[cfe-dev] [RFC] Approach for C++1y N3639 (runtime-sized arrays with automatic storage duration)

Richard Smith richard at metafoo.co.uk
Thu May 9 15:22:02 PDT 2013

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Chandler Carruth <chandlerc at google.com>wrote:

> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>wrote:
>> Hi!
>> C++1y adds support for arrays of runtime bound (ARBs) to the C++
>> language. These are basically a restricted form of VLA, which can only be
>> used for stack variables, and to which sizeof/decltype/typedef/etc can't be
>> applied (though we'll still support those constructs as a GNU extension).
>> See http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3639.htmlfor details.
>> Under N3639, we are required to throw an exception if the array bound *
>> sizeof(element) calculation overflows, or if the array bound is too small.
>> We're also permitted to call the global operator new/operator delete to
>> acquire storage for the array, if we so choose. VLA stack usage can be
>> problematic in some circumstances (especially in heavily-threaded code), so
>> this may be something we want to pursue. Therefore I'm proposing the
>> following implementation approach:
>> * Add a -farb-stack-limit=N command-line option to control the maximum
>> stack memory which can be used by an ARB. If the ARB doesn't fit in this
>> limit, we use heap allocation instead. By default, there is no limit.
>> * Add a -farb-heap-limit=N command-line option to control the maximum
>> heap memory which can be used by an ARB. If the ARB doesn't fit in this
>> limit, we call __cxa_throw_bad_array_length. By default, the limit is 0
>> (never use heap allocation).
>> * If the bound is erroneous (too small, multiplication overflows, beyond
>> our limit), we call __cxa_throw_bad_array_length. To support old C++ ABI
>> libraries, we emit a weak form of this in every TU which invokes it, and
>> the weak form calls __builtin_trap().
> I really like the ability to automatically defer large allocations to the
> heap. I don't have any specific problems with your proposed interface or
> semantics, but I would really like to work with the GCC community to get
> agreement on the semantics and flag names here (the library routines and
> exception names should I suspect be handled via the ABI group). Too often
> we've have divergence between the two and had to paper over it with
> compatibility layers (-fcolor-diagnostics vs. -fdiagnostics-color ...).
>> Does this seem reasonable? Would we want any part of this checking (for
>> instance, the overflow check + trap) in C, or in C++-before-C++14? Maybe
>> the flags should be -fvla-foo instead of -farb-foo?
> I think it would be very useful to allow (as an extension) applying these
> semantics to VLAs in other language modes. It would suggest:
> 1) It be clearly marked as an extension with flags to control it. I'm OK
> with default-on, but I suspect the better strategy is to make this opt-in.
> 2) I think opting into it should get you the *full* semantic model
> proposed: the crazy things you can do with VLAs that didn't make it into
> C++1y should become errors.

Since C99 doesn't allow initializers for VLAs, if we enable this by default
in C99 mode, then (unless people use the -fvla-* / -farb-* arguments) the
only behavioral difference will be that they get a trap if the
multiplication overflows or the array bound is zero (both of which are UB).
Is that significant enough to require opt-in?

As an aside, we accept arrays with a constant zero length as a GNU
extension, but in C++14 we're required to throw an exception if a dynamic
array bound is zero. How should we handle that?
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