[cfe-dev] Cross Translation Unit Support in Clang

Noah L via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 29 12:22:25 PDT 2017

(Oops, I meant to start a new thread :) Thanks for your response.

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Gábor Horváth <xazax.hun at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, as far as I understand, the idiomatic way to handle this right now,
> is not to apply your modifications to the source files right away. First
> export all the changes for each translation units into a separate file, and
> apply all the changes at once after the tool was run. If all your changes
> are consistent, that should work well. If you would transform a header in a
> different way in two different translation units that is a problem. I think
> the best way to solve that right now to make sure all of your edits are
> consistent.

So then I couldn't use clang::Rewriter to apply the modifications. I would
have to somehow obtain the line and column numbers of the
clang::SourceRange to be replaced and do it manually? Is that how other
people do it?

So, in my case the modifications are never contradictory, but each one may
be insufficient in extent due to information not available in the
translation unit. For example, one thing the tool does is modify the type
declaration of a pointer depending on if a) it is being used as an array
pointer/iterator, and b) if it is being used as a pointer to a dynamically
sized array (i.e. basically if the array is, or could be, realloc()ed). You
could imagine a situation where in one source file we see that a pointer
target is realloc()ed, but we cannot determine whether or not the target is
being used as an array (in which case no modification is made), and in
another source file we can see that the target (of the same pointer) is
(being used as) an array, but there is no indication of how the array was
allocated (or realloc()ed). Without combining the observations from both
source files, we cannot determine that the pointer target is a dynamically
sized array (and hence won't be able to apply the (fully) correct

And analyzing the modifications resulting from each source file processed
individually is not enough either (since the first case will not result in
a modification). So I would have to export more information than just the
modifications determined from processing each file individually.

But in its most general form, that extra information is essentially the
AST, no? (Or some subset of the AST that's relevant to me.) So basically
you're suggesting that I export (some simplified version of) the ASTs to
disk and combine them manually. And then analyze the combined (simplified)
AST to come up with the correct modifications. Which I'd then have to apply

I'm not saying it's not feasible. I'm not even saying it's not reasonable.
But you can see why it'd be nicer for me if libTooling could just present
me with a combined AST. :)

>> So this means to get the final converted version of the header file you
>> have to merge the modifications made by each conversion operation. And
>> sometimes the modifications are made on the same line so the merge tool
>> can't do the merge automatically. (At least meld doesn't.) This is really
>> annoying.
>> Now, if libTooling were able to operate on the AST of the entire project
>> at once this problem would go away. Or if you think the AST of the whole
>> project would often be too big, then at least multiple specified
>> translation units at a time would help.
> This is not the usecase this functionality was designed for. I think you
> could definitely use it for something like that, but I think the solution I
> mentioned above is superior right now. The main use case we wanted to cover
> is the ability to gather some information from other translation units that
> are required for your tool.

So, are you saying that the proposed changes would allow me, in a
straightforward way, to obtain a (complete) AST spanning multiple
translation units? (Where an element in a header file will have only one
AST node even when the header file is included by multiple translation

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