[cfe-dev] Clang/LLVM JIT - When to use "registerEHFrames()"

via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 18 23:05:27 PDT 2017

Hello friendly Clang-World,

I was experimenting with Clang and the JIT capabilities of LLVM. Most of 
my attempts were successfully but, I still fail miserably at exceptions. 
Doing research I found the function "registerEHFrames()" which should 
assist me supporting exceptions - but sadly the documentation I found 
wasn't helpful.
I looked at into the "notifyObjectLoaded" function and discovered that 
there appear some symbol names starting with "$" - I expected them to be 
connected to my try and catch block. But what now? As usually, at this 
point I have there names, but can't get there address to register them 
with the "registerEHFrames()" function. Also the JITTER still wants an 
address for "??_7type_info@@6B@" which is the virtual table of the 
type_info struct.

Confusing! So friendly Clang-World, could you please help? 

Not so important - but has the dragon which decorates clang and LLVM a 

Kind regards
Als GmbH eingetragen im Handelsregister Bad Homburg v.d.H. HRB 9816, 
USt.ID-Nr. DE 114 165 789
Geschäftsführer: Hiroshi Kawamura, Dr Hiroshi Nakamura, Markus Bode, Heiko 
Lampert, Takashi Nagano, Takeshi Fukushima.
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