[cfe-dev] Building llvmgcc using MinGW64

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Mon Sep 26 03:12:38 PDT 2011

26.09.2011, 13:29, "陈晓宇" <xychen0921 at gmail.com>:
> Thanks for your reply. The problem is we were not using pure llvmgcc(otherwise we should be able to use gcc4.6+dragonegg, I think), and a lot changes were made to llvmgcc for our own purpose. If we switch our compiler to clang, there will be a lot of manual patch work... 

Do you mean that your custom code in llvm-gcc is GCC-only and incompatible with Clang? You are not supposed to use Clang instead of your llvm-gcc version, but only to compile it.


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