[cfe-dev] Question about ASTMatchers

Manuel Klimek klimek at google.com
Mon Feb 24 00:46:22 PST 2014

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 2:53 AM, Christian Schafmeister <
chris.schaf at verizon.net> wrote:

> Dear Manuel,
> Thank you - after banging my head against the wall for a couple of days I
> realized that I needed to extract the template arguments from the
> ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl myself using
> ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl::getTemplateArgs

Btw, I think a patch that factors out the code to print the fully qualified
name including the "expansion" of the last declcontext might be a good idea
to get into NamedDecl anyway.

> I’m writing a program that digs through the 165 C++ source files that is
> the C++ core of my Common Lisp system and analyzes classes and variables to
> construct the interface to a copying, generational garbage collector (the
> Memory-Pool-System (MPS) by Ravenbrook systems).  I’m working on adding
> this garbage collector to my Common Lisp system and I don’t want to do it
> by hand because it would be a huge job to write and maintain.  I have
> hundreds of classes/instantiated template classes and thousands of variable
> declarations that need to be matched to each other in the analysis.
> For instance:
> class Bar {…};
> class Foo {
> smart_ptr<Bar>  _bar;
> };
> void func() {
>     Foo    a;   ;; <- Nothing needs to be defined as a root because
> smart_ptr<Bar> is on the stack and MPS will find it there.
>     Foo*   b = new Foo();  ;; <— MPS needs to be informed that this is a
> root because the *b is on the heap and the smart_ptr<Bar> b->_bar is on the
> heap.
> }
> So I need to analyze every class (matcher: recordDecl(…) ) like Foo and
> classify them whether they store pointers on the heap for the situation
> where an instance is stored on the stack or the heap.  Then I use that info
> to construct the garbage collector interface or print warnings so that I
> can go in and by hand and fix to be compatible with the garbage collector.
> I also need to identify every varDecl() and fieldDecl and match them up to
> their respective RecordDecl.
> I’ve been struggling to construct a unique key for each RecordDecl given
> that I have CXXRecordDecls and instantiated
> ClassTemplateSpecializationDecls all over the place and I need to generate
> matching keys from the type of each varDecl.

There are multiple ways to create a key here:
a) use USRs (http://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/namespaceclang_1_1index.html);
if you want to have source code independent keys, I'd always prefer USRs
above creating some string representation yourself
b) use source locations expanded as string (that's actually what we do for
large scale refactorings since a couple of years now, and it works very

