Hello *,<div><br></div><div>would like to build a CMake toolset using clang and libc++. This means that the toolset is not going to be installed on the hosted OS. I have already clang 3.0 which is deployed to some path in my home directory on Linux and now tried to build the libc++. I checked out the tag libcpp-31 from the subversion and now used the cmake command to build it:</div>
<div>$ CXX="${HOME}/toolsets/clang_3.0/bin/clang++" CC="${HOME}/toolsets/clang_3.0/bin/clang" CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${HOME}/toolsets/clang_3.0" cmake ../clang-libcxx-tag_libcpp-31/</div><div>
<br></div><div>This configures the build and generates the make file.</div><div><br></div><div>Running make also compiles the lib without errors.</div><div><br></div><div>Now running:</div><div>$ make install</div><div><br>
</div><div>results in errors, since the make file still tries to copy the library to: /usr/local/lib/libc++.so.1.0</div><div><br></div><div>I was expecting it to copy the lib to: ${HOME}/toolsets/clang_3.0</div><div><br>
<div><br></div><div>The next question is: How can I run tests to ensure that the libc++ build was fine? Clang is not installed on the host OS, and IMO should not, to avoid version clashing through automatic updates etc. Going to the libcxx directory and running:</div>
<div><br></div><div>CXX=${HOME}/toolsets/clang_3.0/bin/clang++ CC=${HOME}/toolsets/clang_3.0/bin/clang ../clang-libcxx-tag_libcpp-31/test/testit</div><div><br></div><div>Result in:</div><div><div>****************************************************</div>
<div>Results for /media/home_data/.../build_clang-libcxx-tag_libcpp-31:</div><div>using clang version 3.0 (tags/RELEASE_30/final)</div><div>Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu</div><div>Thread model: posix</div><div>with -std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++ </div>
<div>----------------------------------------------------</div><div>sections without tests : 1</div><div>sections with failures : 0</div><div>sections without failures: 0</div><div> + ----</div>
<div>total number of sections : 1</div><div>----------------------------------------------------</div><div>number of tests failed : 0</div><div>number of tests passed : 0</div><div> + ----</div>
<div>total number of tests : 0</div><div>****************************************************</div></div><div><br></div><div>Does not seem to run any tests.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Many thanks for your help,</div>