[PATCH] Add FreeBSD kernel printf extensions

Dimitry Andric dimitry at andric.com
Mon Jan 26 23:57:14 PST 2015

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D7154#113752, @hans wrote:

> I would prefer to pass in the FormatStringType instead of a bool though.

Yes, I would have preferred that too, but since FormatStringType comes from include/clang/Sema/Sema.h, and the actual usage is in lib/Analysis/PrintfFormatString.cpp, I'd have to add includes to that latter file, and prefix everything with Sema:: there.  It just made it all more messy, and I tried to avoid that.

I also thought of putting the FormatStringType into the CheckPrintfHandler class, to eliminate the need of passing this information via function parameters.  But that leads to ugly upcasting (from FormatStringHandler up to CheckPrintfHandler) in lib/Analysis/PrintfFormatString.cpp again... I'm not sure what a good solution is for that.  You also cannot put the FormatStringType into the FormatStringHandler class itself, since it does not really belong there.



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