Hello,<br><br>the enclosed patch adds support for gcc4.5.2 in mingw, supposing the msys shell.<br><br>I was surprised to see that the path for MinGW is hard-coded to c:/MinGW (which didn't work for me as I installed it on my d: drive....) and was wondering if there was a more "universal" path to access MinGW.<br>
<br>Using msys I can access it thanks to /mingw, regardless of where it's physically stored, which is much more pleasant... but I guess doesn't work without msys.<br><br>If the paths are inconsistent between MinGW and msys, then I was wondering if it would be suitable to add a Msys Triple ?<br>
<br>Anyway this patch adds gcc 4.5.2 in the list of paths to search, feel free to mingwise the paths / remove the msys path if you feel like it.<br><br>Regards,<br>Matthieu.<br>