Fortran::semantics::IsPointer(sym.GetUltimate())) {
+            return;
+          }
+          // Allocate storage for a pointer/allocatble descriptor.
+          // No shape/lengths to be passed to the alloca.
+          const auto new_box = clone.getBoxOf<fir::MutableBoxValue>();
+          // allocate if allocated
+          mlir::Value isAllocated =
+              fir::factory::genIsAllocatedOrAssociatedTest(*builder, loc, box);
+          auto if_builder = builder->genIfThenElse(loc, isAllocated);
+          if_builder.genThen([&]() {
+            std::string name = mangleName(sym) + ".alloc";
+            if (auto seqTy = symType.dyn_cast<fir::SequenceType>()) {
+              fir::ExtendedValue read = fir::factory::genMutableBoxRead(
+                  *builder, loc, box, /*mayBePolymorphic=*/false);
+              if (auto read_arr_box = read.getBoxOf<fir::ArrayBoxValue>()) {
+                fir::factory::genInlinedAllocation(
+                    *builder, loc, *new_box, read_arr_box->getLBounds(),
+                    read_arr_box->getExtents(),
+                    /*lenParams=*/std::nullopt, name,
+                    /*mustBeHeap=*/true);
+              } else if (auto read_char_arr_box =
+                             read.getBoxOf<fir::CharArrayBoxValue>()) {
+                fir::factory::genInlinedAllocation(
+                    *builder, loc, *new_box, read_char_arr_box->getLBounds(),
+                    read_char_arr_box->getExtents(),
+                    read_char_arr_box->getLen(), name,
+                    /*mustBeHeap=*/true);
+              } else {
+                TODO(loc, "Unhandled allocatable box type");
+              }
+            } else {
+              fir::factory::genInlinedAllocation(
+                  *builder, loc, *new_box, box.getMutableProperties().lbounds,
+                  box.getMutableProperties().extents,
+                  box.nonDeferredLenParams(), name,
+                  /*mustBeHeap=*/true);
+            }
+          });
+          if_builder.genElse([&]() {
+            // nullify box
+            auto empty = fir::factory::createUnallocatedBox(
+                *builder, loc, new_box->getBoxTy(),
+                new_box->nonDeferredLenParams(), {});
+            builder->create<fir::StoreOp>(loc, empty, new_box->getAddr());
+          });
+          if_builder.end();
+        },
+        [&](const auto &) -> void {
+          // Do nothing
+        });
+  }
+  Fortran::lower::SymbolBox
+  getOriginalSymbolBox(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) {
+    const auto *details = sym.detailsIf<Fortran::semantics::HostAssocDetails>();
+    if (details) {
+      const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &hsym = details->symbol();
+      return lookupSymbol(hsym);
+    }
+    return lookupSymbol(sym);
+  }
+  fir::ExtendedValue cloneSymbolValue(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) {
jeanPerier wrote:

The word `Value` in this helper leads to believe it is copying the value already. I would suggest something like `createVariableFromMold` where the MOLD echo to the Fortran MOLD where something is allocated with the same type/shape/parameters but not the value.


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