[PATCH] Fix printing of C style casts with suppressed specifiers

Nick Sumner nick.sumner at gmail.com
Sun May 31 02:20:41 PDT 2015

Hi all,

The attached patch allows C style casts to be printed correctly even
when the incoming PrintingPolicy suppresses specifiers. This can
happen, for instance, when casts occur during the initialization of
variables inside a DeclGroup. Given the code:
void foo() {
  int *x = ((void *)0), *y = ((void *)0);

The casts are printed as:
int *x = ((void *)0), *y = ((*)0);

Note that the second cast lacks 'void' because specifiers are
suppressed when printing members of the declgroup (after the first).

With the patch, the casts are printed as:
int *x = ((void *)0), *y = ((void *)0);

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