Hello clang,<br><br>This is my first post here. I have gone through the previous posts of the cfe-dev group and found
them quite useful and helpful. I have a conceptual (and dumb ) doubt before I start digging into clang code base. When adding compiler support to a hardware like a GPU where the memory is divided into "private" "local" and "global", How do you represent these memory locations through coding. I know that these locations are accessed through the address space qualifiers of the language that we add to the existing compiler, but how are these qualifiers digested by a compiler frontend like clang. Do I just pick a number for following representation and tell clang that this is some location of the hardware that I am going to support and make it print some instructions in the LLVM IR ?<br>
<pre>#define _global __attribute__((address_space(NUMBER)))</pre>
<br>I have a faint idea about GPUs, the architecture that I want to support is something like that. Can someone please help me with the above doubt ?<br>Thanks.<br>kk<br><pre></pre><div style="visibility: hidden; display: inline;" id="avg_ls_inline_popup">
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