<p>I want to use clang as library to parsing C files. But i don't<br>found any user guide to follow it. For this reason i send this mail<br>to ask you to help me.<br>In my project i download the source code of clang and i just write i<br>
simple file.c to do a simple printf. but i include many header file<br> from the clang directory. I do g++ file .c<br> but many error appear.<br>My questions:<br>1- what should i do to include files from clang source code in my<br>
file and complie it with g++?<br>2- Can i compile the source code of clang to obtain a librairy with<br>gcc compliler if no why ?<br>2- Can any bady give me a simple tutorial that explain hwo to use the<br>source code of clang in my project?<br>
I need your help please answer me.</p>
<p>My best Regards</p>