[cfe-dev] FileEntry::IsValid and FileEntry::UID

Vladimir Voskresensky - Oracle via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 6 09:31:05 PDT 2015


I'd like to have better understanding for FileEntry's UID and IsValid fields.
.. Or there is just a bug in FileManager::getVirtualFile
so blockshould have as the last statement extra line
if (getStatValue(InterndFileName, Data, true, nullptr) == 0) {
  UFE->IsValid = true;

I expected constness of FileEntry.UID, but I face the following problem:
When I initialize preprocessor with RemappedFileBuffers (i.e. for some physical 
files I prepare in-memory content replacements), then InitializeFileRemapping 
for each such remapped ones calls FileMgr.getVirtualFile
which creates FileEntry and assign UID
UFE.UID = NextFileUID++;
and leave IsValid as false
Let's say I had two remapped buffers, in this case UID "zero" and "one" are 
Name field has absolute file path, i.e. "/my/file/path/file.h"
As soon as files can be stated, they are also registered in UniqueRealFiles by 

Then when preprocessor meets my files during Include Directives handling it calls
When included Filename param is not normalized, but looks like 
"/my/file/path/../path/file.h" it fails to find it in SeenFileEntries, calls 
Stat, detects UniqueID and finds it in
But as soon as UFE.IsValid() returns false then
if (UFE.isValid()) { // Already have an entry with this inode, return it.

UID is modified to some random next values in the bottom part of getFile():
UFE.UID = NextFileUID++;
followed by
UFE.IsValid = true;
which freeze UID changes.

Is it expected behavior? Then what is the logic behind it?
Or just a bug?


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