r211101 - Rewrite ARM NEON intrinsic emission completely.

James Molloy james.molloy at arm.com
Tue Jun 17 06:11:27 PDT 2014

Author: jamesm
Date: Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
New Revision: 211101

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=211101&view=rev
Rewrite ARM NEON intrinsic emission completely.

There comes a time in the life of any amateur code generator when dumb string
concatenation just won't cut it any more. For NeonEmitter.cpp, that time has

There were a bunch of magic type codes which meant different things depending on
the context. There were a bunch of special cases that really had no reason to be
there but the whole thing was so creaky that removing them would cause something
weird to fall over. There was a 1000 line switch statement for code generation
involving string concatenation, which actually did lexical scoping to an extent
(!!) with a bunch of semi-repeated cases.

I tried to refactor this three times in three different ways without
success. The only way forward was to rewrite the entire thing. Luckily the
testing coverage on this stuff is absolutely massive, both with regression tests
and the "emperor" random test case generator.

The main change is that previously, in arm_neon.td a bunch of "Operation"s were
defined with special names. NeonEmitter.cpp knew about these Operations and
would emit code based on a huge switch. Actually this doesn't make much sense -
the type information was held as strings, so type checking was impossible. Also
TableGen's DAG type actually suits this sort of code generation very well
(surprising that...)

So now every operation is defined in terms of TableGen DAGs. There are a bunch
of operators to use, including "op" (a generic unary or binary operator), "call"
(to call other intrinsics) and "shuffle" (take a guess...). One of the main
advantages of this apart from making it more obvious what is going on, is that
we have proper type inference. This has two obvious advantages:

  1) TableGen can error on bad intrinsic definitions easier, instead of just
     generating wrong code.
  2) Calls to other intrinsics are typechecked too. So
     we no longer need to work out whether the thing we call needs to be the Q-lane
     version or the D-lane version - TableGen knows that itself!

Here's an example: before:

  case OpAbdl: {
    std::string abd = MangleName("vabd", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, __b)";
    if (typestr[0] != 'U') {
      // vabd results are always unsigned and must be zero-extended.
      std::string utype = "U" + typestr.str();
      s += "(" + TypeString(proto[0], typestr) + ")";
      abd = "(" + TypeString('d', utype) + ")" + abd;
      s += Extend(utype, abd) + ";";
    } else {
      s += Extend(typestr, abd) + ";";


  def OP_ABDL     : Op<(cast "R", (call "vmovl", (cast $p0, "U",
                                                       (call "vabd", $p0, $p1))))>;

As an example of what happens if you do something wrong now, here's what happens
if you make $p0 unsigned before the call to "vabd" - that is, $p0 -> (cast "U",

arm_neon.td:574:1: error: No compatible intrinsic found - looking up intrinsic 'vabd(uint8x8_t, int8x8_t)'
Available overloads:
  - float64x2_t vabdq_v(float64x2_t, float64x2_t)
  - float64x1_t vabd_v(float64x1_t, float64x1_t)
  - float64_t vabdd_f64(float64_t, float64_t)
  - float32_t vabds_f32(float32_t, float32_t)
... snip ...

This makes it seriously easy to work out what you've done wrong in fairly nasty

As part of this I've massively beefed up the documentation in arm_neon.td too.

Things still to do / on the radar:
  - Testcase generation. This was implemented in the previous version and not in
    the new one, because
    - Autogenerated tests are not being run. The testcase in test/ differs from
      the autogenerated version.
    - There were a whole slew of special cases in the testcase generation that just
      felt (and looked) like hacks.
    If someone really feels strongly about this, I can try and reimplement it too.
  - Big endian. That's coming soon and should be a very small diff on top of this one.


