[cfe-dev] [OpenMP]: wrong threadprivate storage name in task reduction

Raúl Peñacoba via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 8 11:03:13 PST 2018


I mean that it seems that this implementation restricts the tasks that 
participate in the reduction to be defined in the same lexical scope. I 
have not been able to find this restriction in the OpenMP specification. 
What the spec says about this topic is:

"A list item that appears in an in_reduction clause of a task-generating 
construct must appear
in a task_reduction clause of a construct corresponding to a taskgroup 
region that includes
the participating task in its taskgroup set. The construct corresponding 
to the innermost region
that meets this condition must specify the same reduction-identifier as 
the in_reduction

I tried to compile the attached file. The compile command is:

clang -fopenmp task_red.cc


El 08/03/18 a las 15:30, Alexey Bataev escribió:
> Hi,
> >>> Anyway, this implementation of task reductions is not fully 
> functional, as only are allowed if the task is created in the scope of 
> taskgroup.
> What do you mean?Could you provide some more detais?
> -------------
> Best regards,
> Alexey Bataev
> 08.03.2018 7:47, Raúl Peñacoba пишет:
>> Hi,
>> I did some little research and I have realized that the patch I 
>> attached doesn't fix the problem completely. I fixed the storage of 
>> the data. When a using task reduction with vla, or a class that uses 
>> omp_orig to initialize the private copies, the size of the vla and 
>> omp_orig are stored in a storage using __kmpc_threadprivate_cached().
>> The problem comes because, since in outline parallel function each 
>> reduction has lazy_priv flag, the initialization will be done in 
>> __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(), called from outline task 
>> function. This is done _before_storing the vla size or omp_orig, so 
>> the initialization would be wrong in these cases.
>> I think that if the storage is put before the 
>> __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data() it should work.
>> Anyway, this implementation of task reductions is not fully 
>> functional, as only are allowed if the task is created in the scope 
>> of taskgroup.
>> Sorry for the mail duplicate.
>> Regards,
>> Raúl
>> El 06/03/18 a las 16:21, Alexey Bataev escribió:
>>> Hi, thanks for the report, I'll take a look.
>>> -------------
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexey Bataev
>>> 06.03.2018 4:25, Raúl Peñacoba via cfe-dev пишет:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've noticed that clang does not work properly when using task 
>>>> reductions with non-constant arrays and/or classes with omp_orig 
>>>> constructor initializers.
>>>> As reduction initialize/combine/finalize functions only receive 
>>>> references to whatever should be initialized, combined..., clang 
>>>> generates some additional storages to save the size of the 
>>>> reduction array and a pointer to the omp_orig. That storages are 
>>>> generated through __kmpc_thread_private_cached() calls in both 
>>>> reduction functions and outline task function.
>>>> The problem is that the storage used in outline task function does 
>>>> not match the storage in reduction functions. This happens in 
>>>> programs that have a task reduction or a taskloop reduction with 
>>>> the in_reduction clause.
>>>> To solve this i made an ugly patch that reuses the SourceLocation 
>>>> of CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPTaskgroupDirective() in 
>>>> CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPTaskBasedDirective() to match the storages 
>>>> and make it work. Anyway, i suppose that there is a better way to 
>>>> fix this.
>>>> Index: CGStmtOpenMP.cpp
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> --- CGStmtOpenMP.cpp    (revision 326685)
>>>> +++ CGStmtOpenMP.cpp    (working copy)
>>>> @@ -2713,6 +2713,8 @@
>>>> emitEmptyBoundParameters);
>>>>  }
>>>> +static SourceLocation reductionLoc;
>>>> +
>>>>  void CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPTaskBasedDirective(
>>>>      const OMPExecutableDirective &S, const OpenMPDirectiveKind 
>>>> CapturedRegion,
>>>>      const RegionCodeGenTy &BodyGen, const TaskGenTy &TaskGen,
>>>> @@ -2952,7 +2954,7 @@
>>>>          // FIXME: This must removed once the runtime library is 
>>>> fixed.
>>>>          // Emit required threadprivate variables for
>>>>          // initilizer/combiner/finalizer.
>>>> - CGF.CGM.getOpenMPRuntime().emitTaskReductionFixups(CGF, 
>>>> S.getLocStart(),
>>>> + CGF.CGM.getOpenMPRuntime().emitTaskReductionFixups(CGF, 
>>>> reductionLoc,
>>>> RedCG, Cnt);
>>>>        }
>>>>      }
>>>> @@ -3180,8 +3182,9 @@
>>>>            std::advance(IRHS, 1);
>>>>          }
>>>>        }
>>>> +      reductionLoc = S.getLocStart();
>>>>        llvm::Value *ReductionDesc =
>>>> - CGF.CGM.getOpenMPRuntime().emitTaskReductionInit(CGF, 
>>>> S.getLocStart(),
>>>> + CGF.CGM.getOpenMPRuntime().emitTaskReductionInit(CGF, reductionLoc,
>>>> LHSs, RHSs, Data);
>>>>        const auto *VD = 
>>>> cast<VarDecl>(cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)->getDecl());
>>>>        CGF.EmitVarDecl(*VD);
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Raúl
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