[cfe-dev] [bug?] How to use EmitLLVMOnlyAction in clang tool?

Viktor Was BSc via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 2 04:50:26 PDT 2019

Could maybe someone try to reproduce this using the gist:
I'm using version 6.0.1.

On Apr 30, 2019, 20:23, at 20:23, Viktor Was BSc via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>I've realized now that the vector is not a Small String equivalent but
>is a vector of separate char pointers (argv).
>Still, for some reason executing an EmitLLVMOnlyAction from a clang
>tool seems to fail for some reason.
>Lldb always exits in CommandLineParser::ParseCommandLineOptions
>Line 1088 (clang 6.0.1):
>'Program Name = sys::path::filename(StringRef(argv[0]));'
>The error...
>'Clang: Not enough positional command line arguments specified!'
>...makes no sense at this particular line.
>The only usage of EmitLLVMOnlyAction in the llvm/clang repos seems to
>be in the clang-interpreter example and for some reason it works there.
>Is there some setup missing or present in the ClangTool that screws
>something up?
>On Apr 30, 2019, 03:33, at 03:33, Viktor Was BSc via cfe-dev
><cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>When trying to run an EmitLLVMOnlyAction via
>>ClangTool::run(act_factory) I get the following error:
>>Clang: Not enough positional command line arguments specified!
>>Stepping through the code I found that there seems to be a problem in
>>setCommandLineOpts in clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtils.cpp, the
>>BackendArgs.push_back with literals doesn't seem to work and a corrupt
>>SmallVector is passed to ParseCommandLineOptions.
>>Why is setCommandLineOpts even called, isn't EmitLLVMOnlyAction
>>supposed to create llvm::Module in memory only without without
>>outputting it to a file? Did I misinterpret the Emit_Nothing flag?
>>does EmitLLVMOnlyAction do?
>>What command line args does EmitLLVMOnlyAction expect?
>>Cmd line: mytool test.cpp -p=compile_commands.json
>>"command": "/usr/local/bin/clang++   -Ipath/to/include - std=c++11
>>-Wall -o path/to/test.cpp.o -c /path/to/test.cpp",
>>"file": "/path/to/test.cpp"
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