[cfe-dev] Two style questions

James Widman widman at gimpel.com
Sat Nov 10 12:19:34 PST 2007

On Nov 10, 2007, at 2:42 PM, Cédric Venet wrote:

> I know you don't want to create dependency on boost [...]

Is there really an aversion to all things Boost here?

Some things are often obviously better done with it.  For example,  
see the boost operator header:


It's pretty tame as boost headers go:  It's short and it doesn't  
depend on the MPL (or anything as mind-bending).  And if you're going  
to write an operator function, it seems like you should at least  
explain to yourself why you think your approach is better.

James Widman
Gimpel Software

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