[PATCH] FreeBSD AArch64 support

Tim Northover t.p.northover at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 06:45:05 PST 2014

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for adding the tests.

> These should be as described in the AArch64 ABI documentation. There
> should be no need to differ without a good reason.

That's good (I'm not a fan of putting custom tweaks on the documented
ABI, really, though it does happen -- Darwin always has signed char,
for example, no matter what the CPU ABI says).

But I don't think the documented ABI covers everything, and it also
explicitly leaves a few choices to the platform. The key one you'll
want to check is the AAPCS:

The choices I'm aware of within that document are:
   + what is size_t?
   + What's the status of x18?
   + What frame records do you mandate?
   + How big is wchar_t?

But it's been a while so I may have missed some. Exactly which type
gets to be uint64_t is also ABI-visible (E.g. in C++ name manglings)
but not specifically mentioned.

I've looked at the choices in the test, and they all seem sensible to
me so go ahead and commit if you like.



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