Thank you for your quick response Peter,<br><br>I did as you said, and this is the output I got:<br><br> Stack dump:<br> 0. /usr/include/stdio.h:34:3: current parser token 'include'<br> <br>It's a standard library header which comes builtin in ubuntu.<br><br>Also, <br>If I switch the order of the includes in the file from:<br> #include <stdio.h><br> #include <stdlib.h><br> <br>to:<br> #include <stdlib.h><br> #include <stdio.h><br> <br>I get the output:<br> <br> Stack dump:<br> 0. /usr/include/stdlib.h:33:2: current parser token 'include'<br> <br>Again, It's a standard library header. <br><br>Is there anything I can do about it?<br><br>note:<br> In both cases the problematic line in these standard library headers is: <br> #include <stddef.h><br><br>----- Original Message -----<br>From: Peter Collingbourne <><br>Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011 12:50<br>Subject: Re: [cfe-dev] clang omits a part of the code<br>To: Nir Pluderman <><br>Cc:<br><br>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 01:38:52PM +0000, Nir Pluderman wrote:<br>> > Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?<br>> <br>> Most likely one of your header files is causing an error diagnostic<br>> to be emitted. If a malformed input file is provided then <br>> Clang will<br>> try to build as complete an AST as possible.<br>> <br>> > diags->setSuppressAllDiagnostics(true);<br>> <br>> If you remove this line then you should be able to see the<br>> diagnostic(s).<br>> <br>> Thanks,<br>> -- <br>> Peter<br>> ‎