[PATCH] D64562: [clangd] Fixed toHalfOpenFileRange

Shaurya Gupta via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 11 16:07:50 PDT 2019

SureYeaah added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SourceCodeTests.cpp:410
+// Test for functions toHalfOpenFileRange and getHalfOpenFileRange
+// FIXME: Need better testing support to be able to check more than just Decls.
+TEST(SourceCodeTests, HalfOpenFileRange) {
sammccall wrote:
> this is a function on ranges, so only using decls isn't a limitation per se.
> Is there a type of range you're unable to test because you can't construct it as the source range of a decl? If so, please say which. If not I think we should just drop this comment.
e.g. Nested template instantiation (TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SourceCodeTests.cpp:421
+      $c[[FOO(b, c)]]; 
+      $d[[FOO(BAR(BAR(b)), d)]];
+    }
sammccall wrote:
> some tests where the expansion range is a macro arg? e.g.
> ```
> #define ECHO(X) X
> ECHO($e[[ECHO(int) ECHO(e)]])
> ```
> (if I'm understanding right)
In this case, the FileRange would be

ECHO(ECHO($e[[int) ECHO(e]]));

So the code works correctly. But it's not how we want it to behave right?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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