Modified: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/arm_neon.td
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/arm_neon.td?rev=211101&r1=211100&r2=211101&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/arm_neon.td (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/include/clang/Basic/arm_neon.td Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
@@ -11,139 +11,256 @@
 //  file will be generated.  See ARM document DUI0348B.
+// Each intrinsic is a subclass of the Inst class. An intrinsic can either
+// generate a __builtin_* call or it can expand to a set of generic operations.
+// The operations are subclasses of Operation providing a list of DAGs, the
+// last of which is the return value. The available DAG nodes are documented
+// below.
+// The base Operation class. All operations must subclass this.
+class Operation<list<dag> ops=[]> {
+  list<dag> Ops = ops;
+  bit Unavailable = 0;
+// An operation that only contains a single DAG.
+class Op<dag op> : Operation<[op]>;
+// A shorter version of Operation - takes a list of DAGs. The last of these will
+// be the return value.
+class LOp<list<dag> ops> : Operation<ops>;
+// These defs and classes are used internally to implement the SetTheory
+// expansion and should be ignored.
+foreach Index = 0-63 in
+  def sv##Index;
+class MaskExpand;
+// Available operations
-class Op;
+// DAG arguments can either be operations (documented below) or variables.
+// Variables are prefixed with '$'. There are variables for each input argument,
+// with the name $pN, where N starts at zero. So the zero'th argument will be
+// $p0, the first $p1 etc.
+// op - Binary or unary operator, depending on the number of arguments. The
+//      operator itself is just treated as a raw string and is not checked.
+// example: (op "+", $p0, $p1) -> "__p0 + __p1".
+//          (op "-", $p0)      -> "-__p0"
+def op;
+// call - Invoke another intrinsic. The input types are type checked and
+//        disambiguated. If there is no intrinsic defined that takes
+//        the given types (or if there is a type ambiguity) an error is
+//        generated at tblgen time. The name of the intrinsic is the raw
+//        name as given to the Inst class (not mangled).
+// example: (call "vget_high", $p0) -> "vgetq_high_s16(__p0)"
+//            (assuming $p0 has type int16x8_t).
+def call;
+// cast - Perform a cast to a different type. This gets emitted as a static
+//        C-style cast. For a pure reinterpret cast (T x = *(T*)&y), use
+//        "bitcast".
+//        The syntax is (cast MOD* VAL). The last argument is the value to
+//        cast, preceded by a sequence of type modifiers. The target type
+//        starts off as the type of VAL, and is modified by MOD in sequence.
+//        The available modifiers are:
+//          - $X  - Take the type of parameter/variable X. For example:
+//                  (cast $p0, $p1) would cast $p1 to the type of $p0.
+//          - "R" - The type of the return type.
+//          - A typedef string - A NEON or stdint.h type that is then parsed.
+//                               for example: (cast "uint32x4_t", $p0).
+//          - "U" - Make the type unsigned.
+//          - "S" - Make the type signed.
+//          - "H" - Halve the number of lanes in the type.
+//          - "D" - Double the number of lanes in the type.
+//          - "8" - Convert type to an equivalent vector of 8-bit signed
+//                  integers.
+// example: (cast "R", "U", $p0) -> "(uint32x4_t)__p0" (assuming the return
+//           value is of type "int32x4_t".
+//          (cast $p0, "D", "8", $p1) -> "(int8x16_t)__p1" (assuming __p0
+//           has type float64x1_t or any other vector type of 64 bits).
+//          (cast "int32_t", $p2) -> "(int32_t)__p2"
+def cast;
+// bitcast - Same as "cast", except a reinterpret-cast is produced:
+//             (bitcast "T", $p0) -> "*(T*)&__p0".
+//           The VAL argument is saved to a temprary so it can be used
+//           as an l-value.
+def bitcast;
+// dup - Take a scalar argument and create a vector by duplicating it into
+//       all lanes. The type of the vector is the base type of the intrinsic.
+// example: (dup $p1) -> "(uint32x2_t) {__p1, __p1}" (assuming the base type
+//          is uint32x2_t).
+def dup;
+// splat - Take a vector and a lane index, and return a vector of the same type
+//         containing repeated instances of the source vector at the lane index.
+// example: (splat $p0, $p1) ->
+//            "__builtin_shufflevector(__p0, __p0, __p1, __p1, __p1, __p1)"
+//          (assuming __p0 has four elements).
+def splat;
+// save_temp - Create a temporary (local) variable. The variable takes a name
+//             based on the zero'th parameter and can be referenced using
+//             using that name in subsequent DAGs in the same
+//             operation. The scope of a temp is the operation. If a variable
+//             with the given name already exists, an error will be given at
+//             tblgen time.
+// example: [(save_temp $var, (call "foo", $p0)),
+//           (op "+", $var, $p1)] ->
+//              "int32x2_t __var = foo(__p0); return __var + __p1;"
+def save_temp;
+// name_replace - Return the name of the current intrinsic with the first
+//                argument replaced by the second argument. Raises an error if
+//                the first argument does not exist in the intrinsic name.
+// example: (call (name_replace "_high_", "_"), $p0) (to call the non-high
+//            version of this intrinsic).
+def name_replace;
+// literal - Create a literal piece of code. The code is treated as a raw
+//           string, and must be given a type. The type is a stdint.h or
+//           NEON intrinsic type as given to (cast).
+// example: (literal "int32_t", "0")
+def literal;
+// shuffle - Create a vector shuffle. The syntax is (shuffle ARG0, ARG1, MASK).
+//           The MASK argument is a set of elements. The elements are generated
+//           from the two special defs "mask0" and "mask1". "mask0" expands to
+//           the lane indices in sequence for ARG0, and "mask1" expands to
+//           the lane indices in sequence for ARG1. They can be used as-is, e.g.
+//             (shuffle $p0, $p1, mask0) -> $p0
+//             (shuffle $p0, $p1, mask1) -> $p1
+//           or, more usefully, they can be manipulated using the SetTheory
+//           operators plus some extra operators defined in the NEON emitter.
+//           The operators are described below.
+// example: (shuffle $p0, $p1, (add (highhalf mask0), (highhalf mask1))) ->
+//            A concatenation of the high halves of the input vectors.
+def shuffle;
+// add, interleave, decimate: These set operators are vanilla SetTheory
+// operators and take their normal definition.
+def add;
+def interleave;
+def decimate;
+// rotl - Rotate set left by a number of elements.
+// example: (rotl mask0, 3) -> [3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2]
+def rotl;
+// rotl - Rotate set right by a number of elements.
+// example: (rotr mask0, 3) -> [4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3]
+def rotr;
+// highhalf - Take only the high half of the input.
+// example: (highhalf mask0) -> [4, 5, 6, 7] (assuming mask0 had 8 elements)
+def highhalf;
+// highhalf - Take only the low half of the input.
+// example: (lowhalf mask0) -> [0, 1, 2, 3] (assuming mask0 had 8 elements)
+def lowhalf;
+// rev - Perform a variable-width reversal of the elements. The zero'th argument
+//       is a width in bits to reverse. The lanes this maps to is determined
+//       based on the element width of the underlying type.
+// example: (rev 32, mask0) -> [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4] (if 8-bit elements)
+// example: (rev 32, mask0) -> [1, 0, 3, 2]             (if 16-bit elements)
+def rev;
+// mask0 - The initial sequence of lanes for shuffle ARG0
+def mask0 : MaskExpand;
+// mask0 - The initial sequence of lanes for shuffle ARG1
+def mask1 : MaskExpand;
+def OP_NONE  : Operation;
+def OP_UNAVAILABLE : Operation {
+  let Unavailable = 1;
-def OP_NONE  : Op;
-def OP_ADD   : Op;
-def OP_ADDL  : Op;
-def OP_ADDLHi : Op;
-def OP_ADDW  : Op;
-def OP_ADDWHi : Op;
-def OP_SUB   : Op;
-def OP_SUBL  : Op;
-def OP_SUBLHi : Op;
-def OP_SUBW  : Op;
-def OP_SUBWHi : Op;
-def OP_MUL   : Op;
-def OP_MLA   : Op;
-def OP_MLAL  : Op;
-def OP_MULLHi : Op;
-def OP_MULLHi_P64 : Op;
-def OP_MULLHi_N : Op;
-def OP_MLALHi : Op;
-def OP_MLALHi_N : Op;
-def OP_MLS   : Op;
-def OP_MLSL  : Op;
-def OP_MLSLHi : Op;
-def OP_MLSLHi_N : Op;
-def OP_MUL_N : Op;
-def OP_MLA_N : Op;
-def OP_MLS_N : Op;
-def OP_FMLA_N : Op;
-def OP_FMLS_N : Op;
-def OP_MLAL_N : Op;
-def OP_MLSL_N : Op;
-def OP_MUL_LN: Op;
-def OP_MULX_LN: Op;
-def OP_MULL_LN : Op;
-def OP_MULLHi_LN : Op;
-def OP_MLA_LN: Op;
-def OP_MLS_LN: Op;
-def OP_MLAL_LN : Op;
-def OP_MLALHi_LN : Op;
-def OP_MLSL_LN : Op;
-def OP_MLSLHi_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMULL_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMULLHi_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMLAL_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMLALHi_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMLSL_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMLSLHi_LN : Op;
-def OP_QDMULH_LN : Op;
-def OP_QRDMULH_LN : Op;
-def OP_FMS_LN : Op;
-def OP_FMS_LNQ : Op;
-def OP_TRN1  : Op;
-def OP_ZIP1  : Op;
-def OP_UZP1  : Op;
-def OP_TRN2  : Op;
-def OP_ZIP2  : Op;
-def OP_UZP2  : Op;
-def OP_EQ    : Op;
-def OP_GE    : Op;
-def OP_LE    : Op;
-def OP_GT    : Op;
-def OP_LT    : Op;
-def OP_NEG   : Op;
-def OP_NOT   : Op;
-def OP_AND   : Op;
-def OP_OR    : Op;
-def OP_XOR   : Op;
-def OP_ANDN  : Op;
-def OP_ORN   : Op;
-def OP_CAST  : Op;
-def OP_HI    : Op;
-def OP_LO    : Op;
-def OP_CONC  : Op;
-def OP_DUP   : Op;
-def OP_DUP_LN: Op;
-def OP_SEL   : Op;
-def OP_REV64 : Op;
-def OP_REV32 : Op;
-def OP_REV16 : Op;
-def OP_XTN : Op;
-def OP_SQXTUN : Op;
-def OP_QXTN : Op;
-def OP_VCVT_NA_HI : Op;
-def OP_VCVT_EX_HI : Op;
-def OP_VCVTX_HI : Op;
-def OP_REINT : Op;
-def OP_ADDHNHi : Op;
-def OP_RADDHNHi : Op;
-def OP_SUBHNHi : Op;
-def OP_RSUBHNHi : Op;
-def OP_ABDL  : Op;
-def OP_ABDLHi : Op;
-def OP_ABA   : Op;
-def OP_ABAL  : Op;
-def OP_ABALHi : Op;
-def OP_QDMULLHi : Op;
-def OP_QDMULLHi_N : Op;
-def OP_QDMLALHi : Op;
-def OP_QDMLALHi_N : Op;
-def OP_QDMLSLHi : Op;
-def OP_QDMLSLHi_N : Op;
-def OP_DIV  : Op;
-def OP_LONG_HI : Op;
-def OP_NARROW_HI : Op;
-def OP_MOVL_HI : Op;
-def OP_COPY_LN : Op;
-def OP_COPYQ_LN : Op;
-def OP_COPY_LNQ : Op;
+// Instruction definitions
-class Inst <string n, string p, string t, Op o> {
+// Every intrinsic subclasses "Inst". An intrinsic has a name, a prototype and
+// a sequence of typespecs.
+// The name is the base name of the intrinsic, for example "vget_lane". This is
+// then mangled by the tblgen backend to add type information ("vget_lane_s16").
+// A typespec is a sequence of uppercase characters (modifiers) followed by one
+// lowercase character. A typespec encodes a particular "base type" of the
+// intrinsic.
+// An example typespec is "Qs" - quad-size short - uint16x8_t. The available
+// typespec codes are given below.
+// The string given to an Inst class is a sequence of typespecs. The intrinsic
+// is instantiated for every typespec in the sequence. For example "sdQsQd".
+// The prototype is a string that defines the return type of the intrinsic
+// and the type of each argument. The return type and every argument gets a
+// "modifier" that can change in some way the "base type" of the intrinsic.
+// The modifier 'd' means "default" and does not modify the base type in any
+// way. The available modifiers are given below.
+// Typespecs
+// ---------
+// c: char
+// s: short
+// i: int
+// l: long
+// k: 128-bit long
+// f: float
+// h: half-float
+// d: double
+// Typespec modifiers
+// ------------------
+// S: scalar, only used for function mangling.
+// U: unsigned
+// Q: 128b
+// H: 128b without mangling 'q'
+// P: polynomial
+// Prototype modifiers
+// -------------------
+// prototype: return (arg, arg, ...)
+// v: void
+// t: best-fit integer (int/poly args)
+// x: signed integer   (int/float args)
+// u: unsigned integer (int/float args)
+// f: float (int args)
+// F: double (int args)
+// d: default
+// g: default, ignore 'Q' size modifier.
+// j: default, force 'Q' size modifier.
+// w: double width elements, same num elts
+// n: double width elements, half num elts
+// h: half width elements, double num elts
+// q: half width elements, quad num elts
+// e: half width elements, double num elts, unsigned
+// m: half width elements, same num elts
+// i: constant int
+// l: constant uint64
+// s: scalar of element type
+// z: scalar of half width element type, signed
+// r: scalar of double width element type, signed
+// a: scalar of element type (splat to vector type)
+// b: scalar of unsigned integer/long type (int/float args)
+// $: scalar of signed integer/long type (int/float args)
+// y: scalar of float
+// o: scalar of double
+// k: default elt width, double num elts
+// 2,3,4: array of default vectors
+// B,C,D: array of default elts, force 'Q' size modifier.
+// p: pointer type
+// c: const pointer type
+// Every intrinsic subclasses Inst.
+class Inst <string n, string p, string t, Operation o> {
   string Name = n;
   string Prototype = p;
   string Types = t;
   string ArchGuard = "";
-  Op Operand = o;
+  Operation Operation = o;
+  bit CartesianProductOfTypes = 0;
   bit isShift = 0;
   bit isScalarShift = 0;
   bit isScalarNarrowShift = 0;
@@ -186,60 +303,193 @@ class WInst<string n, string p, string t
 // WOpInst:       Instruction with bit size only suffix (e.g., "8").
 // LOpInst:       Logical instruction with no bit size suffix.
 // NoTestOpInst:  Intrinsic that has no corresponding instruction.
-class SOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Op o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class IOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Op o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class WOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Op o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class LOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Op o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-class NoTestOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Op o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class SOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class IOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class WOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class LOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
+class NoTestOpInst<string n, string p, string t, Operation o> : Inst<n, p, t, o> {}
-// prototype: return (arg, arg, ...)
-// v: void
-// t: best-fit integer (int/poly args)
-// x: signed integer   (int/float args)
-// u: unsigned integer (int/float args)
-// f: float (int args)
-// F: double (int args)
-// d: default
-// g: default, ignore 'Q' size modifier.
-// j: default, force 'Q' size modifier.
-// w: double width elements, same num elts
-// n: double width elements, half num elts
-// h: half width elements, double num elts
-// q: half width elements, quad num elts
-// e: half width elements, double num elts, unsigned
-// m: half width elements, same num elts
-// i: constant int
-// l: constant uint64
-// s: scalar of element type
-// z: scalar of half width element type, signed
-// r: scalar of double width element type, signed
-// a: scalar of element type (splat to vector type)
-// b: scalar of unsigned integer/long type (int/float args)
-// $: scalar of signed integer/long type (int/float args)
-// y: scalar of float
-// o: scalar of double
-// k: default elt width, double num elts
-// 2,3,4: array of default vectors
-// B,C,D: array of default elts, force 'Q' size modifier.
-// p: pointer type
-// c: const pointer type
+// Operations
-// sizes:
-// c: char
-// s: short
-// i: int
-// l: long
-// k: 128-bit long
-// f: float
-// h: half-float
-// d: double
+def OP_ADD      : Op<(op "+", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_ADDL     : Op<(op "+", (call "vmovl", $p0), (call "vmovl", $p1))>;
+def OP_ADDLHi   : Op<(op "+", (call "vmovl_high", $p0),
+                              (call "vmovl_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_ADDW     : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vmovl", $p1))>;
+def OP_ADDWHi   : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vmovl_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_SUB      : Op<(op "-", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_SUBL     : Op<(op "-", (call "vmovl", $p0), (call "vmovl", $p1))>;
+def OP_SUBLHi   : Op<(op "-", (call "vmovl_high", $p0),
+                              (call "vmovl_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_SUBW     : Op<(op "-", $p0, (call "vmovl", $p1))>;
+def OP_SUBWHi   : Op<(op "-", $p0, (call "vmovl_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_MUL      : Op<(op "*", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_MLA      : Op<(op "+", $p0, (op "*", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MLAL     : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vmull", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MULLHi   : Op<(call "vmull", (call "vget_high", $p0),
+                                    (call "vget_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_MULLHi_P64 : Op<(call "vmull",
+                         (cast "poly64_t", (call "vget_high", $p0)),
+                         (cast "poly64_t", (call "vget_high", $p1)))>;
+def OP_MULLHi_N : Op<(call "vmull_n", (call "vget_high", $p0), $p1)>;
+def OP_MLALHi   : Op<(call "vmlal", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                         (call "vget_high", $p2))>;
+def OP_MLALHi_N : Op<(call "vmlal_n", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1), $p2)>;
+def OP_MLS      : Op<(op "-", $p0, (op "*", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MLSL     : Op<(op "-", $p0, (call "vmull", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MLSLHi   : Op<(call "vmlsl", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                         (call "vget_high", $p2))>;
+def OP_MLSLHi_N : Op<(call "vmlsl_n", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1), $p2)>;
+def OP_MUL_N    : Op<(op "*", $p0, (dup $p1))>;
+def OP_MLA_N    : Op<(op "+", $p0, (op "*", $p1, (dup $p2)))>;
+def OP_MLS_N    : Op<(op "-", $p0, (op "*", $p1, (dup $p2)))>;
+def OP_FMLA_N   : Op<(call "vfma", $p0, $p1, (dup $p2))>;
+def OP_FMLS_N   : Op<(call "vfms", $p0, $p1, (dup $p2))>;
+def OP_MLAL_N   : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vmull", $p1, (dup $p2)))>;
+def OP_MLSL_N   : Op<(op "-", $p0, (call "vmull", $p1, (dup $p2)))>;
+def OP_MUL_LN   : Op<(op "*", $p0, (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MULX_LN  : Op<(call "vmulx", $p0, (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MULL_LN  : Op<(call "vmull", $p0, (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MULLHi_LN: Op<(call "vmull", (call "vget_high", $p0), (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_MLA_LN   : Op<(op "+", $p0, (op "*", $p1, (splat $p2, $p3)))>;
+def OP_MLS_LN   : Op<(op "-", $p0, (op "*", $p1, (splat $p2, $p3)))>;
+def OP_MLAL_LN  : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vmull", $p1, (splat $p2, $p3)))>;
+def OP_MLALHi_LN: Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vmull", (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                                  (splat $p2, $p3)))>;
+def OP_MLSL_LN  : Op<(op "-", $p0, (call "vmull", $p1, (splat $p2, $p3)))>;
+def OP_MLSLHi_LN : Op<(op "-", $p0, (call "vmull", (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                                   (splat $p2, $p3)))>;
+def OP_QDMULL_LN : Op<(call "vqdmull", $p0, (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_QDMULLHi_LN : Op<(call "vqdmull", (call "vget_high", $p0),
+                                         (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_QDMLAL_LN : Op<(call "vqdmlal", $p0, $p1, (splat $p2, $p3))>;
+def OP_QDMLALHi_LN : Op<(call "vqdmlal", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                              (splat $p2, $p3))>;
+def OP_QDMLSL_LN : Op<(call "vqdmlsl", $p0, $p1, (splat $p2, $p3))>;
+def OP_QDMLSLHi_LN : Op<(call "vqdmlsl", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                              (splat $p2, $p3))>;
+def OP_QDMULH_LN : Op<(call "vqdmulh", $p0, (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_QRDMULH_LN : Op<(call "vqrdmulh", $p0, (splat $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_FMS_LN   : Op<(call "vfma_lane", $p0, $p1, (op "-", $p2), $p3)>;
+def OP_FMS_LNQ  : Op<(call "vfma_laneq", $p0, $p1, (op "-", $p2), $p3)>;
+def OP_TRN1     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (interleave (decimate mask0, 2),
+                                                    (decimate mask1, 2)))>;
+def OP_ZIP1     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (lowhalf (interleave mask0, mask1)))>;
+def OP_UZP1     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (add (decimate mask0, 2),
+                                             (decimate mask1, 2)))>;
+def OP_TRN2     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (interleave
+                                          (decimate (rotl mask0, 1), 2),
+                                          (decimate (rotl mask1, 1), 2)))>;
+def OP_ZIP2     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (highhalf (interleave mask0, mask1)))>;
+def OP_UZP2     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (add (decimate (rotl mask0, 1), 2),
+                                             (decimate (rotl mask1, 1), 2)))>;
+def OP_EQ       : Op<(cast "R", (op "==", $p0, $p1))>;
+def OP_GE       : Op<(cast "R", (op ">=", $p0, $p1))>;
+def OP_LE       : Op<(cast "R", (op "<=", $p0, $p1))>;
+def OP_GT       : Op<(cast "R", (op ">", $p0, $p1))>;
+def OP_LT       : Op<(cast "R", (op "<", $p0, $p1))>;
+def OP_NEG      : Op<(op "-", $p0)>;
+def OP_NOT      : Op<(op "~", $p0)>;
+def OP_AND      : Op<(op "&", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_OR       : Op<(op "|", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_XOR      : Op<(op "^", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_ANDN     : Op<(op "&", $p0, (op "~", $p1))>;
+def OP_ORN      : Op<(op "|", $p0, (op "~", $p1))>;
+def OP_CAST     : Op<(cast "R", $p0)>;
+def OP_HI       : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p0, (highhalf mask0))>;
+def OP_LO       : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p0, (lowhalf mask0))>;
+def OP_CONC     : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p1, (add mask0, mask1))>;
+def OP_DUP      : Op<(dup $p0)>;
+def OP_DUP_LN   : Op<(splat $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_SEL      : Op<(cast "R", (op "|",
+                                    (op "&", $p0, (cast $p0, $p1)),
+                                    (op "&", (op "~", $p0), (cast $p0, $p2))))>;
+def OP_REV16    : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p0, (rev 16, mask0))>;
+def OP_REV32    : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p0, (rev 32, mask0))>;
+def OP_REV64    : Op<(shuffle $p0, $p0, (rev 64, mask0))>;
+def OP_XTN      : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vmovn", $p1))>;
+def OP_SQXTUN   : Op<(call "vcombine", (cast $p0, "U", $p0),
+                                       (call "vqmovun", $p1))>;
+def OP_QXTN     : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vqmovn", $p1))>;
+def OP_VCVT_NA_HI_F16 : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vcvt_f16", $p1))>;
+def OP_VCVT_NA_HI_F32 : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vcvt_f32_f64", $p1))>;
+def OP_VCVT_EX_HI_F32 : Op<(call "vcvt_f32_f16", (call "vget_high", $p0))>;
+def OP_VCVT_EX_HI_F64 : Op<(call "vcvt_f64_f32", (call "vget_high", $p0))>;
+def OP_VCVTX_HI : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vcvtx_f32", $p1))>;
+def OP_REINT    : Op<(cast "R", $p0)>;
+def OP_ADDHNHi  : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vaddhn", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_RADDHNHi : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vraddhn", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_SUBHNHi  : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vsubhn", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_RSUBHNHi : Op<(call "vcombine", $p0, (call "vrsubhn", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_ABDL     : Op<(cast "R", (call "vmovl", (cast $p0, "U",
+                                                     (call "vabd", $p0, $p1))))>;
+def OP_ABDLHi   : Op<(call "vabdl", (call "vget_high", $p0),
+                                    (call "vget_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_ABA      : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vabd", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_ABAL     : Op<(op "+", $p0, (call "vabdl", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_ABALHi   : Op<(call "vabal", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                       (call "vget_high", $p2))>;
+def OP_QDMULLHi : Op<(call "vqdmull", (call "vget_high", $p0),
+                                      (call "vget_high", $p1))>;
+def OP_QDMULLHi_N : Op<(call "vqdmull_n", (call "vget_high", $p0), $p1)>;
+def OP_QDMLALHi : Op<(call "vqdmlal", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                           (call "vget_high", $p2))>;
+def OP_QDMLALHi_N : Op<(call "vqdmlal_n", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1), $p2)>;
+def OP_QDMLSLHi : Op<(call "vqdmlsl", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1),
+                                           (call "vget_high", $p2))>;
+def OP_QDMLSLHi_N : Op<(call "vqdmlsl_n", $p0, (call "vget_high", $p1), $p2)>;
+def OP_DIV  : Op<(op "/", $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_LONG_HI : Op<(cast "R", (call (name_replace "_high_", "_"),
+                                                (call "vget_high", $p0), $p1))>;
+def OP_NARROW_HI : Op<(cast "R", (call "vcombine",
+                                       (cast "R", "H", $p0),
+                                       (cast "R", "H",
+                                           (call (name_replace "_high_", "_"),
+                                                 $p1, $p2))))>;
+def OP_MOVL_HI  : LOp<[(save_temp $a1, (call "vget_high", $p0)),
+                       (cast "R",
+                            (call "vshll_n", $a1, (literal "int32_t", "0")))]>;
+def OP_COPY_LN : Op<(call "vset_lane", (call "vget_lane", $p2, $p3), $p0, $p1)>;
+def OP_SCALAR_MUL_LN : Op<(op "*", $p0, (call "vget_lane", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_SCALAR_MULX_LN : Op<(call "vmulx", $p0, (call "vget_lane", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_SCALAR_VMULX_LN : LOp<[(save_temp $x, (call "vget_lane", $p0,
+                                                    (literal "int32_t", "0"))),
+                              (save_temp $y, (call "vget_lane", $p1, $p2)),
+                              (save_temp $z, (call "vmulx", $x, $y)),
+                              (call "vset_lane", $z, $p0, $p2)]>;
+def OP_SCALAR_VMULX_LNQ : LOp<[(save_temp $x, (call "vget_lane", $p0,
+                                                     (literal "int32_t", "0"))),
+                               (save_temp $y, (call "vget_lane", $p1, $p2)),
+                               (save_temp $z, (call "vmulx", $x, $y)),
+                               (call "vset_lane", $z, $p0, (literal "int32_t",
+                                                                     "0"))]>;
+class ScalarMulOp<string opname> :
+  Op<(call opname, $p0, (call "vget_lane", $p1, $p2))>;
+def OP_SCALAR_QDMULL_LN : ScalarMulOp<"vqdmull">;
+def OP_SCALAR_QDMULH_LN : ScalarMulOp<"vqdmulh">;
+def OP_SCALAR_QRDMULH_LN : ScalarMulOp<"vqrdmulh">;
+def OP_SCALAR_HALF_GET_LN : Op<(bitcast "float16_t",
+                                   (call "vget_lane",
+                                         (bitcast "int16x4_t", $p0), $p1))>;
+def OP_SCALAR_HALF_GET_LNQ : Op<(bitcast "float16_t",
+                                    (call "vget_lane",
+                                          (bitcast "int16x8_t", $p0), $p1))>;
+def OP_SCALAR_HALF_SET_LN : Op<(bitcast "float16x4_t",
+                                   (call "vset_lane",
+                                         (bitcast "int16_t", $p0),
+                                         (bitcast "int16x4_t", $p1), $p2))>;
+def OP_SCALAR_HALF_SET_LNQ : Op<(bitcast "float16x8_t",
+                                    (call "vset_lane",
+                                          (bitcast "int16_t", $p0),
+                                          (bitcast "int16x8_t", $p1), $p2))>;
-// size modifiers:
-// S: scalar, only used for function mangling.
-// U: unsigned
-// Q: 128b
-// H: 128b without mangling 'q'
-// P: polynomial
+// Instructions
 // E.3.1 Addition
@@ -538,7 +788,10 @@ def VUZP : WInst<"vuzp", "2dd", "csiUcUs
 // E.3.31 Vector reinterpret cast operations
   : NoTestOpInst<"vreinterpret", "dd",
-         "csilUcUsUiUlhfPcPsQcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQhQfQPcQPs", OP_REINT>;
+         "csilUcUsUiUlhfPcPsQcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQhQfQPcQPs", OP_REINT> {
+  let CartesianProductOfTypes = 1;
+  let ArchGuard = "__ARM_ARCH < 8";
 // Vector fused multiply-add operations
@@ -678,13 +931,13 @@ def QXTN2 : SOpInst<"vqmovn_high", "qhk"
 // Converting vectors
-def VCVT_HIGH_F16 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f16", "qhj", "f", OP_VCVT_NA_HI>;
-def VCVT_HIGH_F32_F16 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f32", "wk", "h", OP_VCVT_EX_HI>;
-def VCVT_F32_F64 : SInst<"vcvt_f32_f64", "mj", "d">;
-def VCVT_HIGH_F32_F64 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f32", "qfj", "d", OP_VCVT_NA_HI>;
+def VCVT_HIGH_F16 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f16", "qhj", "f", OP_VCVT_NA_HI_F16>;
+def VCVT_HIGH_F32_F16 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f32", "wk", "h", OP_VCVT_EX_HI_F32>;
+def VCVT_F32_F64 : SInst<"vcvt_f32_f64", "md", "Qd">;
+def VCVT_HIGH_F32_F64 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f32", "qfj", "d", OP_VCVT_NA_HI_F32>;
 def VCVT_F64_F32 : SInst<"vcvt_f64_f32", "wd", "f">;
 def VCVT_F64 : SInst<"vcvt_f64", "Fd",  "lUlQlQUl">;
-def VCVT_HIGH_F64_F32 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f64", "wj", "f", OP_VCVT_EX_HI>;
+def VCVT_HIGH_F64_F32 : SOpInst<"vcvt_high_f64", "wj", "f", OP_VCVT_EX_HI_F64>;
 def VCVTX_F32_F64 : SInst<"vcvtx_f32", "fj",  "d">;
 def VCVTX_HIGH_F32_F64 : SOpInst<"vcvtx_high_f32", "qfj", "d", OP_VCVTX_HI>;
 def FRINTN : SInst<"vrndn", "dd", "fdQfQd">;
@@ -819,16 +1072,16 @@ def SET_LANE : IInst<"vset_lane", "dsdi"
 def COPY_LANE : IOpInst<"vcopy_lane", "ddidi",
                         "csilUcUsUiUlPcPsPlfd", OP_COPY_LN>;
 def COPYQ_LANE : IOpInst<"vcopy_lane", "ddigi",
-                        "QcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQPcQPsQfQdQPl", OP_COPYQ_LN>;
+                        "QcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQPcQPsQfQdQPl", OP_COPY_LN>;
 def COPY_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vcopy_laneq", "ddiki",
-                     "csilPcPsPlUcUsUiUlfd", OP_COPY_LNQ>;
+                     "csilPcPsPlUcUsUiUlfd", OP_COPY_LN>;
 def COPYQ_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vcopy_laneq", "ddidi",
                      "QcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQPcQPsQfQdQPl", OP_COPY_LN>;
 // Set all lanes to same value
 def VDUP_LANE1: WOpInst<"vdup_lane", "dgi", "hdQhQdPlQPl", OP_DUP_LN>;
-def VDUP_LANE2: WOpInst<"vdup_laneq", "dki",
+def VDUP_LANE2: WOpInst<"vdup_laneq", "dji",
 def DUP_N   : WOpInst<"vdup_n", "ds", "dQdPlQPl", OP_DUP>;
@@ -999,14 +1252,12 @@ def VQTBX4_A64 : WInst<"vqtbx4", "ddDt",
 // NeonEmitter implicitly takes the cartesian product of the type string with
 // itself during generation so, unlike all other intrinsics, this one should
 // include *all* types, not just additional ones.
-// We also rely on NeonEmitter handling the 32-bit vreinterpret before the
-// 64-bit one so that the common casts don't get guarded as AArch64-only
-// (FIXME).
   : NoTestOpInst<"vreinterpret", "dd",
-       "csilUcUsUiUlhfdPcPsPlQcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQhQfQdQPcQPsQPlQPk", OP_REINT>;
+       "csilUcUsUiUlhfdPcPsPlQcQsQiQlQUcQUsQUiQUlQhQfQdQPcQPsQPlQPk", OP_REINT> {
+  let CartesianProductOfTypes = 1;
+  let ArchGuard = "__ARM_ARCH >= 8 && defined(__aarch64__)";
 // Scalar Intrinsics
@@ -1261,11 +1512,11 @@ def SCALAR_UQXTN : SInst<"vqmovn", "zs",
 // Scalar Floating Point  multiply (scalar, by element)
 def SCALAR_FMUL_LANE : IOpInst<"vmul_lane", "ssdi", "SfSd", OP_SCALAR_MUL_LN>;
-def SCALAR_FMUL_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vmul_laneq", "ssji", "SfSd", OP_SCALAR_MUL_LNQ>;
+def SCALAR_FMUL_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vmul_laneq", "ssji", "SfSd", OP_SCALAR_MUL_LN>;
 // Scalar Floating Point  multiply extended (scalar, by element)
 def SCALAR_FMULX_LANE : IOpInst<"vmulx_lane", "ssdi", "SfSd", OP_SCALAR_MULX_LN>;
-def SCALAR_FMULX_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vmulx_laneq", "ssji", "SfSd", OP_SCALAR_MULX_LNQ>;
+def SCALAR_FMULX_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vmulx_laneq", "ssji", "SfSd", OP_SCALAR_MULX_LN>;
 def SCALAR_VMUL_N : IInst<"vmul_n", "dds", "d">;
@@ -1293,7 +1544,7 @@ def SCALAR_FMLS_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vfms_la
 // Signed Saturating Doubling Multiply Long (scalar by element)
 def SCALAR_SQDMULL_LANE : SOpInst<"vqdmull_lane", "rsdi", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QDMULL_LN>;
-def SCALAR_SQDMULL_LANEQ : SOpInst<"vqdmull_laneq", "rsji", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QDMULL_LNQ>;
+def SCALAR_SQDMULL_LANEQ : SOpInst<"vqdmull_laneq", "rsji", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QDMULL_LN>;
 // Signed Saturating Doubling Multiply-Add Long (scalar by element)
 def SCALAR_SQDMLAL_LANE : SInst<"vqdmlal_lane", "rrsdi", "SsSi">;
@@ -1305,15 +1556,18 @@ def SCALAR_SQDMLS_LANEQ : SInst<"vqdmlsl
 // Scalar Integer Saturating Doubling Multiply Half High (scalar by element)
 def SCALAR_SQDMULH_LANE : SOpInst<"vqdmulh_lane", "ssdi", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QDMULH_LN>;
-def SCALAR_SQDMULH_LANEQ : SOpInst<"vqdmulh_laneq", "ssji", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QDMULH_LNQ>;
+def SCALAR_SQDMULH_LANEQ : SOpInst<"vqdmulh_laneq", "ssji", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QDMULH_LN>;
 // Scalar Integer Saturating Rounding Doubling Multiply Half High
 def SCALAR_SQRDMULH_LANE : SOpInst<"vqrdmulh_lane", "ssdi", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QRDMULH_LN>;
-def SCALAR_SQRDMULH_LANEQ : SOpInst<"vqrdmulh_laneq", "ssji", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QRDMULH_LNQ>;
+def SCALAR_SQRDMULH_LANEQ : SOpInst<"vqrdmulh_laneq", "ssji", "SsSi", OP_SCALAR_QRDMULH_LN>;
 def SCALAR_VDUP_LANE : IInst<"vdup_lane", "sdi", "ScSsSiSlSfSdSUcSUsSUiSUlSPcSPs">;
 def SCALAR_VDUP_LANEQ : IInst<"vdup_laneq", "sji", "ScSsSiSlSfSdSUcSUsSUiSUlSPcSPs">;
-def SCALAR_GET_LANE : IOpInst<"vget_lane", "sdi", "hQh", OP_SCALAR_GET_LN>;
-def SCALAR_SET_LANE : IOpInst<"vset_lane", "dsdi", "hQh", OP_SCALAR_SET_LN>;
+// FIXME: Rename so it is obvious this only applies to halfs.
+def SCALAR_HALF_GET_LANE : IOpInst<"vget_lane", "sdi", "h", OP_SCALAR_HALF_GET_LN>;
+def SCALAR_HALF_SET_LANE : IOpInst<"vset_lane", "dsdi", "h", OP_SCALAR_HALF_SET_LN>;
+def SCALAR_HALF_GET_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vget_lane", "sdi", "Qh", OP_SCALAR_HALF_GET_LNQ>;
+def SCALAR_HALF_SET_LANEQ : IOpInst<"vset_lane", "dsdi", "Qh", OP_SCALAR_HALF_SET_LNQ>;

