<div dir="ltr">How do I build a package same as the one available for the download from
the site? I am trying to do some Clang integration and I would like to
use debug versions of all libraries. I setup the build and have the
binaries I need but the package layout is different from the one in the
package archive - specifically, it does not copy clang/* headers to the
folder returned by "llvm-config --includedir". Is there a make target to
do complete package build?<br>
I am on Mac OS X 10.8.2 with latest Xcode installed.<br>
Thank you in advance,<br>
P.S. I tried "make dist" - it runs the tests and then I see "make: ***
No rule to make target `win32', needed by `/Users/eostroukhov/coding/<div id=":102">clanghacking/llvm-32-debug/llvm-3.2svn/.makedistdir'. Stop."</div></div>