[cfe-dev] Clang 3.5 Release Pre-Pre-Pre-Announcement

Richard legalize at xmission.com
Thu Jun 5 16:19:03 PDT 2014

In article <CAAiZkiBftmmwAu_2hE21SN3heyB4NffosM9mNeJyU46_v+OciA at mail.gmail.com>,
    Gabriel Dos Reis <gdr at integrable-solutions.net> writes:

> The problem was that I expected after running cmake with
> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to have the project files generated only for a
> Release build type.  It turns out CMake does not do that.

Actually, it *would* do this if you were generating a Makefile.  As I
understand it, the Makefiles generated by CMake don't allow for building
multiple configurations from the same Makefile.  You either generate a
Release Makefile or a Debug Makefile.

VS (and probably Xcode) projects support multiple configurations from
the same generated project, so CMake generates all the configurations.
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