Modified: cfe/trunk/test/CodeGen/arm64_vcvtfp.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/test/CodeGen/arm64_vcvtfp.c?rev=211101&r1=211100&r2=211101&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/test/CodeGen/arm64_vcvtfp.c (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/CodeGen/arm64_vcvtfp.c Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ float32x4_t test_vcvtx_high_f32_f64(floa
   return vcvtx_high_f32_f64(x, v);
   // CHECK: llvm.aarch64.neon.fcvtxn.v2f32.v2f64
   // CHECK: shufflevector
-  // CHECK-NEXT: ret
+  // CHECK: ret

Modified: cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm-neon-types.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm-neon-types.c?rev=211101&r1=211100&r2=211101&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm-neon-types.c (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm-neon-types.c Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ float32x2_t test2(uint32x2_t x) {
 float32x2_t test3(uint32x2_t x) {
   // FIXME: The "incompatible result type" error is due to pr10112 and should be
   // removed when that is fixed.
-  return vcvt_n_f32_u32(x, 0); // expected-error {{argument should be a value from 1 to 32}} expected-error {{incompatible result type}}
+  return vcvt_n_f32_u32(x, 0); // expected-error {{argument should be a value from 1 to 32}}
 typedef signed int vSInt32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));

Modified: cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm64-neon-args.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm64-neon-args.c?rev=211101&r1=211100&r2=211101&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm64-neon-args.c (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/test/Sema/arm64-neon-args.c Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 // rdar://13527900
 void vcopy_reject(float32x4_t vOut0, float32x4_t vAlpha, int t) {
-  vcopyq_laneq_f32(vOut0, 1, vAlpha, t); // expected-error {{argument to '__builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_f32' must be a constant integer}} expected-error {{initializing 'float32_t' (aka 'float') with an expression of incompatible type 'void'}}
+  vcopyq_laneq_f32(vOut0, 1, vAlpha, t); // expected-error {{argument to '__builtin_neon_vgetq_lane_f32' must be a constant integer}}
 // rdar://problem/15256199

