[cfe-dev] Parsing C++ template parameters using cindex.py

Joel de Vahl joel.de.vahl at avalanchestudios.com
Thu Nov 15 01:11:42 PST 2012


I am parsing a C++ file using cindex.py and want to get the template
parameters to a specific node. However, the tree seems to be different
depending on if the template parameter is a struct/class or a simple
type such as int or float. In the first case the template type is
appended as a child to the VAR_DECL node (the TYPE_REF node seen in
the example below), but this is not the case with for example int. Any
hint on where the template type is located for int/float/etc?

/joel de vahl

Example code:

template <typename T>
class Test
        T test;

struct S

Test<int> test_int;
Test<S> test_struct;

Tree dump script:

def DeepPrintType(node, depth = 0):
    tabs = " " * depth
    print tabs + "type"
    print tabs + " kind", node.kind

def DeepPrint(node, depth = 0):
    tabs = " " * depth
    print tabs + "cursor", node.spelling
    print tabs + " location", node.location
    node_type_res = node.type.get_result()

    print tabs + " result", node_type_res.kind
    print tabs + " kind", node.kind
    DeepPrintType(node.type, depth + 1)
    print tabs + " xdata", node.xdata
    print tabs + " data", node.data[0], node.data[1], node.data[2]

    print tabs + " children"
    children = [c for c in node.get_children()]
    for c in children:
        DeepPrint(c, depth + 2)

index = Index.create()
tu = index.parse(None, ['testfile.cpp'])
children = [c for c in tu.cursor.get_children() if c.kind ==
for c in children:

Dump output:

cursor test_int
 location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 11, column 11>
 result TypeKind.INVALID
 kind CursorKind.VAR_DECL
  kind TypeKind.UNEXPOSED
 xdata 0
 data 48356112 1 4106544
  cursor None
   location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 11, column 1>
   result TypeKind.INVALID
   kind CursorKind.TEMPLATE_REF
    kind TypeKind.INVALID
   xdata 0
   data 48201424 75 4106544
  cursor None
   location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 11, column 11>
   result TypeKind.INVALID
   kind CursorKind.CALL_EXPR
    kind TypeKind.UNEXPOSED
   xdata 0
   data 48356112 48357480 4106544

cursor test_struct
 location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 12, column 9>
 result TypeKind.INVALID
 kind CursorKind.VAR_DECL
  kind TypeKind.UNEXPOSED
 xdata 0
 data 48358032 1 4106544
  cursor None
   location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 12, column 1>
   result TypeKind.INVALID
   kind CursorKind.TEMPLATE_REF
    kind TypeKind.INVALID
   xdata 0
   data 48201424 96 4106544
  cursor None
   location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 12, column 6>
   result TypeKind.INVALID
   kind CursorKind.TYPE_REF
    kind TypeKind.RECORD
   xdata 0
   data 48355056 101 4106544
  cursor None
   location <SourceLocation file 'testfile.cpp', line 12, column 9>
   result TypeKind.INVALID
   kind CursorKind.CALL_EXPR
    kind TypeKind.UNEXPOSED
   xdata 0
   data 48358032 48415208 4106544
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