[cfe-dev] [libc++] Porting libc++ to Windows

Fulvio Esposito fulvio.esposito at live.it
Mon Jun 15 15:21:46 PDT 2015

Hi all,
I'm looking for a project to improve my C++ knowledge and have come up with LLVM. Since I'm not a C++ expert I was thinking to start with something that doesn't require C++ trickery expertise and thought about giving a hand porting libc++ to windows (it is a project I will devote part of my free time). Is there any interests on this or maybe someone already on the case? I searched through the libc++ website, mailing lists archives and bugzilla but couldn't find anything definitive.
Best regards,

Fulvio Esposito
"The difference between theory and practice  is in theory somewhat smaller than in practice" 		 	   		  

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