Modified: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/NeonEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/NeonEmitter.cpp?rev=211101&r1=211100&r2=211101&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/NeonEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/NeonEmitter.cpp Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
 // CodeGen library.
 // Additional validation code can be generated by this file when runHeader() is
-// called, rather than the normal run() entry point.  A complete set of tests
-// for Neon intrinsics can be generated by calling the runTests() entry point.
+// called, rather than the normal run() entry point.
+// See also the documentation in include/clang/Basic/arm_neon.td.
@@ -31,318 +32,456 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/SetTheory.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
 #include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
 using namespace llvm;
-enum OpKind {
-  OpNone,
-  OpUnavailable,
-  OpAdd,
-  OpAddl,
-  OpAddlHi,
-  OpAddw,
-  OpAddwHi,
-  OpSub,
-  OpSubl,
-  OpSublHi,
-  OpSubw,
-  OpSubwHi,
-  OpMul,
-  OpMla,
-  OpMlal,
-  OpMullHi,
-  OpMullHiP64,
-  OpMullHiN,
-  OpMlalHi,
-  OpMlalHiN,
-  OpMls,
-  OpMlsl,
-  OpMlslHi,
-  OpMlslHiN,
-  OpMulN,
-  OpMlaN,
-  OpMlsN,
-  OpFMlaN,
-  OpFMlsN,
-  OpMlalN,
-  OpMlslN,
-  OpMulLane,
-  OpMulXLane,
-  OpMullLane,
-  OpMullHiLane,
-  OpMlaLane,
-  OpMlsLane,
-  OpMlalLane,
-  OpMlalHiLane,
-  OpMlslLane,
-  OpMlslHiLane,
-  OpQDMullLane,
-  OpQDMullHiLane,
-  OpQDMlalLane,
-  OpQDMlalHiLane,
-  OpQDMlslLane,
-  OpQDMlslHiLane,
-  OpQDMulhLane,
-  OpQRDMulhLane,
-  OpFMSLane,
-  OpFMSLaneQ,
-  OpTrn1,
-  OpZip1,
-  OpUzp1,
-  OpTrn2,
-  OpZip2,
-  OpUzp2,
-  OpEq,
-  OpGe,
-  OpLe,
-  OpGt,
-  OpLt,
-  OpNeg,
-  OpNot,
-  OpAnd,
-  OpOr,
-  OpXor,
-  OpAndNot,
-  OpOrNot,
-  OpCast,
-  OpConcat,
-  OpDup,
-  OpDupLane,
-  OpHi,
-  OpLo,
-  OpSelect,
-  OpRev16,
-  OpRev32,
-  OpRev64,
-  OpXtnHi,
-  OpSqxtunHi,
-  OpQxtnHi,
-  OpFcvtnHi,
-  OpFcvtlHi,
-  OpFcvtxnHi,
-  OpReinterpret,
-  OpAddhnHi,
-  OpRAddhnHi,
-  OpSubhnHi,
-  OpRSubhnHi,
-  OpAbdl,
-  OpAbdlHi,
-  OpAba,
-  OpAbal,
-  OpAbalHi,
-  OpQDMullHi,
-  OpQDMullHiN,
-  OpQDMlalHi,
-  OpQDMlalHiN,
-  OpQDMlslHi,
-  OpQDMlslHiN,
-  OpDiv,
-  OpLongHi,
-  OpNarrowHi,
-  OpMovlHi,
-  OpCopyLane,
-  OpCopyQLane,
-  OpCopyLaneQ,
-  OpScalarMulLane,
-  OpScalarMulLaneQ,
-  OpScalarMulXLane,
-  OpScalarMulXLaneQ,
-  OpScalarVMulXLane,
-  OpScalarVMulXLaneQ,
-  OpScalarQDMullLane,
-  OpScalarQDMullLaneQ,
-  OpScalarQDMulHiLane,
-  OpScalarQDMulHiLaneQ,
-  OpScalarQRDMulHiLane,
-  OpScalarQRDMulHiLaneQ,
-  OpScalarGetLane,
-  OpScalarSetLane
+namespace {
+// While globals are generally bad, this one allows us to perform assertions
+// liberally and somehow still trace them back to the def they indirectly
+// came from.
+static Record *CurrentRecord = nullptr;
+static void assert_with_loc(bool Assertion, const std::string &Str) {
+  if (!Assertion) {
+    if (CurrentRecord)
+      PrintFatalError(CurrentRecord->getLoc(), Str);
+    else
+      PrintFatalError(Str);
+  }
 enum ClassKind {
-  ClassI,           // generic integer instruction, e.g., "i8" suffix
-  ClassS,           // signed/unsigned/poly, e.g., "s8", "u8" or "p8" suffix
-  ClassW,           // width-specific instruction, e.g., "8" suffix
-  ClassB,           // bitcast arguments with enum argument to specify type
-  ClassL,           // Logical instructions which are op instructions
-                    // but we need to not emit any suffix for in our
-                    // tests.
-  ClassNoTest       // Instructions which we do not test since they are
-                    // not TRUE instructions.
+  ClassI,     // generic integer instruction, e.g., "i8" suffix
+  ClassS,     // signed/unsigned/poly, e.g., "s8", "u8" or "p8" suffix
+  ClassW,     // width-specific instruction, e.g., "8" suffix
+  ClassB,     // bitcast arguments with enum argument to specify type
+  ClassL,     // Logical instructions which are op instructions
+              // but we need to not emit any suffix for in our
+              // tests.
+  ClassNoTest // Instructions which we do not test since they are
+              // not TRUE instructions.
 /// NeonTypeFlags - Flags to identify the types for overloaded Neon
 /// builtins.  These must be kept in sync with the flags in
 /// include/clang/Basic/TargetBuiltins.h.
-namespace {
-class NeonTypeFlags {
-  enum {
-    EltTypeMask = 0xf,
-    UnsignedFlag = 0x10,
-    QuadFlag = 0x20
-  };
-  uint32_t Flags;
+namespace NeonTypeFlags {
+enum { EltTypeMask = 0xf, UnsignedFlag = 0x10, QuadFlag = 0x20 };
+enum EltType {
+  Int8,
+  Int16,
+  Int32,
+  Int64,
+  Poly8,
+  Poly16,
+  Poly64,
+  Poly128,
+  Float16,
+  Float32,
+  Float64
+class Intrinsic;
+class NeonEmitter;
+class Type;
+class Variable;
+// TypeSpec
+/// A TypeSpec is just a simple wrapper around a string, but gets its own type
+/// for strong typing purposes.
+/// A TypeSpec can be used to create a type.
+class TypeSpec : public std::string {
-  enum EltType {
-    Int8,
-    Int16,
-    Int32,
-    Int64,
-    Poly8,
-    Poly16,
-    Poly64,
-    Poly128,
-    Float16,
-    Float32,
-    Float64
-  };
+  static std::vector<TypeSpec> fromTypeSpecs(StringRef Str) {
+    std::vector<TypeSpec> Ret;
+    TypeSpec Acc;
+    for (char I : Str.str()) {
+      if (islower(I)) {
+        Acc.push_back(I);
+        Ret.push_back(TypeSpec(Acc));
+        Acc.clear();
+      } else {
+        Acc.push_back(I);
+      }
+    }
+    return Ret;
+  }
+// Type
+/// A Type. Not much more to say here.
+class Type {
+  TypeSpec TS;
+  bool Float, Signed, Void, Poly, Constant, Pointer;
+  // ScalarForMangling and NoManglingQ are really not suited to live here as
+  // they are not related to the type. But they live in the TypeSpec (not the
+  // prototype), so this is really the only place to store them.
+  bool ScalarForMangling, NoManglingQ;
+  unsigned Bitwidth, ElementBitwidth, NumVectors;
-  NeonTypeFlags(unsigned F) : Flags(F) {}
-  NeonTypeFlags(EltType ET, bool IsUnsigned, bool IsQuad) : Flags(ET) {
-    if (IsUnsigned)
-      Flags |= UnsignedFlag;
-    if (IsQuad)
-      Flags |= QuadFlag;
+  Type()
+      : Float(false), Signed(false), Void(true), Poly(false), Constant(false),
+        Pointer(false), ScalarForMangling(false), NoManglingQ(false),
+        Bitwidth(0), ElementBitwidth(0), NumVectors(0) {}
+  Type(TypeSpec TS, char CharMod)
+      : TS(TS), Float(false), Signed(false), Void(false), Poly(false),
+        Constant(false), Pointer(false), ScalarForMangling(false),
+        NoManglingQ(false), Bitwidth(0), ElementBitwidth(0), NumVectors(0) {
+    applyModifier(CharMod);
-  uint32_t getFlags() const { return Flags; }
+  /// Returns a type representing "void".
+  static Type getVoid() { return Type(); }
+  bool operator==(const Type &Other) const { return str() == Other.str(); }
+  bool operator!=(const Type &Other) const { return !operator==(Other); }
+  //
+  // Query functions
+  //
+  bool isScalarForMangling() const { return ScalarForMangling; }
+  bool noManglingQ() const { return NoManglingQ; }
+  bool isPointer() const { return Pointer; }
+  bool isFloating() const { return Float; }
+  bool isInteger() const { return !Float && !Poly; }
+  bool isSigned() const { return Signed; }
+  bool isScalar() const { return NumVectors == 0; }
+  bool isVector() const { return NumVectors > 0; }
+  bool isFloat() const { return Float && ElementBitwidth == 32; }
+  bool isDouble() const { return Float && ElementBitwidth == 64; }
+  bool isHalf() const { return Float && ElementBitwidth == 16; }
+  bool isPoly() const { return Poly; }
+  bool isChar() const { return ElementBitwidth == 8; }
+  bool isShort() const { return !Float && ElementBitwidth == 16; }
+  bool isInt() const { return !Float && ElementBitwidth == 32; }
+  bool isLong() const { return !Float && ElementBitwidth == 64; }
+  bool isVoid() const { return Void; }
+  unsigned getNumElements() const { return Bitwidth / ElementBitwidth; }
+  unsigned getSizeInBits() const { return Bitwidth; }
+  unsigned getElementSizeInBits() const { return ElementBitwidth; }
+  unsigned getNumVectors() const { return NumVectors; }
+  //
+  // Mutator functions
+  //
+  void makeUnsigned() { Signed = false; }
+  void makeSigned() { Signed = true; }
+  void makeInteger(unsigned ElemWidth, bool Sign) {
+    Float = false;
+    Poly = false;
+    Signed = Sign;
+    ElementBitwidth = ElemWidth;
+  }
+  void makeScalar() {
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+  }
+  void makeOneVector() {
+    assert(isVector());
+    NumVectors = 1;
+  }
+  void doubleLanes() {
+    assert_with_loc(Bitwidth != 128, "Can't get bigger than 128!");
+    Bitwidth = 128;
+  }
+  void halveLanes() {
+    assert_with_loc(Bitwidth != 64, "Can't get smaller than 64!");
+    Bitwidth = 64;
+  }
+  /// Return the C string representation of a type, which is the typename
+  /// defined in stdint.h or arm_neon.h.
+  std::string str() const;
+  /// Return the string representation of a type, which is an encoded
+  /// string for passing to the BUILTIN() macro in Builtins.def.
+  std::string builtin_str() const;
+  /// Return the value in NeonTypeFlags for this type.
+  unsigned getNeonEnum() const;
+  /// Parse a type from a stdint.h or arm_neon.h typedef name,
+  /// for example uint32x2_t or int64_t.
+  static Type fromTypedefName(StringRef Name);
+  /// Creates the type based on the typespec string in TS.
+  /// Sets "Quad" to true if the "Q" or "H" modifiers were
+  /// seen. This is needed by applyModifier as some modifiers
+  /// only take effect if the type size was changed by "Q" or "H".
+  void applyTypespec(bool &Quad);
+  /// Applies a prototype modifier to the type.
+  void applyModifier(char Mod);
+// Variable
+/// A variable is a simple class that just has a type and a name.
+class Variable {
+  Type T;
+  std::string N;
+  Variable() : T(Type::getVoid()), N("") {}
+  Variable(Type T, std::string N) : T(T), N(N) {}
+  Type getType() const { return T; }
+  std::string getName() const { return "__" + N; }
-} // end anonymous namespace
-namespace {
+// Intrinsic
+/// The main grunt class. This represents an instantiation of an intrinsic with
+/// a particular typespec and prototype.
+class Intrinsic {
+  /// The Record this intrinsic was created from.
+  Record *R;
+  /// The unmangled name and prototype.
+  std::string Name, Proto;
+  /// The input and output typespecs. InTS == OutTS except when
+  /// CartesianProductOfTypes is 1 - this is the case for vreinterpret.
+  TypeSpec OutTS, InTS;
+  /// The base class kind. Most intrinsics use ClassS, which has full type
+  /// info for integers (s32/u32). Some use ClassI, which doesn't care about
+  /// signedness (i32), while some (ClassB) have no type at all, only a width
+  /// (32).
+  ClassKind CK;
+  /// The list of DAGs for the body. May be empty, in which case we should
+  /// emit a builtin call.
+  ListInit *Body;
+  /// The architectural #ifdef guard.
+  std::string Guard;
+  /// Set if the Unvailable bit is 1. This means we don't generate a body,
+  /// just an "unavailable" attribute on a declaration.
+  bool IsUnavailable;
+  /// The types of return value [0] and parameters [1..].
+  std::vector<Type> Types;
+  /// The local variables defined.
+  std::map<std::string, Variable> Variables;
+  /// NeededEarly - set if any other intrinsic depends on this intrinsic.
+  bool NeededEarly;
+  /// UseMacro - set if we should implement using a macro or unset for a
+  ///            function.
+  bool UseMacro;
+  /// The set of intrinsics that this intrinsic uses/requires.
+  std::set<Intrinsic *> Dependencies;
+  /// The "base type", which is Type('d', OutTS). InBaseType is only
+  /// different if CartesianProductOfTypes = 1 (for vreinterpret).
+  Type BaseType, InBaseType;
+  /// The return variable.
+  Variable RetVar;
+  /// A postfix to apply to every variable. Defaults to "".
+  std::string VariablePostfix;
+  NeonEmitter &Emitter;
+  std::stringstream OS;
+  Intrinsic(Record *R, StringRef Name, StringRef Proto, TypeSpec OutTS,
+            TypeSpec InTS, ClassKind CK, ListInit *Body, NeonEmitter &Emitter,
+            StringRef Guard, bool IsUnavailable)
+      : R(R), Name(Name.str()), Proto(Proto.str()), OutTS(OutTS), InTS(InTS),
+        CK(CK), Body(Body), Guard(Guard.str()), IsUnavailable(IsUnavailable),
+        NeededEarly(false), UseMacro(false), BaseType(OutTS, 'd'),
+        InBaseType(InTS, 'd'), Emitter(Emitter) {
+    // If this builtin takes an immediate argument, we need to #define it rather
+    // than use a standard declaration, so that SemaChecking can range check
+    // the immediate passed by the user.
+    if (Proto.find('i') != std::string::npos)
+      UseMacro = true;
+    // Pointer arguments need to use macros to avoid hiding aligned attributes
+    // from the pointer type.
+    if (Proto.find('p') != std::string::npos ||
+        Proto.find('c') != std::string::npos)
+      UseMacro = true;
+    // It is not permitted to pass or return an __fp16 by value, so intrinsics
+    // taking a scalar float16_t must be implemented as macros.
+    if (OutTS.find('h') != std::string::npos &&
+        Proto.find('s') != std::string::npos)
+      UseMacro = true;
+    // Modify the TypeSpec per-argument to get a concrete Type, and create
+    // known variables for each.
+    // Types[0] is the return value.
+    Types.push_back(Type(OutTS, Proto[0]));
+    for (unsigned I = 1; I < Proto.size(); ++I)
+      Types.push_back(Type(InTS, Proto[I]));
+  }
+  /// Get the Record that this intrinsic is based off.
+  Record *getRecord() const { return R; }
+  /// Get the set of Intrinsics that this intrinsic calls.
+  /// this is the set of immediate dependencies, NOT the
+  /// transitive closure.
+  const std::set<Intrinsic *> &getDependencies() const { return Dependencies; }
+  /// Get the architectural guard string (#ifdef).
+  std::string getGuard() const { return Guard; }
+  /// Get the non-mangled name.
+  std::string getName() const { return Name; }
+  /// Return true if the intrinsic takes an immediate operand.
+  bool hasImmediate() const {
+    return Proto.find('i') != std::string::npos;
+  }
+  /// Return the parameter index of the immediate operand.
+  unsigned getImmediateIdx() const {
+    assert(hasImmediate());
+    unsigned Idx = Proto.find('i');
+    assert(Idx > 0 && "Can't return an immediate!");
+    return Idx - 1;
+  }
+  /// Return true if the intrinsic takes an splat operand.
+  bool hasSplat() const { return Proto.find('a') != std::string::npos; }
+  /// Return the parameter index of the splat operand.
+  unsigned getSplatIdx() const {
+    assert(hasSplat());
+    unsigned Idx = Proto.find('a');
+    assert(Idx > 0 && "Can't return a splat!");
+    return Idx - 1;
+  }
+  unsigned getNumParams() const { return Proto.size() - 1; }
+  Type getReturnType() const { return Types[0]; }
+  Type getParamType(unsigned I) const { return Types[I + 1]; }
+  Type getBaseType() const { return BaseType; }
+  /// Return the raw prototype string.
+  std::string getProto() const { return Proto; }
+  /// Return true if the prototype has a scalar argument.
+  /// This does not return true for the "splat" code ('a').
+  bool protoHasScalar();
+  /// Return the index that parameter PIndex will sit at
+  /// in a generated function call. This is often just PIndex,
+  /// but may not be as things such as multiple-vector operands
+  /// and sret parameters need to be taken into accont.
+  unsigned getGeneratedParamIdx(unsigned PIndex) {
+    unsigned Idx = 0;
+    if (getReturnType().getNumVectors() > 1)
+      // Multiple vectors are passed as sret.
+      ++Idx;
+    for (unsigned I = 0; I < PIndex; ++I)
+      Idx += std::max(1U, getParamType(I).getNumVectors());
+    return Idx;
+  }
+  bool hasBody() const { return Body && Body->getValues().size() > 0; }
+  void setNeededEarly() { NeededEarly = true; }
+  bool operator<(const Intrinsic &Other) const {
+    // Sort lexicographically on a two-tuple (Guard, Name)
+    if (Guard != Other.Guard)
+      return Guard < Other.Guard;
+    return Name < Other.Name;
+  }
+  ClassKind getClassKind(bool UseClassBIfScalar = false) {
+    if (UseClassBIfScalar && !protoHasScalar())
+      return ClassB;
+    return CK;
+  }
+  /// Return the name, mangled with type information.
+  /// If ForceClassS is true, use ClassS (u32/s32) instead
+  /// of the intrinsic's own type class.
+  std::string getMangledName(bool ForceClassS = false);
+  /// Return the type code for a builtin function call.
+  std::string getInstTypeCode(Type T, ClassKind CK);
+  /// Return the type string for a BUILTIN() macro in Builtins.def.
+  std::string getBuiltinTypeStr();
+  /// Generate the intrinsic, returning code.
+  std::string generate();
+  /// Perform type checking and populate the dependency graph, but
+  /// don't generate code yet.
+  void indexBody();
+  std::string mangleName(std::string Name, ClassKind CK);
+  void initVariables();
+  std::string replaceParamsIn(std::string S);
+  void emitBodyAsBuiltinCall();
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagArg(Init *Arg, std::string ArgName);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagSaveTemp(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagSplat(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagDup(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagShuffle(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagCast(DagInit *DI, bool IsBitCast);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagCall(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagNameReplace(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagLiteral(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDagOp(DagInit *DI);
