[PATCH] D41648: [clang-tidy] implement cppcoreguidelines macro rules

Aaron Ballman via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Apr 17 07:45:08 PDT 2018

aaron.ballman added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D41648#1047799, @JonasToth wrote:

> I checked several codebases and implemented a little helper script to see which kind of macros exist. Then I added some filter regex as configuration and tried again, here are the results:
> For https://github.com/nlohmann/json which is a very high quality codebase, the results were as expected: very clean, and good macro usage: (except a `#define private public` for tests)
> Filter: `JSON*|NLOHMANN*`
>  F5913499: all_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913499>
> F5913498: filtered_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913498>
> CMake on the other hand uses many macros and don't obey CAPS_ONLY rules for all macros.
> Filter:  `_FILE_OFFSET_BITS|AE_*|ARCHIVE_*|cal_*|CMAKE_*|cm*|CM_*|CPP_*|CURL*|E_*|exp_*|F90*|jp*|JSON_*|KW*|kw*|O_*|REQ_*|UV_*|YY*|yy*|Z_*`

This is a pretty long list of macro patterns to have to filter, but doesn't look to problematic.

> F5913502: warned_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913502>
> F5913501: filtered_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913501>
> OpenCV isn't clean either, here the results:
> Filter: `ASSERT*|ALL*|CAL*|CC*|CALC*|calc*|CL*|cl*|CUDA*|CV*|cv*|EXPECT*|GTEST*|FUNCTOR*|HAVE*|ICV*|IPL*|IPP*|ipp*|__itt*|ITT*|JAS*|jas*|MESSAGE*|MAX*|OCL*|opengl*|OPENCV*|TYP*`

This one worries me a bit more because of patterns like `cl*` and `calc*` -- those seem like they're not uncommon and the pattern may silence otherwise valid diagnostics.

> F5913504: all_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913504>
> F5913503: filtered_modules_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913503>
> libtorrent https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent has reasonable macro usage
> F5913519: filtered_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913519>
> F5913518: all_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913518>
> LLVM lib/ defines many macros, almost all of them are ALL_CAPS
> F5913505: all_lib_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913505>
>  F5913528: filtered_lib_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913528>
> LLVM tools/ is a similar story
> F5913566: all_tools_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913566>
> F5913565: filtered_tools_macros.txt <https://reviews.llvm.org/F5913565>
> @aaron.ballman Would you like to see other projects checked? I think this is a starting point for now.

I think this is a good starting point. It's certainly demonstrated that even clean projects cannot conform to the C++ Core Guidelines.

> My opinion based on what i see is
> - maybe two modes for this check make sense, having one requiring CAPS_ONLY and the currently implemented stricter check. This allows easier migration to safer macro usage

I think I agree.

> - it is possible to reduce macro usage to a minimal amount, and the complex macros like AST stuff can be filtered with the regex. Furthermore, restricting all macros to a "macro namespace" is possible for sure.

I'm not certain I understand what you mean by "macro namespace". Can you clarify?

I'm still a bit worried about using regex to filter the results. It seems like any real world project is going to require somewhere between a reasonable and an unreasonable amount of configuration to reduce the noise. Perhaps as a first pass, however, it will suffice. Hopefully we can add other heuristics to reduce the false positives as we see patterns emerge from real world usage.

> Things I would like to add to the check:
> - my little filtering script is valuable for developers, that want to address the macro issue. It should be added to the docs and everyone can make something based on that. It will be linux centered.

Why does the usage need to be limited to Linux?

> - enforcing ALL_CAPS, including its usage

What does "including its usage" mean?

> - (adding a prefix to all macro, passing the filter, including its usage)
>   Code transformation has the problems of scope and potentially breaking code badly, because clang-tidy wasn't run over all of the code.
> The check is chatty, as expected, because macros in header files, especially central ones, pollute everything. That is the reason for the check, too. 
>  Overall I am still in favor of this approach, seeing some obscure macros that should be replaced with actual language features (like overloading, .inline functions, constants, ...) in the checked codebases.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


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