[cfe-dev] token caching ("PCH")

Cédric Venet cedric.venet at laposte.net
Wed Oct 22 01:08:43 PDT 2008

Ted Kremenek a écrit :
> In the long term the leading idea on the table is to implement PCH via 
> lazy deserialization of ASTs.  This means you only deserialize the 
> pieces of the header that you actually need. 

I can see this is an ambitious project. Implementing this would also 
help greatly with implementing module in C++ 
(http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2316.pdf). A 
very interesting proposal, but too complex (to implement) to be accepted 
in C++0x :(.

 > [...]

thanks for your detailed answer.



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