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> emitDag(DagInit *DI);
+  void emitReturn();
+  void emitBody();
+  void emitShadowedArgs();
+  void emitNewLine();
+  void emitClosingBrace();
+  void emitOpeningBrace();
+  void emitPrototype();
+// NeonEmitter
 class NeonEmitter {
   RecordKeeper &Records;
-  StringMap<OpKind> OpMap;
-  DenseMap<Record*, ClassKind> ClassMap;
+  DenseMap<Record *, ClassKind> ClassMap;
+  std::map<std::string, std::vector<Intrinsic *>> IntrinsicMap;
+  unsigned UniqueNumber;
+  void createIntrinsic(Record *R, SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Out);
+  void genBuiltinsDef(raw_ostream &OS, SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Defs);
+  void genOverloadTypeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Defs);
+  void genIntrinsicRangeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                  SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Defs);
-  NeonEmitter(RecordKeeper &R) : Records(R) {
-    OpMap["OP_NONE"]  = OpNone;
-    OpMap["OP_UNAVAILABLE"] = OpUnavailable;
-    OpMap["OP_ADD"]   = OpAdd;
-    OpMap["OP_ADDL"]  = OpAddl;
-    OpMap["OP_ADDLHi"] = OpAddlHi;
-    OpMap["OP_ADDW"]  = OpAddw;
-    OpMap["OP_ADDWHi"] = OpAddwHi;
-    OpMap["OP_SUB"]   = OpSub;
-    OpMap["OP_SUBL"]  = OpSubl;
-    OpMap["OP_SUBLHi"] = OpSublHi;
-    OpMap["OP_SUBW"]  = OpSubw;
-    OpMap["OP_SUBWHi"] = OpSubwHi;
-    OpMap["OP_MUL"]   = OpMul;
-    OpMap["OP_MLA"]   = OpMla;
-    OpMap["OP_MLAL"]  = OpMlal;
-    OpMap["OP_MULLHi"]  = OpMullHi;
-    OpMap["OP_MULLHi_P64"]  = OpMullHiP64;
-    OpMap["OP_MULLHi_N"]  = OpMullHiN;
-    OpMap["OP_MLALHi"]  = OpMlalHi;
-    OpMap["OP_MLALHi_N"]  = OpMlalHiN;
-    OpMap["OP_MLS"]   = OpMls;
-    OpMap["OP_MLSL"]  = OpMlsl;
-    OpMap["OP_MLSLHi"] = OpMlslHi;
-    OpMap["OP_MLSLHi_N"] = OpMlslHiN;
-    OpMap["OP_MUL_N"] = OpMulN;
-    OpMap["OP_MLA_N"] = OpMlaN;
-    OpMap["OP_MLS_N"] = OpMlsN;
-    OpMap["OP_FMLA_N"] = OpFMlaN;
-    OpMap["OP_FMLS_N"] = OpFMlsN;
-    OpMap["OP_MLAL_N"] = OpMlalN;
-    OpMap["OP_MLSL_N"] = OpMlslN;
-    OpMap["OP_MUL_LN"]= OpMulLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MULX_LN"]= OpMulXLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MULL_LN"] = OpMullLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MULLHi_LN"] = OpMullHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MLA_LN"]= OpMlaLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MLS_LN"]= OpMlsLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MLAL_LN"] = OpMlalLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MLALHi_LN"] = OpMlalHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MLSL_LN"] = OpMlslLane;
-    OpMap["OP_MLSLHi_LN"] = OpMlslHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMULL_LN"] = OpQDMullLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMULLHi_LN"] = OpQDMullHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLAL_LN"] = OpQDMlalLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLALHi_LN"] = OpQDMlalHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLSL_LN"] = OpQDMlslLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLSLHi_LN"] = OpQDMlslHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMULH_LN"] = OpQDMulhLane;
-    OpMap["OP_QRDMULH_LN"] = OpQRDMulhLane;
-    OpMap["OP_FMS_LN"] = OpFMSLane;
-    OpMap["OP_FMS_LNQ"] = OpFMSLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_TRN1"]  = OpTrn1;
-    OpMap["OP_ZIP1"]  = OpZip1;
-    OpMap["OP_UZP1"]  = OpUzp1;
-    OpMap["OP_TRN2"]  = OpTrn2;
-    OpMap["OP_ZIP2"]  = OpZip2;
-    OpMap["OP_UZP2"]  = OpUzp2;
-    OpMap["OP_EQ"]    = OpEq;
-    OpMap["OP_GE"]    = OpGe;
-    OpMap["OP_LE"]    = OpLe;
-    OpMap["OP_GT"]    = OpGt;
-    OpMap["OP_LT"]    = OpLt;
-    OpMap["OP_NEG"]   = OpNeg;
-    OpMap["OP_NOT"]   = OpNot;
-    OpMap["OP_AND"]   = OpAnd;
-    OpMap["OP_OR"]    = OpOr;
-    OpMap["OP_XOR"]   = OpXor;
-    OpMap["OP_ANDN"]  = OpAndNot;
-    OpMap["OP_ORN"]   = OpOrNot;
-    OpMap["OP_CAST"]  = OpCast;
-    OpMap["OP_CONC"]  = OpConcat;
-    OpMap["OP_HI"]    = OpHi;
-    OpMap["OP_LO"]    = OpLo;
-    OpMap["OP_DUP"]   = OpDup;
-    OpMap["OP_DUP_LN"] = OpDupLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SEL"]   = OpSelect;
-    OpMap["OP_REV16"] = OpRev16;
-    OpMap["OP_REV32"] = OpRev32;
-    OpMap["OP_REV64"] = OpRev64;
-    OpMap["OP_XTN"] = OpXtnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_SQXTUN"] = OpSqxtunHi;
-    OpMap["OP_QXTN"] = OpQxtnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_VCVT_NA_HI"] = OpFcvtnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_VCVT_EX_HI"] = OpFcvtlHi;
-    OpMap["OP_VCVTX_HI"] = OpFcvtxnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_REINT"] = OpReinterpret;
-    OpMap["OP_ADDHNHi"] = OpAddhnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_RADDHNHi"] = OpRAddhnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_SUBHNHi"] = OpSubhnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_RSUBHNHi"] = OpRSubhnHi;
-    OpMap["OP_ABDL"]  = OpAbdl;
-    OpMap["OP_ABDLHi"] = OpAbdlHi;
-    OpMap["OP_ABA"]   = OpAba;
-    OpMap["OP_ABAL"]  = OpAbal;
-    OpMap["OP_ABALHi"] = OpAbalHi;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMULLHi"] = OpQDMullHi;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMULLHi_N"] = OpQDMullHiN;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLALHi"] = OpQDMlalHi;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLALHi_N"] = OpQDMlalHiN;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLSLHi"] = OpQDMlslHi;
-    OpMap["OP_QDMLSLHi_N"] = OpQDMlslHiN;
-    OpMap["OP_DIV"] = OpDiv;
-    OpMap["OP_LONG_HI"] = OpLongHi;
-    OpMap["OP_NARROW_HI"] = OpNarrowHi;
-    OpMap["OP_MOVL_HI"] = OpMovlHi;
-    OpMap["OP_COPY_LN"] = OpCopyLane;
-    OpMap["OP_COPYQ_LN"] = OpCopyQLane;
-    OpMap["OP_COPY_LNQ"] = OpCopyLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_MUL_LN"]= OpScalarMulLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_MUL_LNQ"]= OpScalarMulLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_MULX_LN"]= OpScalarMulXLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_MULX_LNQ"]= OpScalarMulXLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_VMULX_LN"]= OpScalarVMulXLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_VMULX_LNQ"]= OpScalarVMulXLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_QDMULL_LN"] = OpScalarQDMullLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_QDMULL_LNQ"] = OpScalarQDMullLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_QDMULH_LN"] = OpScalarQDMulHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_QDMULH_LNQ"] = OpScalarQDMulHiLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_QRDMULH_LN"] = OpScalarQRDMulHiLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_QRDMULH_LNQ"] = OpScalarQRDMulHiLaneQ;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_GET_LN"] = OpScalarGetLane;
-    OpMap["OP_SCALAR_SET_LN"] = OpScalarSetLane;
+  /// Called by Intrinsic - this attempts to get an intrinsic that takes
+  /// the given types as arguments.
+  Intrinsic *getIntrinsic(StringRef Name, ArrayRef<Type> Types);
+  /// Called by Intrinsic - returns a globally-unique number.
+  unsigned getUniqueNumber() { return UniqueNumber++; }
+  NeonEmitter(RecordKeeper &R) : Records(R), UniqueNumber(0) {
     Record *SI = R.getClass("SInst");
     Record *II = R.getClass("IInst");
     Record *WI = R.getClass("WInst");
@@ -370,2855 +509,1544 @@ public:
   // runTests - Emit tests for all the Neon intrinsics.
   void runTests(raw_ostream &o);
-  void emitGuardedIntrinsic(raw_ostream &OS, Record *R,
-                            std::string &CurrentGuard, bool &InGuard,
-                            StringMap<ClassKind> &EmittedMap);
-  void emitIntrinsic(raw_ostream &OS, Record *R,
-                     StringMap<ClassKind> &EmittedMap);
-  void genBuiltinsDef(raw_ostream &OS);
-  void genOverloadTypeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS);
-  void genIntrinsicRangeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS);
-  void genTargetTest(raw_ostream &OS);
 } // end anonymous namespace
-/// ParseTypes - break down a string such as "fQf" into a vector of StringRefs,
-/// which each StringRef representing a single type declared in the string.
-/// for "fQf" we would end up with 2 StringRefs, "f", and "Qf", representing
-/// 2xfloat and 4xfloat respectively.
-static void ParseTypes(Record *r, std::string &s,
-                       SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &TV) {
-  const char *data = s.data();
-  int len = 0;
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = s.size(); i != e; ++i, ++len) {
-    if (data[len] == 'P' || data[len] == 'Q' || data[len] == 'U'
-                         || data[len] == 'H' || data[len] == 'S')
-      continue;
+// Type implementation
-    switch (data[len]) {
-      case 'c':
-      case 's':
-      case 'i':
-      case 'l':
-      case 'k':
-      case 'h':
-      case 'f':
-      case 'd':
-        break;
-      default:
-        PrintFatalError(r->getLoc(),
-                      "Unexpected letter: " + std::string(data + len, 1));
+std::string Type::str() const {
+  if (Void)
+    return "void";
+  std::string S;
+  if (!Signed && isInteger())
+    S += "u";
+  if (Poly)
+    S += "poly";
+  else if (Float)
+    S += "float";
+  else
+    S += "int";
+  S += utostr(ElementBitwidth);
+  if (isVector())
+    S += "x" + utostr(getNumElements());
+  if (NumVectors > 1)
+    S += "x" + utostr(NumVectors);
+  S += "_t";
+  if (Constant)
+    S += " const";
+  if (Pointer)
+    S += " *";
+  return S;
+std::string Type::builtin_str() const {
+  std::string S;
+  if (isVoid())
+    return "v";
+  if (Pointer)
+    // All pointers are void pointers.
+    S += "v";
+  else if (isInteger())
+    switch (ElementBitwidth) {
+    case 8: S += "c"; break;
+    case 16: S += "s"; break;
+    case 32: S += "i"; break;
+    case 64: S += "Wi"; break;
+    case 128: S += "LLLi"; break;
+    default: assert(0 && "Unhandled case!");
+    }
+  else
+    switch (ElementBitwidth) {
+    case 16: S += "h"; break;
+    case 32: S += "f"; break;
+    case 64: S += "d"; break;
+    default: assert(0 && "Unhandled case!");
-    TV.push_back(StringRef(data, len + 1));
-    data += len + 1;
-    len = -1;
-  }
-/// Widen - Convert a type code into the next wider type.  char -> short,
-/// short -> int, etc.
-static char Widen(const char t) {
-  switch (t) {
-    case 'c':
-      return 's';
-    case 's':
-      return 'i';
-    case 'i':
-      return 'l';
-    case 'l':
-      return 'k';
-    case 'h':
-      return 'f';
-    case 'f':
-      return 'd';
-    default:
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type in widen!");
+  if (isChar() && !Pointer)
+    // Make chars explicitly signed.
+    S = "S" + S;
+  else if (isInteger() && !Pointer && !Signed)
+    S = "U" + S;
+  if (isScalar()) {
+    if (Constant) S += "C";
+    if (Pointer) S += "*";
+    return S;
+  std::string Ret;
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumVectors; ++I)
+    Ret += "V" + utostr(getNumElements()) + S;
+  return Ret;
-/// Narrow - Convert a type code into the next smaller type.  short -> char,
-/// float -> half float, etc.
-static char Narrow(const char t) {
-  switch (t) {
-    case 's':
-      return 'c';
-    case 'i':
-      return 's';
-    case 'l':
-      return 'i';
-    case 'k':
-      return 'l';
-    case 'f':
-      return 'h';
-    case 'd':
-      return 'f';
-    default:
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type in narrow!");
+unsigned Type::getNeonEnum() const {
+  unsigned Addend;
+  switch (ElementBitwidth) {
+  case 8: Addend = 0; break;
+  case 16: Addend = 1; break;
+  case 32: Addend = 2; break;
+  case 64: Addend = 3; break;
+  case 128: Addend = 4; break;
+  default: assert(0 && "Unhandled element bitwidth!");
-static std::string GetNarrowTypestr(StringRef ty)
-  std::string s;
-  for (size_t i = 0, end = ty.size(); i < end; i++) {
-    switch (ty[i]) {
-      case 's':
-        s += 'c';
-        break;
-      case 'i':
-        s += 's';
-        break;
-      case 'l':
-        s += 'i';
-        break;
-      case 'k':
-        s += 'l';
-        break;
-      default:
-        s += ty[i];
-        break;
-    }
+  unsigned Base = (unsigned)NeonTypeFlags::Int8 + Addend;
+  if (Poly) {
+    // Adjustment needed because Poly32 doesn't exist.
+    if (Addend >= 2)
+      --Addend;
+    Base = (unsigned)NeonTypeFlags::Poly8 + Addend;
+  if (Float) {
+    assert(Addend != 0 && "Float8 doesn't exist!");
+    Base = (unsigned)NeonTypeFlags::Float16 + (Addend - 1);
+  }
+  if (Bitwidth == 128)
+    Base |= (unsigned)NeonTypeFlags::QuadFlag;
+  if (isInteger() && !Signed)
+    Base |= (unsigned)NeonTypeFlags::UnsignedFlag;
-  return s;
+  return Base;
-/// For a particular StringRef, return the base type code, and whether it has
-/// the quad-vector, polynomial, or unsigned modifiers set.
-static char ClassifyType(StringRef ty, bool &quad, bool &poly, bool &usgn) {
-  unsigned off = 0;
-  // ignore scalar.
-  if (ty[off] == 'S') {
-    ++off;
+Type Type::fromTypedefName(StringRef Name) {
+  Type T;
+  T.Void = false;
+  T.Float = false;
+  T.Poly = false;
+  if (Name.front() == 'u') {
+    T.Signed = false;
+    Name = Name.drop_front();
+  } else {
+    T.Signed = true;
-  // remember quad.
-  if (ty[off] == 'Q' || ty[off] == 'H') {
-    quad = true;
-    ++off;
+  if (Name.startswith("float")) {
+    T.Float = true;
+    Name = Name.drop_front(5);
+  } else if (Name.startswith("poly")) {
+    T.Poly = true;
+    Name = Name.drop_front(4);
+  } else {
+    assert(Name.startswith("int"));
+    Name = Name.drop_front(3);
-  // remember poly.
-  if (ty[off] == 'P') {
-    poly = true;
-    ++off;
+  unsigned I = 0;
+  for (I = 0; I < Name.size(); ++I) {
+    if (!isdigit(Name[I]))
+      break;
+  Name.substr(0, I).getAsInteger(10, T.ElementBitwidth);
+  Name = Name.drop_front(I);
+  T.Bitwidth = T.ElementBitwidth;
+  T.NumVectors = 1;
-  // remember unsigned.
-  if (ty[off] == 'U') {
-    usgn = true;
-    ++off;
+  if (Name.front() == 'x') {
+    Name = Name.drop_front();
+    unsigned I = 0;
+    for (I = 0; I < Name.size(); ++I) {
+      if (!isdigit(Name[I]))
+        break;
+    }
+    unsigned NumLanes;
+    Name.substr(0, I).getAsInteger(10, NumLanes);
+    Name = Name.drop_front(I);
+    T.Bitwidth = T.ElementBitwidth * NumLanes;
+  } else {
+    // Was scalar.
+    T.NumVectors = 0;
+  }
+  if (Name.front() == 'x') {
+    Name = Name.drop_front();
+    unsigned I = 0;
+    for (I = 0; I < Name.size(); ++I) {
+      if (!isdigit(Name[I]))
+        break;
+    }
+    Name.substr(0, I).getAsInteger(10, T.NumVectors);
+    Name = Name.drop_front(I);
-  // base type to get the type string for.
-  return ty[off];
+  assert(Name.startswith("_t") && "Malformed typedef!");
+  return T;
-/// ModType - Transform a type code and its modifiers based on a mod code. The
-/// mod code definitions may be found at the top of arm_neon.td.
-static char ModType(const char mod, char type, bool &quad, bool &poly,
-                    bool &usgn, bool &scal, bool &cnst, bool &pntr) {
-  switch (mod) {
-    case 't':
-      if (poly) {
-        poly = false;
-        usgn = true;
-      }
-      break;
-    case 'b':
-      scal = true;
-    case 'u':
-      usgn = true;
-      poly = false;
-      if (type == 'f')
-        type = 'i';
-      if (type == 'd')
-        type = 'l';
-      break;
-    case '$':
-      scal = true;
-    case 'x':
-      usgn = false;
-      poly = false;
-      if (type == 'f')
-        type = 'i';
-      if (type == 'd')
-        type = 'l';
-      break;
-    case 'o':
-      scal = true;
-      type = 'd';
-      usgn = false;
-      break;
-    case 'y':
-      scal = true;
-    case 'f':
-      if (type == 'h')
-        quad = true;
-      type = 'f';
-      usgn = false;
-      break;
-    case 'F':
-      type = 'd';
-      usgn = false;
-      break;
-    case 'g':
-      quad = false;
-      break;
-    case 'B':
-    case 'C':
-    case 'D':
-    case 'j':
-      quad = true;
-      break;
-    case 'w':
-      type = Widen(type);
-      quad = true;
-      break;
-    case 'n':
-      type = Widen(type);
-      break;
-    case 'i':
-      type = 'i';
-      scal = true;
+void Type::applyTypespec(bool &Quad) {
+  std::string S = TS;
+  ScalarForMangling = false;
+  Void = false;
+  Poly = Float = false;
+  ElementBitwidth = ~0U;
+  Signed = true;
+  NumVectors = 1;
+  for (char I : S) {
+    switch (I) {
+    case 'S':
+      ScalarForMangling = true;
-    case 'l':
-      type = 'l';
-      scal = true;
-      usgn = true;
+    case 'H':
+      NoManglingQ = true;
+      Quad = true;
-    case 'z':
-      type = Narrow(type);
-      scal = true;
+    case 'Q':
+      Quad = true;
-    case 'r':
-      type = Widen(type);
-      scal = true;
+    case 'P':
+      Poly = true;
-    case 's':
-    case 'a':
-      scal = true;
-      break;
-    case 'k':
-      quad = true;
+    case 'U':
+      Signed = false;
     case 'c':
-      cnst = true;
-    case 'p':
-      pntr = true;
-      scal = true;
