We know we can access to <a href="http://llvm.org/demo">http://llvm.org/demo</a> to access the compiler llvm-gcc to show the compiling progress.<div>I means that if it's possible to add clang to it to make it easy for users found the result of clang,</div>
<div>And also I think buildbot is a good solution, we know that google using buildbot to developing the chrome, and for every commit,</div><div>it build a binary to a repo floder for downling, I think clang also can do this, but not for downloading, just for accessing,</div>
<div>for example, it place to the server, and every one else can easy to access by using the <a href="http://llvm.org/demo">llvm.org/demo</a> url.</div><div>And we can select which version to compiling, and we can easy to find out which version is incorrect.</div>
<div>I think it's must accelerating the developing for developers.:</div><div><br></div><div><br>-- <br> 此致<br>礼<br>罗勇刚<br>Yonggang Luo<br>