I'm having some trouble with this. The documentation says: <i>The cmake build tool is set up to create Visual Studio project files for running the tests, "clang-test" being the root. Therefore, to run the test from Visual Studio, right-click the clang-test project and select "Build".</i><div>
<i><br></i></div><div>I don't see this project anywhere? There is a filter called Clang tests with 4 projects (ASTTests, BasicTests, ClangUnitTests, FrontendTests). ClangUnitTests can't be run, and other 3 projects run 9 tests in total.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Trying to run from command line:</div><div><div>python D:\Projects\llvm\utils\lit\lit.py -sv --no-progress-bar --param=build_config=Debug D:\Projects\llvm\tools\clang\test\Sema\warn-freestanding-complex.c</div>
</div><div><br></div><div>gives:</div><div><div>lit.py: LitConfig.py:99: note: Unable to find 'bash.exe'.</div><div>lit.py: lit.cfg:87: fatal: No site specific configuration available!</div></div><div><br></div><div>
What am I doing wrong?</div>