[cfe-dev] How to write a matcher?

Manuel Klimek klimek at google.com
Sat Mar 15 02:23:22 PDT 2014

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:32 PM, Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:

> My apologies to Stephen for not noticing that he was already doing
> what I was suggesting (starting with remove-cstr-calls and modifying).
> In article <lfmm58$e8i$1 at ger.gmane.org>,
>     Stephen Kelly <steveire at gmail.com> writes:
> > From the -ast-dump, it looks like I need to first match a
> > CXXOperatorCallExpr, so I write this matcher:
> >
> >   Finder.addMatcher(
> >       id("match", operatorCallExpr()),
> >       &Callback);
> >
> > which gives me lots of output, mostly from the iostream header. I need to
> > get narrower.
> In my "remove-void-arg" example, I did an extra check to see if
> something was declared extern "C", because we don't want to change
>     extern "C" {
>         int foo(void);
>     }
> into
>     extern "C" {
>         int foo();
>     }
> I'm pretty sure I'd run into the same problem as Stephen once my test
> inputs were broadened from simple cases to real-world code.
> I think this is a general problem -- namely that when you include header
> files, either from the standard library or third party libraries, your
> refactoring tool can match all kinds of code that is in their headers.
> The Visual Assist X add-on for Visual Studio has a way of specifying a
> directory hierarchy of "stable" includes that it ignores for various
> operations, including refactoring operations.  By default, it puts all
> the Visual Studio headers in this stable list.
> I was thinking that a simple filter would be to look at the file
> associated with the source location of the match and if that file
> isn't one of the translation units mentioned in the compilation
> database, then we would discount the match.  This works well for .cpp
> files, but obviously misses header files.
> It sounds like it would be useful to have an AST matcher that provided
> this sort of filtering so you could just include it as an additional
> predicate in your matcher and not have to repeat the work of filtering
> out "uninteresting" source locations.
> I looked on the matchers page and didn't seem to see any matchers that
> filter based on the file origin of a node in the AST.

We usually create all changes and filter either in the match callback
(return early if the source location is in an uninteresting file), or

> > In the -ast-dump output there is a CXXMemberCallExpr nested in the
> > CXXOperatorCallExpr. I make a logical jump at matching that:
> >
> >   Finder.addMatcher(
> >       id("match", operatorCallExpr(memberCallExpr())),
> >       &Callback);
> >
> > However, that produces no output, so my logical jump must be incorrect.
> I think the reason you didn't get a match here is that the structure is:
> CXXOperatorCallExpr
> |-ImplicitCastExpr
> |-DeclRefExpr
> |-CXXOperatorCallExpr
> | |-CXXMemberCallExpr
> <http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html> says that
> operatorCallExpr expects a Matcher<CXXOperatorCallExpr> argument, but
> you supplied memberCallExpr() which returns type Matcher<Stmt>.
> operatorCallExpr() could take hasOverloadedOperatorName() in order to
> narrow it to the specific operator.
> I think then you need to narrow it further based on the arguments to
> the operator.
> I would have to verify this hypothesis by reproducing your experiment,
> but perhaps another list reader with more experience can confirm my
> hypothesis.
> > How does one go about *actually* writing matcher code?
> I did something similar to what you did, but I think this process
> still has some bumps in the road and could be made easier still.
> The first bump I'm trying to help iron out is that the pre-built
> packages don't have everything you need to build refactoring tools.
> (aside: this made me laugh:
> StringLiteral 0x275cc88 <col:17> 'const char [4]' lvalue "wtf")
> --
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