> I can’t use the AST node directly because I’m scanning 165 files and I
> can’t load all of the AST’s into memory at once - that requires tens of
> gigabytes and brings my machine to it’s knees.  Once one file is processed,
> its AST nodes get destroyed so I need to generate keys based on the
> RecordDecl’s names.
> I figured it out though - I wrote these functions (Common Lisp) that
> generate the name of each RecordDecl by checking what kind of RecordDecl it
> is and doing different things based on that.  If it’s a
> ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl it gets the arguments using getTemplateArgs
> and builds a list of argument names and attaches it to the name of the
> template class.
> (defun template-arg-as-string (template-arg)
>   (let* ((template-arg-kind (cast:get-kind template-arg)))
>     (case template-arg-kind
>       (ast-tooling:type
>        (cast:get-as-string (cast:get-as-type template-arg)))
>       (ast-tooling:integral
>        (format nil "INTEGRAL[~a]" (llvm:to-string (cast:get-as-integral
> template-arg) 10 t)))
>       (otherwise
>        (error "Add support for template-arg-as-string of kind: ~a"
> template-arg-kind)))))
> (defun record-key (decl-node)
>   (or decl-node (error "There is a problem, the decl-node is nil"))
>   (case (type-of decl-node)
>     (cast:cxxrecord-decl
>      (format nil "class_~a" (cast:get-name decl-node)))
>     (cast:record-decl
>      (format nil "struct_~a" (cast:get-name decl-node)))
>     (cast:enum-decl
>      (format nil "enum_~a" (cast:get-name decl-node)))
>     (cast:class-template-specialization-decl
>      (let* ((decl-name (cast:get-name decl-node))
>             (template-args (cast:get-template-args decl-node))
>             (template-args-as-list (loop :for i :from 0 :below (cast:size
> template-args)
>                                         :collect (let* ((template-arg
> (cast:template-argument-list-get template-args i)))
>                                                    (template-arg-as-string
> template-arg)))))
>        (format nil "class-template-specialization-decl_~a<~{~a~^,~}>"
> (cast:get-name decl-node) template-args-as-list)))
>     (cast:class-template-partial-specialization-decl
>      (let* ((decl-name (cast:get-name decl-node))
>             (template-args (cast:get-template-args decl-node))
>             (template-args-as-list (loop :for i :from 0 :below (cast:size
> template-args)
>                                         :collect (cast:get-as-string
> (cast:get-as-type (cast:template-argument-list-get template-args i))))))
>        (format nil
> "class-template-partial-specialization-decl_~a<~{~a~^,~}>" (cast:get-name
> decl-node) template-args-as-list)))
>     (otherwise
>      (format t "Add support for record-key for ~a  get-name->~a~%"
> decl-node (cast:get-name decl-node))
>      (break "Check the decl-node"))))
> Christian Schafmeister
> chris.schaf at verizon.net
> On Feb 23, 2014, at 12:31 PM, Manuel Klimek <klimek at google.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Christian Schafmeister <
> chris.schaf at verizon.net> wrote:
>> I’m creating AST Matchers to match recordDecls and varDecls and match the
>> types for the varDecls to recordDecls.
>> In many cases the varDecls are instantiating template classes and some of
>> the template classes are specialized.
>> If I use this matcher:
>> recordDecl(isTemplateInstantiation(),
>> isSameOrDerivedFrom(recordDecl(hasName("BAR")))).bind(“WHOLE”)    —> FOO<A>
>> node
>> or
>> recordDecl(isExplicitTemplateSpecialization(),
>> isSameOrDerivedFrom(recordDecl(hasName("BAR")))).bind(“WHOLE”)   —>
>> FOO<int> node
>> How do I get the full name of the nodes that match and are bound to
>> “WHOLE”?
>> node.getName() —>  “FOO” not “FOO<A>”  or “FOO<int>"
> I don't have a good answer. Generally, getName() (or getNameAsString())
> will print the full declaration for anything that's a declaration context.
> So if you match a member m in FOO, you'd get FOO<int>::m. This will be
> expanded for everything but the last part.
> I don't know whether there's a good way to get the expansion for
> everything. I've never needed it, though; out of curiosity, what do you
> need it for?
>> Here is the sample code:
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> #include <core/foundation.h>
>> #include <core/object.h>
>> #include <core/holder.h>
>> namespace asttooling {
>>     class BAR {};
>>     template<typename T> class FOO : public BAR {};
>>     class A {};
>>     template<> class FOO<int> : public BAR {};
>>     void tinyFunc()
>>     {
>>         FOO<A> xa;
>>         FOO<int> xi;
>>         printf("Hi there, this is tinyFunc @%p %p\n", &xa, &xi);
>>     }
>> };
>> Christian Schafmeister
>> chris.schaf at verizon.net
>> On Feb 20, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Manuel Klimek <klimek at google.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Christian Schafmeister <
>> chris.schaf at verizon.net> wrote:
>>> Manuel,
>>> I completely missed those predicates - thank you!
>>> How do I get the full name of an instantiated template recordDecl?
>>> As in:
>>> template <class T> class X;
>>> class A;
>>> X<A> xa;
>>> If a varDecl(…) matches on xa - how do I get the "X<A>” name?
>> Do you want to "get" it or "match" it. Assuming you want to "get" it,
>> you'd say something like varDecl(hasType(qualType().bind("t"))) (untested
>> ;), and then in the callback extract the QualType and call getAsString() on
>> it.
>>> Best,
>>> .Chris.
>>>  Christian Schafmeister
>>> chris.schaf at verizon.net
>>> On Feb 20, 2014, at 12:53 AM, Manuel Klimek <klimek at google.com> wrote:
>>> hasAncestor(decl(anyOf(recordDecl(
>>>   isTemplateInstantiation()),
>>>   functionDecl(isTemplateInstantiation()))
>>> should do what you want.
>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:01 PM, Christian Schafmeister <
>>> chris.schaf at verizon.net> wrote:
>>>> If I match a varDecl() that is in a method of a template class I get a
>>>> match for the template and instantiated templates
>>>> - is there a way to tell the difference by matching some difference in
>>>> the ancestors of the varDecl node?
>>>> I get a match for the translate::from_object<T> a0(*args);  varDecl in
>>>> the method activate (see below) that has this type:
>>>> from_object<type-parameter-0-0, struct
>>>> std::__1::integral_constant<_Bool, true> >
>>>> I also get a match that I think is from the instantiation
>>>> TestFunctoid<int> j(“test”) in tinyFunc - it has this type: "struct
>>>> translate::from_object<int, std::true_type>"
>>>> There is a clear difference in the name - but I was looking for
>>>> something that didn’t feel like a hack.
>>>> Are there differences in the AST class node for TestFunctoid when it is
>>>> a template class vs when it is an instantiated template class?
>>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>>> #include <core/foundation.h>
>>>> #include <core/object.h>
>>>> #include <core/holder.h>
>>>> namespace asttooling {
>>>>     template<typename T>
>>>>     class TestFunctoid : public core::Functoid {
>>>>     public:
>>>>         TestFunctoid(const string& name) : core::Functoid(name) {};
>>>>         core::T_mv activate( core::const_ActivationFrame_spREF
>>>> closedOverFrame, int numArgs, ArgArray args )
>>>>         {
>>>>             translate::from_object<T> a0(*args);
>>>>             printf( "Address of a0= %p\n", &a0);
>>>>             return Values0<core::T_O>();
>>>>         }
>>>>     };
>>>>     void tinyFunc()
>>>>     {
>>>>         TestFunctoid<int> j("test");
>>>>         TinyStruct x(10);
>>>>         tinyFunc(x);
>>>>         printf("Hi there, this is tinyFunc\n");
>>>>     }
>>>> };
>>>> Christian Schafmeister
>>>> Associate Professor
>>>> Chemistry Department
>>>> Temple University
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