<div>I have a couple of cases where I'm getting an error from Clang from code that compiles with gcc.</div>
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<div>The code reduces to something like (members in a class declaration):</div>
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<div>virtual void Log(const char*, ...) __attribute__ (( __format__(__printf__,1,2) )) = 0;<br>virtual void PushContextMessage(const char* , ...) __attribute__ (( __format__(__printf__,1,2) )) {};<br></div>
<div>Both get "expected ';' at end of declaration list" errors.</div>
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<div>The enclosed patch takes a stab at fixing it with some copy/paste programming, assuming it needs fixing, but you might have a better fix or feedback.</div>
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<div>-John<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>John Thompson<br><a href="mailto:John.Thompson.JTSoftware@gmail.com">John.Thompson.JTSoftware@gmail.com</a><br><br></div>