[cfe-dev] PATCH: Overloaded function declarations in C++

Doug Gregor doug.gregor at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 22:32:06 PDT 2008

This patch implements support for declaring overloaded functions. For
example, one can now write

  void f();
  void f(int);
  void f(int, float);

and have these functions overloaded appropriately. Name lookup for "f"
will refer to the overload set, although at this point you can't actually do
anything with the overload set (that patch is coming later).

All of the semantic analysis required to distinguish between
redeclarations and overloads is implemented. Most of the interesting
logic is in the new Sema::IsOverload, which determines whether two
function declarations are overloaded and in Sema::MergeFunctionDecl,
which produces diagnostics when two function declarations with the
same signature (meaning: they aren't overloads) aren't declaring the
same function.

The new OverloadedFunctionDecl class stores a set of overloaded
functions. It's generated by Sema when one declares an overload of an
existing function. Name bindings for functions can refer to
OverloadedFunctionDecl nodes, which will store all of the functions in
that scope with that name.

Patch notes:

- An OverloadedFunctionDecl never owns the FunctionDecls it
  stores. The scope where those FunctionDecls were declared owns
  them. However, who owns the OverloadedFunctionDecl? It's required
  for semantic analysis, and will need to be retained for use in
  qualified name lookup later, but it doesn't belong with all of the
  decls written by users.

- The type of an OverloadedFunctionDecl is a special builtin
  "Overload" type, used as a placeholder for OverloadedFunctionDecls.

- When we redeclare a function, we now replace the existing name
  binding for that function with the new declaration. This way, there
  will only be one name binding for a given function in a given scope
  at a time, rather than one for each (re)declaration of that
  function. (This is important for function overloading, because we
  don't want redeclarations to look like overloads). In this patch,
  all of the function declarations and redeclarations show up as they
  always have, the AST will contain references to whichever function
  declaration was active that the time that part of the AST was
  generated [*], but we don't end up with multiple bindings to the
  same function in the same scope.

[*] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/cfe-dev/2008-May/001801.html

- When we overload a function, we replace the existing name binding
  (which will point to a FunctionDecl) with an OverloadedFunctionDecl
  that contains the original FunctionDecl and the new FunctionDecl.

- In C++ mode, we now create a FunctionTypeProto for "void f()" rather
  than a FunctionTypeNoProto.

Comments greatly appreciated.

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