<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br></div>Suppose I have a template:<br></div>template<typename T, int N=100> class Foo {};<br><br></div>Now, if there is only a declaration for this available, it can not include the default argument.<br>
</div>So:<br></div>template<typename T, int N> class Foo;<br><br></div>So, a function (or anything else) that is using it in the declaration, should be rewritten from:<br></div>Foo<MyTypename> <br></div>to<br>
</div>Foo<MyTypename,100><br><br></div>Is there a way to tell TypePrinter to do this?<br></div>If not will a patch be welcome?<br></div>Or am I approaching the problem in a roundabout manner ?<br></div><br>Thanks<br>
</div>Manasij Mukherjee<br></div>