[cfe-dev] [RFC][PATCH] Implementation for completion in call context for C++

Francisco Lopes francisco.mailing.lists at oblita.com
Mon Jan 5 13:15:48 PST 2015


I've improved completion in call context to work with C++'s templates,
member functions, et al.

Notice: an important aspect of this implementation is that I've took freedom
to change the previous behavior for completion in call context at all.

As can be seen, in lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp this comment:

  // When we're code-completing for a call, we fall back to ordinary
  // name code-completion whenever we can't produce specific
  // results. We may want to revisit this strategy in the future,
  // e.g., by merging the two kinds of results.

was changed to this:

  // When we're code-completing for a call, we DON'T fall back to ordinary
  // name code-completion whenever we can't produce specific
  // results. This will do "parameter completion" solely.
  // I think "parameter completion" is not a good classification, since this
  // is useful solely for providing hints and not code-completing.

The rationale behind this change is:
  - The former comment shows that completion in call context is still not
    in a definite state, open to discussion.
  - I firmly believe this new behavior is for good. In call context, 99% of
    the time, code authoring tools will be interested in information about
    prototype and arguments solely, not in all possible kinds of expressions
    that can fit as an argument. This behavior turns the interface slower
    necessary to have almost no benefit.
    So I believe that completion in call context just after '(' and ','
    work similarly as for member access: only provide what's of interest,
    parametric information (function prototypes, current argument, parameter
    types, etc.).

Despite this, I should be able revert to the former behavior in the change
without much trouble, in case there's no agreement on this, while still
providing the new set of completions.

The following is a video that covers the new behavior, so that's easy to see
what got changed. It's based on the test set that's part of the patch:


The change set can be browsed here:


The Subversion compatible patch:


This got started for YouCompleteMe:


  Functors (classes that overload operator()), Constructors, ...

(I've already obtained commit access)

Francisco Lopes

PS: I'm actively looking for a job, remote or relocation, any help very much
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