[cfe-dev] Rewriting question

Vincent R. forumer at smartmobili.com
Tue Aug 20 08:38:59 PDT 2013


to be able to rewrite objc code from [myObj someMsg:a withContext:ctx] 
into a java/c# syntax myObj.someMsg_withContext(a, ctx)
do I need to change the "nature" of the ast node and transforms it from 
an iVar into a c++ object that would have
a method named someMsg_withContext ?
IS there any sample code showing how to declare that kind of object ?
Inside RewriteModernObjC.cpp there is some code to synthetize a C 
function (SynthMsgSendFunctionDecl) but do you have some
sample code to generate a c++ method it would help I think.


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