[cfe-dev] Interesting error during generate the call graph via clang libtooling

yin liu via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 19 15:01:45 PDT 2017


I found an issue during generate the call graph by using
clang::CallGraph addToCallGraph().

I build a ClangTool that matches the specific decl in the source code,
then, in this clang tool, I can use the clang::CallGraph
addToCallGraph() to generate the call graph. However, the interesting
thing is, I cannot use the same way outside the ClangTool. That means
if I store the matched decl into a global variable and generate the
clang::CallGraph outside the ClangTool (e.g., in the main function).
It give me several errors attached below.

My question is ... why it happens?

Here is the code in main.cpp:

// global variable storing the matched function decl
clang::FunctionDecl *testFnDecl;

// clang tool for getting the decl and put it to a global variable testFnDecl
ClangTool getFnTool (OptionsParser.getCompilations(),
GetFnCallback getFnCallback;
ast_matchers::MatchFinder annotatedFnFinder;
FnFinder.addMatcher(functionDecl().bind("Decls"), &getFnCallback);

//generate the call graph
clang::CallGraph testCG;

Here is the error:
 ./transformer[0xb9be2c]//   ./transformer[0xb9fa72]//
  ./transformer(_start+0x29)[0xb92f59]//   Segmentation fault (core

Thanks in advance!

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