Hello clang devs,<div><br></div><div>I use YouCompleteMe as a semantic completion engine for vim, which in turn uses libclang to provide completions. By default, YCM uses the 3.4 version of libclang, and all works well. However, I recently updated it to use the head version and now I'm seeing errors like that listed in the subject. I've been able to create a minimal reproduction - see the attached files.</div>
<div><br></div><div>To execute run commands similar to the following:</div><div><ul><li>tar xvf clang_parse.tar.gz<br></li><li>cd clang_parse<br></li><li>mkdir obj<br></li><li>cd obj<br></li><li>cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Unix Makefiles" -D PATH_TO_LLVM_ROOT=<path to llvm head install dir - should have include and lib under here> ../src/<br>
</li><li>make<br></li><li>./parse_tu<br></li></ul><div>The basic test case is this:</div></div><div><ul><li>Write the small cpp and h files to disk.</li><li>Parse the translation unit - observe that the syntax error is reported</li>
<li>Immediately reparse the TU.</li><li>Update the header in memory and reparse - observe that the syntax error is gone.</li><li>Save the header to disk and reparse. Observe the "file '/tmp/header_file.h' has been modified since the precompiled header '/some/path/preamble-eb3c0c.pch' was built" error.</li>
</ul><div>Am I using these methods incorrectly, or is there a bug in clang? If I'm using them incorrectly, what is the correct way to reparse a translation unit that has changed?</div></div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div>