[cfe-dev] Proposal for statistic UncheckedReturnValue checker

章磊 ioripolo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 19:25:02 PDT 2010

Hi Ted,

2010/10/25 Ted Kremenek <kremenek at apple.com>

> On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:37 PM, 章磊 wrote:
> > Hi clang,
> >
> > Now in UncheckedReturnValue checker we check whether some functions drop
> privileges successfully. It's the most critical case of
> UncheckedReturnValue. But it seems that UncheckedReturnValue checker should
> check many other cases. For example, the return values of "malloc",
> "pthread_mutex_lock".
> Hi Lei,
> We may wish to extend this check to accept a list of functions whose values
> need to be checked (and how they should be checked).  This could possibly be
> provided by the user, or a something we just '#include'.  I disagree that
> checking the return value of 'malloc' is an invariant that all codebases
> care about, so some fine-grain control from the user might be necessary in
> order to make this useful.
Make  sense.

> > And there may be another aspect that UncheckedReturnValue checker should
> check. In user defined function, there are some that their return value
> should always be checked, but we can't figure out whether a return value
> should be checked without user specification. So here is a proposal for
> statistic UncheckedReturnValue checker: when most(e.g. 85%) return values of
> a function are checked, this checker flags the unchecked return values as
> defects.
> >
> > For the second part, IMO we may need some thing like a simple symbol
> table to store how may return values of a function are checked and also the
> reference loc(is there any structure i can use, or i should store this in
> GDM? ). And then do the check and bug report in VisitEndAnalysis.
> >
> > How does these sounds?
> I'm a huge fan of these kinds of statistical checks (for background, it was
> a big part of my thesis work in graduate school).  I don't think the
> approach, however, is going to work without accumulating data across
> multiple functions (and most likely, multiple files) since your sample size
> will be way too small to draw statistically significant conclusions.
> For example, without a sample size of at least 7 you won't even be able to
> flag anything, as with 5/6 ≈ 0.83, and 6/7 ≈ 0.857.  The means in order to
> get a frequency of greater than 0.85 (but less than 1) you will need to see
> the return value checked at least 7 times within a function.  Except for
> very large functions you're simply not going to get enough data.  Right now
> 'VisitEndAnalysis' is only called when a GRExprEngine instance is done
> analyzing a single function; to properly do this check, you'd probably need
> to look at the functions analyzed across an entire codebase.
> In general, I also think sample size needs to be taken into account to
> accurately take into account the statistical confidence.  While 7
> observations is probably good enough for most cases, it might not always be,
> and in other cases it might be way more data than you need to flag something
> as a warning (i.e., in the cases that "coincidence" isn't very likely at
> all).  By taking into account sample size (either using traditional
> statistical or Bayesian techniques), one can actually compute an accurate
> confidence measure of how likely the deviation is truly a bug.
> Accurately reasoning about sample size, however, is mostly a matter of
> refinement.  The immediate problem is collecting the data.  Right now we
> have no good apparatus for doing whole-program checks, or even checks that
> aggregate results from analyzing all the functions in a translation unit.
>  Both are things we want to be able to do, but it requires extending the
> current checking infrastructure.
> Ted

Thanks very much for your reply.

The statistical checkers are more complicate than i thought. I think more
background research is needed for me.

According to your words, i think we can separate statistical check to two
steps: First begin a statistical check from analyzing a translation unit,
and then move to the entire codebase.

It's something like what need in inter-procedural analysis and whole program
analysis(inter-file analysis). But statistical check needs much less
information than the latter(in statistical check we don't need function
summary or serialized AST, right?), so maybe we need a mechanism independent
of the "inter" analysis?

Best regards!

Lei Zhang
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