[cfe-dev] Parser Stmt/Expr Owning Pointer

Sebastian Redl sebastian.redl at getdesigned.at
Tue Dec 9 10:10:29 PST 2008

Howard Hinnant wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Sebastian Redl wrote:
>> The advantage of this is that I can pass my pointer's mover to a  
>> function that is updated to take my pointer as easily as I can pass  
>> it to a function that still takes a raw pointer, with no change in  
>> the caller's syntax. Since the update is the business of the callee,  
>> I don't see this as unsafe, I see it as convenient.
>> We're not redefining ownership here, we're just trying to enforce  
>> the existing rules through the type system. So the caller moves the  
>> pointer to the callee, no matter how the callee decides to handle it  
>> further.
> People have been warning against implicit conversions from smart  
> pointers to raw pointers for a very long time...
> http://www.aristeia.com/Papers/C++ReportColumns/jun96.pdf
>> The bottom line is simple: don’t provide implicit conversion  
>> operators to dumb point-
>> ers unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
> Scott Meyers, 1996.
> I realize you're only converting implicitly from an ASTMove (result of  
> member move).  However this is at least conceptually the same as  
> implicitly converting from an rvalue smart pointer.
But I the main objections to the implicit conversion in the article are 
technical, not conceptual. And technically, it's not at all the same, 
because you always have to call move() first.


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