[cfe-dev] [llvm-foundation] [llvm-dev] Sequential ID Git hook

Chris Matthews via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 7 17:56:01 PDT 2016

Sequential IDs are important for LNT and llvmlab bisection tool.

LNT uses the “order” to capture the measured software changes.  LNT does make the assumption that orders are unique, so if a ID was the same on two branches, LNT would assume that is the same change.  If you never want to compare data between branches, storing each branch in a different database solves that problem, but sometimes you do want to directly compare runs in two branches.

With both llvmlab and LNT, once you get to a range of IDs, it is needs to be easy to find out what commits or commit range those IDs map to.  When given regression between 123 and 225, I need the list of commits, and I don’t want to log grep for those numbers. Ideally it should also easy for those tools to link to a revision on a webUI like viewvc. 

On July 5, 2016 at 4:04:05 PM, Renato Golin via llvm-foundation (llvm-foundation at lists.llvm.org) wrote:

On 5 Jul 2016 10:45 p.m., "Mehdi Amini" <mehdi.amini at apple.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 5, 2016, at 3:44 AM, Renato Golin via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> >
> > Quick re-cap.
> >
> > After a few rounds, not only the "external server" proposal got
> > obliterated as totally unnecessary, but the idea that we may even need
> > a hook at all is now challenged.
> This is not clear to me.
> How is the umbrella repository updated?

Sorry, I meant no hooks for updating sequential ids. We still need a hook to update the umbrella project.


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