+      ElementBitwidth = 8;
     case 'h':
-      type = Narrow(type);
-      if (type == 'h')
-        quad = false;
-      break;
-    case 'q':
-      type = Narrow(type);
-      quad = true;
-      break;
-    case 'e':
-      type = Narrow(type);
-      usgn = true;
-      break;
-    case 'm':
-      type = Narrow(type);
-      quad = false;
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-  return type;
-static bool IsMultiVecProto(const char p) {
-  return ((p >= '2' && p <= '4') || (p >= 'B' && p <= 'D'));
-/// TypeString - for a modifier and type, generate the name of the typedef for
-/// that type.  QUc -> uint8x8_t.
-static std::string TypeString(const char mod, StringRef typestr) {
-  bool quad = false;
-  bool poly = false;
-  bool usgn = false;
-  bool scal = false;
-  bool cnst = false;
-  bool pntr = false;
-  if (mod == 'v')
-    return "void";
-  if (mod == 'i')
-    return "int";
-  // base type to get the type string for.
-  char type = ClassifyType(typestr, quad, poly, usgn);
-  // Based on the modifying character, change the type and width if necessary.
-  type = ModType(mod, type, quad, poly, usgn, scal, cnst, pntr);
-  SmallString<128> s;
-  if (usgn)
-    s.push_back('u');
-  switch (type) {
-    case 'c':
-      s += poly ? "poly8" : "int8";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x16" : "x8";
-      break;
+      Float = true;
+    // Fall through
     case 's':
-      s += poly ? "poly16" : "int16";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x8" : "x4";
+      ElementBitwidth = 16;
+    case 'f':
+      Float = true;
+    // Fall through
     case 'i':
-      s += "int32";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x4" : "x2";
+      ElementBitwidth = 32;
+    case 'd':
+      Float = true;
+    // Fall through
     case 'l':
-      s += (poly && !usgn)? "poly64" : "int64";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x2" : "x1";
+      ElementBitwidth = 64;
     case 'k':
-      s += "poly128";
-      break;
-    case 'h':
-      s += "float16";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x8" : "x4";
-      break;
-    case 'f':
-      s += "float32";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x4" : "x2";
-      break;
-    case 'd':
-      s += "float64";
-      if (scal)
-        break;
-      s += quad ? "x2" : "x1";
+      ElementBitwidth = 128;
+      // Poly doesn't have a 128x1 type.
+      if (Poly)
+        NumVectors = 0;
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
+      assert(0 && "Unhandled type code!");
+    }
+  assert(ElementBitwidth != ~0U && "Bad element bitwidth!");
-  if (mod == '2' || mod == 'B')
-    s += "x2";
-  if (mod == '3' || mod == 'C')
-    s += "x3";
-  if (mod == '4' || mod == 'D')
-    s += "x4";
-  // Append _t, finishing the type string typedef type.
-  s += "_t";
-  if (cnst)
-    s += " const";
-  if (pntr)
-    s += " *";
-  return s.str();
-/// BuiltinTypeString - for a modifier and type, generate the clang
-/// BuiltinsARM.def prototype code for the function.  See the top of clang's
-/// Builtins.def for a description of the type strings.
-static std::string BuiltinTypeString(const char mod, StringRef typestr,
-                                     ClassKind ck, bool ret) {
-  bool quad = false;
-  bool poly = false;
-  bool usgn = false;
-  bool scal = false;
-  bool cnst = false;
-  bool pntr = false;
-  if (mod == 'v')
-    return "v"; // void
-  if (mod == 'i')
-    return "i"; // int
-  // base type to get the type string for.
-  char type = ClassifyType(typestr, quad, poly, usgn);
-  // Based on the modifying character, change the type and width if necessary.
-  type = ModType(mod, type, quad, poly, usgn, scal, cnst, pntr);
-  usgn = usgn | poly | ((ck == ClassI || ck == ClassW) &&
-                         scal && type != 'f' && type != 'd');
-  // All pointers are void* pointers.  Change type to 'v' now.
-  if (pntr) {
-    usgn = false;
-    poly = false;
-    type = 'v';
-  }
-  // Treat half-float ('h') types as unsigned short ('s') types.
-  if (type == 'h') {
-    type = 's';
-    usgn = true;
-  }
-  if (scal) {
-    SmallString<128> s;
-    if (usgn)
-      s.push_back('U');
-    else if (type == 'c')
-      s.push_back('S'); // make chars explicitly signed
-    if (type == 'l') // 64-bit long
-      s += "Wi";
-    else if (type == 'k') // 128-bit long
-      s = "LLLi";
-    else
-      s.push_back(type);
+  Bitwidth = Quad ? 128 : 64;
-    if (cnst)
-      s.push_back('C');
-    if (pntr)
-      s.push_back('*');
-    return s.str();
-  }
+void Type::applyModifier(char Mod) {
+  bool AppliedQuad = false;
+  applyTypespec(AppliedQuad);
-  // Since the return value must be one type, return a vector type of the
-  // appropriate width which we will bitcast.  An exception is made for
-  // returning structs of 2, 3, or 4 vectors which are returned in a sret-like
-  // fashion, storing them to a pointer arg.
-  if (ret) {
-    if (IsMultiVecProto(mod))
-      return "vv*"; // void result with void* first argument
-    if (mod == 'f' || (ck != ClassB && type == 'f'))
-      return quad ? "V4f" : "V2f";
-    if (mod == 'F' || (ck != ClassB && type == 'd'))
-      return quad ? "V2d" : "V1d";
-    if (ck != ClassB && type == 's')
-      return quad ? "V8s" : "V4s";
-    if (ck != ClassB && type == 'i')
-      return quad ? "V4i" : "V2i";
-    if (ck != ClassB && type == 'l')
-      return quad ? "V2Wi" : "V1Wi";
-    return quad ? "V16Sc" : "V8Sc";
-  }
-  // Non-return array types are passed as individual vectors.
-  if (mod == '2' || mod == 'B')
-    return quad ? "V16ScV16Sc" : "V8ScV8Sc";
-  if (mod == '3' || mod == 'C')
-    return quad ? "V16ScV16ScV16Sc" : "V8ScV8ScV8Sc";
-  if (mod == '4' || mod == 'D')
-    return quad ? "V16ScV16ScV16ScV16Sc" : "V8ScV8ScV8ScV8Sc";
-  if (mod == 'f' || (ck != ClassB && type == 'f'))
-    return quad ? "V4f" : "V2f";
-  if (mod == 'F' || (ck != ClassB && type == 'd'))
-    return quad ? "V2d" : "V1d";
-  if (ck != ClassB && type == 's')
-    return quad ? "V8s" : "V4s";
-  if (ck != ClassB && type == 'i')
-    return quad ? "V4i" : "V2i";
-  if (ck != ClassB && type == 'l')
-    return quad ? "V2Wi" : "V1Wi";
-  return quad ? "V16Sc" : "V8Sc";
-/// InstructionTypeCode - Computes the ARM argument character code and
-/// quad status for a specific type string and ClassKind.
-static void InstructionTypeCode(const StringRef &typeStr,
-                                const ClassKind ck,
-                                bool &quad,
-                                std::string &typeCode) {
-  bool poly = false;
-  bool usgn = false;
-  char type = ClassifyType(typeStr, quad, poly, usgn);
-  switch (type) {
-  case 'c':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS: typeCode = poly ? "p8" : usgn ? "u8" : "s8"; break;
-    case ClassI: typeCode = "i8"; break;
-    case ClassW: typeCode = "8"; break;
-    default: break;
-    }
+  switch (Mod) {
+  case 'v':
+    Void = true;
-  case 's':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS: typeCode = poly ? "p16" : usgn ? "u16" : "s16"; break;
-    case ClassI: typeCode = "i16"; break;
-    case ClassW: typeCode = "16"; break;
-    default: break;
+  case 't':
+    if (Poly) {
+      Poly = false;
+      Signed = false;
+  case 'b':
+    Signed = false;
+    Float = false;
+    Poly = false;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    break;
+  case '$':
+    Signed = true;
+    Float = false;
+    Poly = false;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    break;
+  case 'u':
+    Signed = false;
+    Poly = false;
+    Float = false;
+    break;
+  case 'x':
+    Signed = true;
+    assert(!Poly && "'u' can't be used with poly types!");
+    Float = false;
+    break;
+  case 'o':
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 64;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    Float = true;
+    break;
+  case 'y':
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth = 32;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    Float = true;
+    break;
+  case 'f':
+    // Special case - if we're half-precision, a floating
+    // point argument needs to be 128-bits (double size).
+    if (isHalf())
+      Bitwidth = 128;
+    Float = true;
+    ElementBitwidth = 32;
+    break;
+  case 'F':
+    Float = true;
+    ElementBitwidth = 64;
+    break;
+  case 'g':
+    if (AppliedQuad)
+      Bitwidth /= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'j':
+    if (!AppliedQuad)
+      Bitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'w':
+    ElementBitwidth *= 2;
+    Bitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'n':
+    ElementBitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
   case 'i':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS: typeCode = usgn ? "u32" : "s32"; break;
-    case ClassI: typeCode = "i32"; break;
-    case ClassW: typeCode = "32"; break;
-    default: break;
-    }
+    Float = false;
+    Poly = false;
+    ElementBitwidth = Bitwidth = 32;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    Signed = true;
   case 'l':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS: typeCode = poly ? "p64" : usgn ? "u64" : "s64"; break;
-    case ClassI: typeCode = "i64"; break;
-    case ClassW: typeCode = "64"; break;
-    default: break;
-    }
+    Float = false;
+    Poly = false;
+    ElementBitwidth = Bitwidth = 64;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    Signed = false;
+    break;
+  case 'z':
+    ElementBitwidth /= 2;
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    break;
+  case 'r':
+    ElementBitwidth *= 2;
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    NumVectors = 0;
+    break;
+  case 's':
+  case 'a':
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    NumVectors = 0;
   case 'k':
-    assert(poly && "Unrecognized 128 bit integer.");
-    typeCode = "p128";
+    Bitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'c':
+    Constant = true;
+  // Fall through
+  case 'p':
+    Pointer = true;
+    Bitwidth = ElementBitwidth;
+    NumVectors = 0;
   case 'h':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS:
-    case ClassI: typeCode = "f16"; break;
-    case ClassW: typeCode = "16"; break;
-    default: break;
-    }
+    ElementBitwidth /= 2;
-  case 'f':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS:
-    case ClassI: typeCode = "f32"; break;
-    case ClassW: typeCode = "32"; break;
-    default: break;
-    }
+  case 'q':
+    ElementBitwidth /= 2;
+    Bitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'e':
+    ElementBitwidth /= 2;
+    Signed = false;
+    break;
+  case 'm':
+    ElementBitwidth /= 2;
+    Bitwidth /= 2;
   case 'd':
-    switch (ck) {
-    case ClassS:
-    case ClassI:
-      typeCode += "f64";
-      break;
-    case ClassW:
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
+    break;
+  case '2':
+    NumVectors = 2;
+    break;
+  case '3':
+    NumVectors = 3;
+    break;
+  case '4':
+    NumVectors = 4;
+    break;
+  case 'B':
+    NumVectors = 2;
+    if (!AppliedQuad)
+      Bitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'C':
+    NumVectors = 3;
+    if (!AppliedQuad)
+      Bitwidth *= 2;
+    break;
+  case 'D':
+    NumVectors = 4;
+    if (!AppliedQuad)
+      Bitwidth *= 2;
-    PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
+    assert(0 && "Unhandled character!");
-static char Insert_BHSD_Suffix(StringRef typestr){
-  unsigned off = 0;
-  if(typestr[off++] == 'S'){
-    while(typestr[off] == 'Q' || typestr[off] == 'H'||
-          typestr[off] == 'P' || typestr[off] == 'U')
-      ++off;
-    switch (typestr[off]){
-    default  : break;
-    case 'c' : return 'b';
-    case 's' : return 'h';
-    case 'i' :
-    case 'f' : return 's';
-    case 'l' :
-    case 'd' : return 'd';
+// Intrinsic implementation
+std::string Intrinsic::getInstTypeCode(Type T, ClassKind CK) {
+  char typeCode = '\0';
+  bool printNumber = true;
+  if (CK == ClassB)
+    return "";
+  if (T.isPoly())
+    typeCode = 'p';
+  else if (T.isInteger())
+    typeCode = T.isSigned() ? 's' : 'u';
+  else
+    typeCode = 'f';
+  if (CK == ClassI) {
+    switch (typeCode) {
+    default:
+      break;
+    case 's':
+    case 'u':
+    case 'p':
+      typeCode = 'i';
+      break;
-  return 0;
+  if (CK == ClassB) {
+    typeCode = '\0';
+  }
+  std::string S;
+  if (typeCode != '\0')
+    S.push_back(typeCode);
+  if (printNumber)
+    S += utostr(T.getElementSizeInBits());
+  return S;
-static bool endsWith_xN(std::string const &name) {
-  if (name.length() > 3) {
-    if (name.compare(name.length() - 3, 3, "_x2") == 0 ||
-        name.compare(name.length() - 3, 3, "_x3") == 0 ||
-        name.compare(name.length() - 3, 3, "_x4") == 0)
-      return true;
+std::string Intrinsic::getBuiltinTypeStr() {
+  ClassKind LocalCK = getClassKind(true);
+  std::string S;
+  Type RetT = getReturnType();
+  if ((LocalCK == ClassI || LocalCK == ClassW) && RetT.isScalar() &&
+      !RetT.isFloating())
+    RetT.makeInteger(RetT.getElementSizeInBits(), false);
+  // Since the return value must be one type, return a vector type of the
+  // appropriate width which we will bitcast.  An exception is made for
+  // returning structs of 2, 3, or 4 vectors which are returned in a sret-like
+  // fashion, storing them to a pointer arg.
+  if (RetT.getNumVectors() > 1) {
+    S += "vv*"; // void result with void* first argument
+  } else {
+    if (RetT.isPoly())
+      RetT.makeInteger(RetT.getElementSizeInBits(), false);
+    if (!RetT.isScalar() && !RetT.isSigned())
+      RetT.makeSigned();
+    bool ForcedVectorFloatingType = Proto[0] == 'F' || Proto[0] == 'f';
+    if (LocalCK == ClassB && !RetT.isScalar() && !ForcedVectorFloatingType)
+      // Cast to vector of 8-bit elements.
+      RetT.makeInteger(8, true);
+    S += RetT.builtin_str();
+  }
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < getNumParams(); ++I) {
+    Type T = getParamType(I);
+    if (T.isPoly())
+      T.makeInteger(T.getElementSizeInBits(), false);
+    bool ForcedFloatingType = Proto[I + 1] == 'F' || Proto[I + 1] == 'f';
+    if (LocalCK == ClassB && !T.isScalar() && !ForcedFloatingType)
+      T.makeInteger(8, true);
+    // Halves always get converted to 8-bit elements.
+    if (T.isHalf() && T.isVector() && !T.isScalarForMangling())
+      T.makeInteger(8, true);
+    if (LocalCK == ClassI)
+      T.makeSigned();
+    // Constant indices are always just "int".
+    if (hasImmediate() && getImmediateIdx() == I)
+      T.makeInteger(32, true);
+    S += T.builtin_str();
-  return false;
+  // Extra constant integer to hold type class enum for this function, e.g. s8
+  if (LocalCK == ClassB)
+    S += "i";
+  return S;
-/// MangleName - Append a type or width suffix to a base neon function name,
-/// and insert a 'q' in the appropriate location if type string starts with 'Q'.
-/// E.g. turn "vst2_lane" into "vst2q_lane_f32", etc.
-/// Insert proper 'b' 'h' 's' 'd' if prefix 'S' is used.
-static std::string MangleName(const std::string &name, StringRef typestr,
-                              ClassKind ck) {
-  if (name == "vcvt_f32_f16" || name == "vcvt_f32_f64" ||
-      name == "vcvt_f64_f32")
-    return name;
+std::string Intrinsic::getMangledName(bool ForceClassS) {
+  // Check if the prototype has a scalar operand with the type of the vector
+  // elements.  If not, bitcasting the args will take care of arg checking.
+  // The actual signedness etc. will be taken care of with special enums.
+  ClassKind LocalCK = CK;
+  if (!protoHasScalar())
+    LocalCK = ClassB;
-  bool quad = false;
-  std::string typeCode = "";
+  return mangleName(Name, ForceClassS ? ClassS : LocalCK);
-  InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ck, quad, typeCode);
+std::string Intrinsic::mangleName(std::string Name, ClassKind LocalCK) {
+  std::string typeCode = getInstTypeCode(BaseType, LocalCK);
+  std::string S = Name;
-  std::string s = name;
+  if (Name == "vcvt_f32_f16" || Name == "vcvt_f32_f64" ||
+      Name == "vcvt_f64_f32")
+    return Name;
   if (typeCode.size() > 0) {
-    // If the name is end with _xN (N = 2,3,4), insert the typeCode before _xN.
-    if (endsWith_xN(s))
-      s.insert(s.length() - 3, "_" + typeCode);
+    // If the name ends with _xN (N = 2,3,4), insert the typeCode before _xN.
+    if (Name.size() >= 3 && isdigit(Name.back()) &&
+        Name[Name.length() - 2] == 'x' && Name[Name.length() - 3] == '_')
+      S.insert(S.length() - 3, "_" + typeCode);
-      s += "_" + typeCode;
+      S += "_" + typeCode;
+  }
+  if (BaseType != InBaseType) {
+    // A reinterpret - out the input base type at the end.
+    S += "_" + getInstTypeCode(InBaseType, LocalCK);
-  if (ck == ClassB)
-    s += "_v";
+  if (LocalCK == ClassB)
+    S += "_v";
   // Insert a 'q' before the first '_' character so that it ends up before
   // _lane or _n on vector-scalar operations.
-  if (typestr.find("Q") != StringRef::npos) {
-      size_t pos = s.find('_');
-      s = s.insert(pos, "q");
-  }
-  char ins = Insert_BHSD_Suffix(typestr);
-  if(ins){
-    size_t pos = s.find('_');
-    s = s.insert(pos, &ins, 1);
-  }
-  return s;
-static void PreprocessInstruction(const StringRef &Name,
-                                  const std::string &InstName,
-                                  std::string &Prefix,
-                                  bool &HasNPostfix,
-                                  bool &HasLanePostfix,
