[cfe-dev] linking question

रजनीश rdogra at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 29 20:06:33 PDT 2009

Sorry for what might be naive question.

So I have the following command:

/usr/bin/g++ -I. -I./include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -arch i386 -fno- 
common -pipe -O3 -g -Wall -fexceptions -Wno-parentheses -Wno- 
deprecated-declarations -Werror array.o bignum.o class.o compar.o  
complex.o enum.o enumerator.o error.o eval.o file.o load.o proc.o gc.o  
hash.o inits.o io.o math.o numeric.o object.o pack.o parse.o prec.o  
dir.o process.o random.o range.o rational.o re.o regcomp.o regenc.o  
regerror.o regexec.o regparse.o regsyntax.o ruby.o set.o signal.o  
sprintf.o st.o string.o struct.o time.o transcode.o util.o variable.o  
version.o thread.o id.o objc.o bs.o encoding.o main.o dln.o dmyext.o  
enc/ascii.o vm_eval.o miniprelude.o gc-stub.o roxor.o -L/Volumes/Rafi/ 
llvm/Release/lib  -lpthread -lm /Volumes/Rafi/llvm/Release/lib/ 
LLVMX86CodeGen.o -lLLVMSelectionDAG -lLLVMAsmPrinter /Volumes/Rafi/ 
llvm/Release/lib/LLVMExecutionEngine.o /Volumes/Rafi/llvm/Release/lib/ 
LLVMJIT.o -lLLVMCodeGen -lLLVMScalarOpts -lLLVMTransformUtils - 
lLLVMipa -lLLVMAnalysis -lLLVMTarget -lLLVMCore -lLLVMSupport - 
lLLVMSystem -lpthread -ldl -lxml2 -lobjc -lffi -lauto -framework  
Foundation -o miniruby

And when I replace g++ with clang, I get a lot of unresolved symbols  
pertaining to c++ objects in one .o file (rest of .o are created via  
Is this reasonable or am I doing something wrong?

I did notice that -flto and -O4 is disabled in clang.  Is this going  
to be in for 1.0?
I want to try to see if it makes any difference on the above.  Do I  
need to update my system ld with what?

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