[cfe-dev] Prevent RetainCountChecker from Analyzing Function Bodies when They Have Certain Annotate Attribute

Malhar Thakkar via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 7 06:03:24 PDT 2017

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Artem Dergachev <noqnoqneo at gmail.com> wrote:

> For now RetainCountChecker avoids inlining CoreFoundation's CFRetain() by
> looking at its annotation and performing evalCall().

Oh, I see.

> evalCall is the checker callback that allows the checker to completely
> model the function's effects; if the function is evalCall-ed by the
> checker, the analyzer core doesn't try to inline it. I think this is
> exactly what you need to do: the function you're modeling is *the* release,
> and the analyzer doesn't need to know anything about how it is implemented.
Yes, I think, this is exactly what I need but I just read that only one
checker can evaluate a call at a given instance and that, as you mentioned
with your example containing MallocChecker, can cause some problems. I just
tried evalCall-ing functions which contain a certain annotation and it
seems to be working on the test-cases which I wrote. But, would that
solution be acceptable to the community(i.e., commit-worthy)? If not, I'll
have to think of something else.

> However, by evalCall-ing based on annotation, you essentially say that all
> functions that wear this annotation are to be modeled similarly. If some of
> them have additional side effects, you may fail to model them. For example,
> if the analyzer has seen the malloc() that corresponds to the free() in
> isl_basic_map_free(), it'd make MallocChecker unhappy - unlike the case
> when you neither evalCall nor inline but evaluate conservatively, causing
> the malloc-ed pointer to "escape" into this function. If this becomes a
> problem, you may need to look into our body farms - the mechanism that
> synthesizes ASTs of various functions for analysis purposes. I imagine
> farming a function that only does releases, and then farming more functions
> that call this function and do additional side effects.
> On 7/7/17 10:23 AM, Malhar Thakkar via cfe-dev wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I wish to prevent the RetainCountChecker from analyzing function bodies
>> if these functions have certain annotate attributes. Consider the following
>> example to get a better idea of why I wish to do that.
>> Below is a small snippet from the Integer Set Library (ISL).
>> typedef struct {
>>   int ref;
>> } isl_basic_map;
>> __attribute__((cf_returns_retained))
>> isl_basic_map *isl_basic_map_copy(isl_basic_map *bmap);
>> __attribute__((cf_returns_retained))
>> isl_basic_map *isl_basic_map_cow
>> (__attribute__((cf_consumed)) isl_basic_map *bmap);
>> void free(void *);
>> __attribute__((annotate("rc_ownership_trusted_implementation")))
>> isl_basic_map *isl_basic_map_free
>> (__attribute__((cf_consumed)) isl_basic_map *bmap) {
>> if (!bmap)
>> return NULL;
>> if (--bmap->ref > 0)
>> return NULL;
>>   free(bmap);
>> return NULL;
>> }
>> __attribute__((cf_returns_retained))
>> isl_basic_map *foo
>> (__attribute__((cf_consumed)) isl_basic_map *bmap) {
>> // *After this call, 'temp' has a +1 reference count.*
>>   isl_basic_map *temp = isl_basic_map_copy(bmap);
>> // *After this call, 'bmap' has a +1 reference count.*
>>   bmap = isl_basic_map_cow(bmap);
>> // *After this call, assuming the predicate of the second if branch to be
>> true, 'bmap' has a +1 reference count.*
>> isl_basic_map_free(bmap);
>> return temp; *// Object leaked: 'bmap'*
>> }
>> While running the RetainCountChecker on the above example, it raises a
>> leak warning for 'bmap' in function 'foo'. This warning is a true positive
>> from the checker's perspective in the sense that the reference count of
>> 'bmap' obtained from 'isl_basic_map_cow' is not decremented(from the
>> checker's perspective) in 'isl_basic_map_free' even though it takes the
>> argument 'bmap' as '__attribute__((cf_consumed))'.
>> Actually, '--bmap->ref' does decrement the reference count (from ISL's
>> perspective). Hence, to prevent such false positives (from ISL's
>> perspective) to be raised, I wish to prevent the RetainCountChecker to
>> analyze the bodies of the functions having 'rc_ownership_trusted_implementation'
>> annotate attribute. I want the checker to just look at the declaration of
>> such functions (and not go inside their bodies) to get the necessary
>> information about reference counting.
>> Could someone suggest me a way to achieve my objective?
>> Thank you.
>> Regards,
>> Malhar Thakkar
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