<html><body><p><tt>Hal Finkel <hfinkel@anl.gov> wrote on 09.02.2016 04:59:21:<br><br>> We generally notice this when we try to use some part of the C++ <br>> standard library (std::atomic or std::thread as I recall). Could we <br>> have something in the test-suite that uses that functionality in a <br>> way likely to expose this bug?<br></tt><br><tt>Well, when I looked into it, the problem was already in the</tt><br><tt>std::thread constructor, which sets up a data structure incorrectly</tt><br><tt>so that the new thread immediately crashes on startup.</tt><br><br><tt>I guess any application that uses C++11 threads should show this</tt><br><tt>problem immediately.</tt><br><br><tt>Bye,</tt><br><tt>Ulrich</tt><br><BR>