-                                  bool &HasDupPostfix,
-                                  bool &IsSpecialVCvt,
-                                  size_t &TBNumber) {
-  // All of our instruction name fields from arm_neon.td are of the form
-  //   <instructionname>_...
-  // Thus we grab our instruction name via computation of said Prefix.
-  const size_t PrefixEnd = Name.find_first_of('_');
-  // If InstName is passed in, we use that instead of our name Prefix.
-  Prefix = InstName.size() == 0? Name.slice(0, PrefixEnd).str() : InstName;
-  const StringRef Postfix = Name.slice(PrefixEnd, Name.size());
-  HasNPostfix = Postfix.count("_n");
-  HasLanePostfix = Postfix.count("_lane");
-  HasDupPostfix = Postfix.count("_dup");
-  IsSpecialVCvt = Postfix.size() != 0 && Name.count("vcvt");
-  if (InstName.compare("vtbl") == 0 ||
-      InstName.compare("vtbx") == 0) {
-    // If we have a vtblN/vtbxN instruction, use the instruction's ASCII
-    // encoding to get its true value.
-    TBNumber = Name[Name.size()-1] - 48;
+  if (BaseType.getSizeInBits() == 128 && !BaseType.noManglingQ()) {
+    size_t Pos = S.find('_');
+    S.insert(Pos, "q");
-/// GenerateRegisterCheckPatternsForLoadStores - Given a bunch of data we have
-/// extracted, generate a FileCheck pattern for a Load Or Store
-static void
-GenerateRegisterCheckPatternForLoadStores(const StringRef &NameRef,
-                                          const std::string& OutTypeCode,
-                                          const bool &IsQuad,
-                                          const bool &HasDupPostfix,
-                                          const bool &HasLanePostfix,
-                                          const size_t Count,
-                                          std::string &RegisterSuffix) {
-  const bool IsLDSTOne = NameRef.count("vld1") || NameRef.count("vst1");
-  // If N == 3 || N == 4 and we are dealing with a quad instruction, Clang
-  // will output a series of v{ld,st}1s, so we have to handle it specially.
-  if ((Count == 3 || Count == 4) && IsQuad) {
-    RegisterSuffix += "{";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
-      RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}";
-      if (HasDupPostfix) {
-        RegisterSuffix += "[]";
-      }
-      if (HasLanePostfix) {
-        RegisterSuffix += "[{{[0-9]+}}]";
-      }
-      if (i < Count-1) {
-        RegisterSuffix += ", ";
-      }
+  char Suffix = '\0';
+  if (BaseType.isScalarForMangling()) {
+    switch (BaseType.getElementSizeInBits()) {
+    case 8: Suffix = 'b'; break;
+    case 16: Suffix = 'h'; break;
+    case 32: Suffix = 's'; break;
+    case 64: Suffix = 'd'; break;
+    default: assert(0 && "Bad suffix!");
-    RegisterSuffix += "}";
-  } else {
+  }
+  if (Suffix != '\0') {
+    size_t Pos = S.find('_');
+    S.insert(Pos, &Suffix, 1);
+  }
-    // Handle normal loads and stores.
-    RegisterSuffix += "{";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
-      RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}";
-      if (HasDupPostfix) {
-        RegisterSuffix += "[]";
-      }
-      if (HasLanePostfix) {
-        RegisterSuffix += "[{{[0-9]+}}]";
-      }
-      if (IsQuad && !HasLanePostfix) {
-        RegisterSuffix += ", d{{[0-9]+}}";
-        if (HasDupPostfix) {
-          RegisterSuffix += "[]";
-        }
-      }
-      if (i < Count-1) {
-        RegisterSuffix += ", ";
-      }
-    }
-    RegisterSuffix += "}, [r{{[0-9]+}}";
+  return S;
-    // We only include the alignment hint if we have a vld1.*64 or
-    // a dup/lane instruction.
-    if (IsLDSTOne) {
-      if ((HasLanePostfix || HasDupPostfix) && OutTypeCode != "8") {
-        RegisterSuffix += ":" + OutTypeCode;
-      }
-    }
+std::string Intrinsic::replaceParamsIn(std::string S) {
+  while (S.find('$') != std::string::npos) {
+    size_t Pos = S.find('$');
+    size_t End = Pos + 1;
+    while (isalpha(S[End]))
+      ++End;
-    RegisterSuffix += "]";
+    std::string VarName = S.substr(Pos + 1, End - Pos - 1);
+    assert_with_loc(Variables.find(VarName) != Variables.end(),
+                    "Variable not defined!");
+    S.replace(Pos, End - Pos, Variables.find(VarName)->second.getName());
+  return S;
-static bool HasNPostfixAndScalarArgs(const StringRef &NameRef,
-                                     const bool &HasNPostfix) {
-  return (NameRef.count("vmla") ||
-          NameRef.count("vmlal") ||
-          NameRef.count("vmlsl") ||
-          NameRef.count("vmull") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmlal") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmlsl") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmulh") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmull") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqrdmulh")) && HasNPostfix;
-static bool IsFiveOperandLaneAccumulator(const StringRef &NameRef,
-                                         const bool &HasLanePostfix) {
-  return (NameRef.count("vmla") ||
-          NameRef.count("vmls") ||
-          NameRef.count("vmlal") ||
-          NameRef.count("vmlsl") ||
-          (NameRef.count("vmul") && NameRef.size() == 3)||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmlal") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmlsl") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqdmulh") ||
-          NameRef.count("vqrdmulh")) && HasLanePostfix;
-static bool IsSpecialLaneMultiply(const StringRef &NameRef,
-                                  const bool &HasLanePostfix,
-                                  const bool &IsQuad) {
-  const bool IsVMulOrMulh = (NameRef.count("vmul") || NameRef.count("mulh"))
-                               && IsQuad;
-  const bool IsVMull = NameRef.count("mull") && !IsQuad;
-  return (IsVMulOrMulh || IsVMull) && HasLanePostfix;
-static void NormalizeProtoForRegisterPatternCreation(const std::string &Name,
-                                                     const std::string &Proto,
-                                                     const bool &HasNPostfix,
-                                                     const bool &IsQuad,
-                                                     const bool &HasLanePostfix,
-                                                     const bool &HasDupPostfix,
-                                                     std::string &NormedProto) {
-  // Handle generic case.
-  const StringRef NameRef(Name);
-  for (size_t i = 0, end = Proto.size(); i < end; i++) {
-    switch (Proto[i]) {
-    case 'u':
-    case 'f':
-    case 'F':
-    case 'd':
-    case 's':
-    case 'x':
-    case 't':
-    case 'n':
-      NormedProto += IsQuad? 'q' : 'd';
-      break;
-    case 'w':
-    case 'k':
-      NormedProto += 'q';
-      break;
-    case 'g':
-    case 'j':
-    case 'h':
-    case 'e':
-      NormedProto += 'd';
-      break;
-    case 'i':
-      NormedProto += HasLanePostfix? 'a' : 'i';
-      break;
-    case 'a':
-      if (HasLanePostfix) {
-        NormedProto += 'a';
-      } else if (HasNPostfixAndScalarArgs(NameRef, HasNPostfix)) {
-        NormedProto += IsQuad? 'q' : 'd';
-      } else {
-        NormedProto += 'i';
-      }
-      break;
-    }
+void Intrinsic::initVariables() {
+  Variables.clear();
+  // Modify the TypeSpec per-argument to get a concrete Type, and create
+  // known variables for each.
+  for (unsigned I = 1; I < Proto.size(); ++I) {
+    char NameC = '0' + (I - 1);
+    std::string Name = "p";
+    Name.push_back(NameC);
+    Variables[Name] = Variable(Types[I], Name + VariablePostfix);
+  RetVar = Variable(Types[0], "ret" + VariablePostfix);
+void Intrinsic::emitPrototype() {
+  if (UseMacro)
+    OS << "#define ";
+  else
+    OS << "__ai " << Types[0].str() << " ";
+  OS << mangleName(Name, ClassS) << "(";
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < getNumParams(); ++I) {
+    if (I != 0)
+      OS << ", ";
-  // Handle Special Cases.
-  const bool IsNotVExt = !NameRef.count("vext");
-  const bool IsVPADAL = NameRef.count("vpadal");
-  const bool Is5OpLaneAccum = IsFiveOperandLaneAccumulator(NameRef,
-                                                           HasLanePostfix);
-  const bool IsSpecialLaneMul = IsSpecialLaneMultiply(NameRef, HasLanePostfix,
-                                                      IsQuad);
-  if (IsSpecialLaneMul) {
-    // If
-    NormedProto[2] = NormedProto[3];
-    NormedProto.erase(3);
-  } else if (NormedProto.size() == 4 &&
-             NormedProto[0] == NormedProto[1] &&
-             IsNotVExt) {
-    // If NormedProto.size() == 4 and the first two proto characters are the
-    // same, ignore the first.
-    NormedProto = NormedProto.substr(1, 3);
-  } else if (Is5OpLaneAccum) {
-    // If we have a 5 op lane accumulator operation, we take characters 1,2,4
-    std::string tmp = NormedProto.substr(1,2);
-    tmp += NormedProto[4];
-    NormedProto = tmp;
-  } else if (IsVPADAL) {
-    // If we have VPADAL, ignore the first character.
-    NormedProto = NormedProto.substr(0, 2);
-  } else if (NameRef.count("vdup") && NormedProto.size() > 2) {
-    // If our instruction is a dup instruction, keep only the first and
-    // last characters.
-    std::string tmp = "";
-    tmp += NormedProto[0];
-    tmp += NormedProto[NormedProto.size()-1];
-    NormedProto = tmp;
+    char NameC = '0' + I;
+    std::string Name = "p";
+    Name.push_back(NameC);
+    assert(Variables.find(Name) != Variables.end());
+    Variable &V = Variables[Name];
+    if (!UseMacro)
+      OS << V.getType().str() << " ";
+    OS << V.getName();
+  OS << ")";
-/// GenerateRegisterCheckPatterns - Given a bunch of data we have
-/// extracted, generate a FileCheck pattern to check that an
-/// instruction's arguments are correct.
-static void GenerateRegisterCheckPattern(const std::string &Name,
-                                         const std::string &Proto,
-                                         const std::string &OutTypeCode,
-                                         const bool &HasNPostfix,
-                                         const bool &IsQuad,
-                                         const bool &HasLanePostfix,
-                                         const bool &HasDupPostfix,
-                                         const size_t &TBNumber,
-                                         std::string &RegisterSuffix) {
+void Intrinsic::emitOpeningBrace() {
+  if (UseMacro)
+    OS << " __extension__ ({";
+  else
+    OS << " {";
+  emitNewLine();
-  RegisterSuffix = "";
+void Intrinsic::emitClosingBrace() {
+  if (UseMacro)
+    OS << "})";
+  else
+    OS << "}";
-  const StringRef NameRef(Name);
+void Intrinsic::emitNewLine() {
+  if (UseMacro)
+    OS << " \\\n";
+  else
+    OS << "\n";
-  if ((NameRef.count("vdup") || NameRef.count("vmov")) && HasNPostfix) {
+void Intrinsic::emitShadowedArgs() {
+  // Macro arguments are not type-checked like inline function arguments,
+  // so assign them to local temporaries to get the right type checking.
+  if (!UseMacro)
-  }
-  const bool IsLoadStore = NameRef.count("vld") || NameRef.count("vst");
-  const bool IsTBXOrTBL = NameRef.count("vtbl") || NameRef.count("vtbx");
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < getNumParams(); ++I) {
+    // Do not create a temporary for an immediate argument.
+    // That would defeat the whole point of using a macro!
+    if (hasImmediate() && Proto[I+1] == 'i')
+      continue;
+    // Do not create a temporary for pointer arguments. The input
+    // pointer may have an alignment hint.
+    if (getParamType(I).isPointer())
+      continue;
-  if (IsLoadStore) {
-    // Grab N value from  v{ld,st}N using its ascii representation.
-    const size_t Count = NameRef[3] - 48;
-    GenerateRegisterCheckPatternForLoadStores(NameRef, OutTypeCode, IsQuad,
-                                              HasDupPostfix, HasLanePostfix,
-                                              Count, RegisterSuffix);
-  } else if (IsTBXOrTBL) {
-    RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}, {";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < TBNumber-1; i++) {
-      RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}, ";
-    }
-    RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}}, d{{[0-9]+}}";
-  } else {
-    // Handle a normal instruction.
-    if (NameRef.count("vget") || NameRef.count("vset"))
-      return;
-    // We first normalize our proto, since we only need to emit 4
-    // different types of checks, yet have more than 4 proto types
-    // that map onto those 4 patterns.
-    std::string NormalizedProto("");
-    NormalizeProtoForRegisterPatternCreation(Name, Proto, HasNPostfix, IsQuad,
-                                             HasLanePostfix, HasDupPostfix,
-                                             NormalizedProto);
-    for (size_t i = 0, end = NormalizedProto.size(); i < end; i++) {
-      const char &c = NormalizedProto[i];
-      switch (c) {
-      case 'q':
-        RegisterSuffix += "q{{[0-9]+}}, ";
-        break;
+    char NameC = '0' + I;
+    std::string Name = "p";
+    Name.push_back(NameC);
-      case 'd':
-        RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}, ";
-        break;
+    assert(Variables.find(Name) != Variables.end());
+    Variable &V = Variables[Name];
-      case 'i':
-        RegisterSuffix += "#{{[0-9]+}}, ";
-        break;
+    std::string NewName = "s" + utostr(I);
+    Variable V2(V.getType(), NewName + VariablePostfix);
-      case 'a':
-        RegisterSuffix += "d{{[0-9]+}}[{{[0-9]}}], ";
-        break;
-      }
-    }
+    OS << "  " << V2.getType().str() << " " << V2.getName() << " = "
+       << V.getName() << ";";
+    emitNewLine();
-    // Remove extra ", ".
-    RegisterSuffix = RegisterSuffix.substr(0, RegisterSuffix.size()-2);
+    V = V2;
-/// GenerateChecksForIntrinsic - Given a specific instruction name +
-/// typestr + class kind, generate the proper set of FileCheck
-/// Patterns to check for. We could just return a string, but instead
-/// use a vector since it provides us with the extra flexibility of
-/// emitting multiple checks, which comes in handy for certain cases
-/// like mla where we want to check for 2 different instructions.
-static void GenerateChecksForIntrinsic(const std::string &Name,
-                                       const std::string &Proto,
-                                       StringRef &OutTypeStr,
-                                       StringRef &InTypeStr,
-                                       ClassKind Ck,
-                                       const std::string &InstName,
-                                       bool IsHiddenLOp,
-                                       std::vector<std::string>& Result) {
-  // If Ck is a ClassNoTest instruction, just return so no test is
-  // emitted.
-  if(Ck == ClassNoTest)
-    return;
+// We don't check 'a' in this function, because for builtin function the
+// argument matching to 'a' uses a vector type splatted from a scalar type.
+bool Intrinsic::protoHasScalar() {
+  return (Proto.find('s') != std::string::npos ||
+          Proto.find('z') != std::string::npos ||
+          Proto.find('r') != std::string::npos ||
+          Proto.find('b') != std::string::npos ||
+          Proto.find('$') != std::string::npos ||
+          Proto.find('y') != std::string::npos ||
+          Proto.find('o') != std::string::npos);
-  if (Name == "vcvt_f32_f16") {
-    Result.push_back("vcvt.f32.f16");
-    return;
-  }
+void Intrinsic::emitBodyAsBuiltinCall() {
+  std::string S;
+  // If this builtin returns a struct 2, 3, or 4 vectors, pass it as an implicit
+  // sret-like argument.
+  bool SRet = getReturnType().getNumVectors() >= 2;
-  // Now we preprocess our instruction given the data we have to get the
-  // data that we need.
-  // Create a StringRef for String Manipulation of our Name.
-  const StringRef NameRef(Name);
-  // Instruction Prefix.
-  std::string Prefix;
-  // The type code for our out type string.
-  std::string OutTypeCode;
-  // To handle our different cases, we need to check for different postfixes.
-  // Is our instruction a quad instruction.
-  bool IsQuad = false;
-  // Our instruction is of the form <instructionname>_n.
-  bool HasNPostfix = false;
-  // Our instruction is of the form <instructionname>_lane.
-  bool HasLanePostfix = false;
-  // Our instruction is of the form <instructionname>_dup.
-  bool HasDupPostfix  = false;
-  // Our instruction is a vcvt instruction which requires special handling.
-  bool IsSpecialVCvt = false;
-  // If we have a vtbxN or vtblN instruction, this is set to N.
-  size_t TBNumber = -1;
-  // Register Suffix
-  std::string RegisterSuffix;
-  PreprocessInstruction(NameRef, InstName, Prefix,
-                        HasNPostfix, HasLanePostfix, HasDupPostfix,
-                        IsSpecialVCvt, TBNumber);
-  InstructionTypeCode(OutTypeStr, Ck, IsQuad, OutTypeCode);
-  GenerateRegisterCheckPattern(Name, Proto, OutTypeCode, HasNPostfix, IsQuad,
-                               HasLanePostfix, HasDupPostfix, TBNumber,
-                               RegisterSuffix);
-  // In the following section, we handle a bunch of special cases. You can tell
-  // a special case by the fact we are returning early.
-  // If our instruction is a logical instruction without postfix or a
-  // hidden LOp just return the current Prefix.
-  if (Ck == ClassL || IsHiddenLOp) {
-    Result.push_back(Prefix + " " + RegisterSuffix);
-    return;
+  StringRef N = Name;
