[cfe-dev] [PATCH] Libc++ Windows fixes

Sean Hunt rideau3 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 18:57:59 PDT 2011

On 11-06-28 12:15 PM, Ruben Van Boxem wrote:
> The cerrno macro's are from Boost, so "yes, they are correct", and
> "no, there are no license restrictions whatsoever". The _strto*_l
> functions are available on Windows msvcrt version 7. That's the
> default somewhere Vista/7-ish, so those aren't available on XP. I
> believe the Linux locale patch also takes into consideration providing
> a Windows alternative with little or no modification.

Boost libraries are not necessarily under the BSL, and the copyright 
disclaimer requires reproduction in order to take BSLed code. I don't 
think Chris Lattner wants to mix in foreign-licensed code for that reason.


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