Hi,<br>After checking out and building llvm ,<br>running clang-cc on the program file.c<br>simply does not produce any results.<br><br>file.c:<br>int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {<br><br><br> return 0;<br>}<br><br><br>Here is the run session:<br>
<br>$ clang-cc -cfg-dump -v file.c<br>clang-cc version 1.1 based upon llvm 2.7svn hosted on i386-pc-linux-gnu<br>ignoring nonexistent directory "/System/Library/Frameworks"<br>ignoring nonexistent directory "/Library/Frameworks"<br>
#include "..." search starts here:<br>#include <...> search starts here:<br> /home/milj/downloads/src/llvm/llvm/Debug/lib/clang/1.1/include<br> /usr/local/include<br> /usr/include<br>End of search list.<br>
----------------------------------<br><br>The -ast-dump and -ast-view options work perfectly, but the -cfg-dump and -cfg-view options do not.<br>Does someone have any recommendations on how to get -cfg-dump and -cfg-view to work with clang-cc or<br>
for some other visualization alternatives of llvm code CFGs?<br><br>Regards!<br>Micky<br><br><br>