+  if (hasSplat()) {
+    // Call the non-splat builtin: chop off the "_n" suffix from the name.
+    assert(N.endswith("_n"));
+    N = N.drop_back(2);
-  // If we have a vmov, due to the many different cases, some of which
-  // vary within the different intrinsics generated for a single
-  // instruction type, just output a vmov. (e.g. given an instruction
-  // A, A.u32 might be vmov and A.u8 might be vmov.8).
-  //
-  // FIXME: Maybe something can be done about this. The two cases that we care
-  // about are vmov as an LType and vmov as a WType.
-  if (Prefix == "vmov") {
-    Result.push_back(Prefix + " " + RegisterSuffix);
-    return;
-  }
+  ClassKind LocalCK = CK;
+  if (!protoHasScalar())
+    LocalCK = ClassB;
-  // In the following section, we handle special cases.
+  if (!getReturnType().isVoid() && !SRet)
+    S += "(" + RetVar.getType().str() + ") ";
-  if (OutTypeCode == "64") {
-    // If we have a 64 bit vdup/vext and are handling an uint64x1_t
-    // type, the intrinsic will be optimized away, so just return
-    // nothing.  On the other hand if we are handling an uint64x2_t
-    // (i.e. quad instruction), vdup/vmov instructions should be
-    // emitted.
-    if (Prefix == "vdup" || Prefix == "vext") {
-      if (IsQuad) {
-        Result.push_back("{{vmov|vdup}}");
-      }
-      return;
-    }
+  S += "__builtin_neon_" + mangleName(N, LocalCK) + "(";
-    // v{st,ld}{2,3,4}_{u,s}64 emit v{st,ld}1.64 instructions with
-    // multiple register operands.
-    bool MultiLoadPrefix = Prefix == "vld2" || Prefix == "vld3"
-                            || Prefix == "vld4";
-    bool MultiStorePrefix = Prefix == "vst2" || Prefix == "vst3"
-                            || Prefix == "vst4";
-    if (MultiLoadPrefix || MultiStorePrefix) {
-      Result.push_back(NameRef.slice(0, 3).str() + "1.64");
-      return;
-    }
-    // v{st,ld}1_{lane,dup}_{u64,s64} use vldr/vstr/vmov/str instead of
-    // emitting said instructions. So return a check for
-    // vldr/vstr/vmov/str instead.
-    if (HasLanePostfix || HasDupPostfix) {
-      if (Prefix == "vst1") {
-        Result.push_back("{{str|vstr|vmov}}");
-        return;
-      } else if (Prefix == "vld1") {
-        Result.push_back("{{ldr|vldr|vmov}}");
-        return;
+  if (SRet)
+    S += "&" + RetVar.getName() + ", ";
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < getNumParams(); ++I) {
+    Variable &V = Variables["p" + utostr(I)];
+    Type T = V.getType();
+    // Handle multiple-vector values specially, emitting each subvector as an
+    // argument to the builtin.
+    if (T.getNumVectors() > 1) {
+      // Check if an explicit cast is needed.
+      std::string Cast;
+      if (T.isChar() || T.isPoly() || !T.isSigned()) {
+        Type T2 = T;
+        T2.makeOneVector();
+        T2.makeInteger(8, /*Signed=*/true);
+        Cast = "(" + T2.str() + ")";
+      for (unsigned J = 0; J < T.getNumVectors(); ++J)
+        S += Cast + V.getName() + ".val[" + utostr(J) + "], ";
+      continue;
-  }
-  // vzip.32/vuzp.32 are the same instruction as vtrn.32 and are
-  // sometimes disassembled as vtrn.32. We use a regex to handle both
-  // cases.
-  if ((Prefix == "vzip" || Prefix == "vuzp") && OutTypeCode == "32") {
-    Result.push_back("{{vtrn|" + Prefix + "}}.32 " + RegisterSuffix);
-    return;
-  }
+    std::string Arg;
+    Type CastToType = T;
+    if (hasSplat() && I == getSplatIdx()) {
+      Arg = "(" + BaseType.str() + ") {";
+      for (unsigned J = 0; J < BaseType.getNumElements(); ++J) {
+        if (J != 0)
+          Arg += ", ";
+        Arg += V.getName();
+      }
+      Arg += "}";
-  // Currently on most ARM processors, we do not use vmla/vmls for
-  // quad floating point operations. Instead we output vmul + vadd. So
-  // check if we have one of those instructions and just output a
-  // check for vmul.
-  if (OutTypeCode == "f32") {
-    if (Prefix == "vmls") {
-      Result.push_back("vmul." + OutTypeCode + " " + RegisterSuffix);
-      Result.push_back("vsub." + OutTypeCode);
-      return;
-    } else if (Prefix == "vmla") {
-      Result.push_back("vmul." + OutTypeCode + " " + RegisterSuffix);
-      Result.push_back("vadd." + OutTypeCode);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  // If we have vcvt, get the input type from the instruction name
-  // (which should be of the form instname_inputtype) and append it
-  // before the output type.
-  if (Prefix == "vcvt") {
-    const std::string inTypeCode = NameRef.substr(NameRef.find_last_of("_")+1);
-    Prefix += "." + inTypeCode;
-  }
-  // Append output type code to get our final mangled instruction.
-  Prefix += "." + OutTypeCode;
-  Result.push_back(Prefix + " " + RegisterSuffix);
-/// UseMacro - Examine the prototype string to determine if the intrinsic
-/// should be defined as a preprocessor macro instead of an inline function.
-static bool UseMacro(const std::string &proto, StringRef typestr) {
-  // If this builtin takes an immediate argument, we need to #define it rather
-  // than use a standard declaration, so that SemaChecking can range check
-  // the immediate passed by the user.
-  if (proto.find('i') != std::string::npos)
-    return true;
-  // Pointer arguments need to use macros to avoid hiding aligned attributes
-  // from the pointer type.
-  if (proto.find('p') != std::string::npos ||
-      proto.find('c') != std::string::npos)
-    return true;
-  // It is not permitted to pass or return an __fp16 by value, so intrinsics
-  // taking a scalar float16_t must be implemented as macros.
-  if (typestr.find('h') != std::string::npos &&
-      proto.find('s') != std::string::npos)
-    return true;
-  return false;
-/// MacroArgUsedDirectly - Return true if argument i for an intrinsic that is
-/// defined as a macro should be accessed directly instead of being first
-/// assigned to a local temporary.
-static bool MacroArgUsedDirectly(const std::string &proto, unsigned i) {
-  // True for constant ints (i), pointers (p) and const pointers (c).
-  return (proto[i] == 'i' || proto[i] == 'p' || proto[i] == 'c');
-// Generate the string "(argtype a, argtype b, ...)"
-static std::string GenArgs(const std::string &proto, StringRef typestr,
-                           const std::string &name) {
-  bool define = UseMacro(proto, typestr);
-  char arg = 'a';
-  std::string s;
-  s += "(";
-  for (unsigned i = 1, e = proto.size(); i != e; ++i, ++arg) {
-    if (define) {
-      // Some macro arguments are used directly instead of being assigned
-      // to local temporaries; prepend an underscore prefix to make their
-      // names consistent with the local temporaries.
-      if (MacroArgUsedDirectly(proto, i))
-        s += "__";
+      CastToType = BaseType;
     } else {
-      s += TypeString(proto[i], typestr) + " __";
+      Arg = V.getName();
-    s.push_back(arg);
-    if ((i + 1) < e)
-      s += ", ";
-  }
-  s += ")";
-  return s;
-// Macro arguments are not type-checked like inline function arguments, so
-// assign them to local temporaries to get the right type checking.
-static std::string GenMacroLocals(const std::string &proto, StringRef typestr,
-                                  const std::string &name ) {
-  char arg = 'a';
-  std::string s;
-  bool generatedLocal = false;
+    // Check if an explicit cast is needed.
+    if (CastToType.isVector()) {
+      CastToType.makeInteger(8, true);
+      Arg = "(" + CastToType.str() + ")" + Arg;
+    }
-  for (unsigned i = 1, e = proto.size(); i != e; ++i, ++arg) {
-    // Do not create a temporary for an immediate argument.
-    // That would defeat the whole point of using a macro!
-    if (MacroArgUsedDirectly(proto, i))
-      continue;
-    generatedLocal = true;
-    s += TypeString(proto[i], typestr) + " __";
-    s.push_back(arg);
-    s += " = (";
-    s.push_back(arg);
-    s += "); ";
-  }
-  if (generatedLocal)
-    s += "\\\n  ";
-  return s;
-// Use the vmovl builtin to sign-extend or zero-extend a vector.
-static std::string Extend(StringRef typestr, const std::string &a, bool h=0) {
-  std::string s, high;
-  high = h ? "_high" : "";
-  s = MangleName("vmovl" + high, typestr, ClassS);
-  s += "(" + a + ")";
-  return s;
-// Get the high 64-bit part of a vector
-static std::string GetHigh(const std::string &a, StringRef typestr) {
-  std::string s;
-  s = MangleName("vget_high", typestr, ClassS);
-  s += "(" + a + ")";
-  return s;
-// Gen operation with two operands and get high 64-bit for both of two operands.
-static std::string Gen2OpWith2High(StringRef typestr,
-                                   const std::string &op,
-                                   const std::string &a,
-                                   const std::string &b) {
-  std::string s;
-  std::string Op1 = GetHigh(a, typestr);
-  std::string Op2 = GetHigh(b, typestr);
-  s = MangleName(op, typestr, ClassS);
-  s += "(" + Op1 + ", " + Op2 + ");";
-  return s;
-// Gen operation with three operands and get high 64-bit of the latter 
-// two operands.
-static std::string Gen3OpWith2High(StringRef typestr,
-                                   const std::string &op,
-                                   const std::string &a,
-                                   const std::string &b,
-                                   const std::string &c) {
-  std::string s;
-  std::string Op1 = GetHigh(b, typestr);
-  std::string Op2 = GetHigh(c, typestr);
-  s = MangleName(op, typestr, ClassS);
-  s += "(" + a + ", " + Op1 + ", " + Op2 + ");";
-  return s;
-// Gen combine operation by putting a on low 64-bit, and b on high 64-bit.
-static std::string GenCombine(std::string typestr,
-                              const std::string &a,
-                              const std::string &b) {
-  std::string s;
-  s = MangleName("vcombine", typestr, ClassS);
-  s += "(" + a + ", " + b + ")";
-  return s;
-static std::string Duplicate(unsigned nElts, StringRef typestr,
-                             const std::string &a) {
-  std::string s;
-  s = "(" + TypeString('d', typestr) + "){ ";
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i != nElts; ++i) {
-    s += a;
-    if ((i + 1) < nElts)
-      s += ", ";
-  }
-  s += " }";
-  return s;
-static std::string SplatLane(unsigned nElts, const std::string &vec,
-                             const std::string &lane) {
-  std::string s = "__builtin_shufflevector(" + vec + ", " + vec;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts; ++i)
-    s += ", " + lane;
-  s += ")";
-  return s;
-static std::string RemoveHigh(const std::string &name) {
-  std::string s = name;
-  std::size_t found = s.find("_high_");
-  if (found == std::string::npos)
-    PrintFatalError("name should contain \"_high_\" for high intrinsics");
-  s.replace(found, 5, "");
-  return s;
-static unsigned GetNumElements(StringRef typestr, bool &quad) {
-  quad = false;
-  bool dummy = false;
-  char type = ClassifyType(typestr, quad, dummy, dummy);
-  unsigned nElts = 0;
-  switch (type) {
-  case 'c': nElts = 8; break;
-  case 's': nElts = 4; break;
-  case 'i': nElts = 2; break;
-  case 'l': nElts = 1; break;
-  case 'k': nElts = 1; break;
-  case 'h': nElts = 4; break;
-  case 'f': nElts = 2; break;
-  case 'd':
-    nElts = 1;
-    break;
-  default:
-    PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
+    S += Arg + ", ";
-  if (quad) nElts <<= 1;
-  return nElts;
-// Generate the definition for this intrinsic, e.g. "a + b" for OpAdd.
-// Note that some intrinsic definitions around 'lane' are being implemented
-// with macros, because they all contain constant integer argument, and we
-// statically check the range of the lane index to meet the semantic
-// requirement of different intrinsics.
-// For the intrinsics implemented with macro, if they contain another intrinsic
-// implemented with maco, we have to avoid using the same argument names for
-// the nested instrinsics. For example, macro vfms_lane is being implemented
-// with another macor vfma_lane, so we rename all arguments for vfms_lane by
-// adding a suffix '1'.
-static std::string GenOpString(const std::string &name, OpKind op,
-                               const std::string &proto, StringRef typestr) {
-  bool quad;
-  unsigned nElts = GetNumElements(typestr, quad);
-  bool define = UseMacro(proto, typestr);
-  std::string ts = TypeString(proto[0], typestr);
-  std::string s;
-  if (!define) {
-    s = "return ";
-  }
-  switch(op) {
-  case OpAdd:
-    s += "__a + __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpAddl:
-    s += Extend(typestr, "__a") + " + " + Extend(typestr, "__b") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpAddlHi:
-    s += Extend(typestr, "__a", 1) + " + " + Extend(typestr, "__b", 1) + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpAddw:
-    s += "__a + " + Extend(typestr, "__b") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpAddwHi:
-    s += "__a + " + Extend(typestr, "__b", 1) + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpSub:
-    s += "__a - __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpSubl:
-    s += Extend(typestr, "__a") + " - " + Extend(typestr, "__b") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpSublHi:
-    s += Extend(typestr, "__a", 1) + " - " + Extend(typestr, "__b", 1) + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpSubw:
-    s += "__a - " + Extend(typestr, "__b") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpSubwHi:
-    s += "__a - " + Extend(typestr, "__b", 1) + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpMulN:
-    s += "__a * " + Duplicate(nElts, typestr, "__b") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpMulLane:
-    s += "__a * " + SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpMulXLane:
-    s += MangleName("vmulx", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMul:
-    s += "__a * __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpFMlaN:
-    s += MangleName("vfma", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a, __b, " + Duplicate(nElts,typestr, "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpFMlsN:
-    s += MangleName("vfms", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a, __b, " + Duplicate(nElts,typestr, "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMullLane:
-    s += MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMullHiLane:
-    s += MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(" +
-      GetHigh("__a", typestr) + ", " + SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlaN:
-    s += "__a + (__b * " + Duplicate(nElts, typestr, "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlaLane:
-    s += "__a + (__b * " + SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMla:
-    s += "__a + (__b * __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpMlalN:
-    s += "__a + " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, " +
-      Duplicate(nElts, typestr, "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlalLane:
-    s += "__a + " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlalHiLane:
-    s += "__a + " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(" +
-      GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", " + SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlal:
-    s += "__a + " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpMullHi:
-    s += Gen2OpWith2High(typestr, "vmull", "__a", "__b");
-    break;
-  case OpMullHiP64: {
-    std::string Op1 = GetHigh("__a", typestr);
-    std::string Op2 = GetHigh("__b", typestr);
-    s += MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "((poly64_t)" + Op1 + ", (poly64_t)" + Op2 + ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpMullHiN:
-    s += MangleName("vmull_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(" + GetHigh("__a", typestr) + ", __b);";
-    return s;
-  case OpMlalHi:
-    s += Gen3OpWith2High(typestr, "vmlal", "__a", "__b", "__c");
-    break;
-  case OpMlalHiN:
-    s += MangleName("vmlal_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a, " + GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", __c);";
-    return s;
-  case OpMlsN:
-    s += "__a - (__b * " + Duplicate(nElts, typestr, "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlsLane:
-    s += "__a - (__b * " + SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpFMSLane:
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[3], typestr) + " __c1 = __c; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vfma_lane", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, __b1, -__c1, __d);";
-    break;
-  case OpFMSLaneQ:
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[3], typestr) + " __c1 = __c; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vfma_laneq", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, __b1, -__c1, __d);";
-    break;
-  case OpMls:
-    s += "__a - (__b * __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpMlslN:
-    s += "__a - " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, " +
-      Duplicate(nElts, typestr, "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlslLane:
-    s += "__a - " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlslHiLane:
-    s += "__a - " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(" +
-      GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", " + SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpMlsl:
-    s += "__a - " + MangleName("vmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpMlslHi:
-    s += Gen3OpWith2High(typestr, "vmlsl", "__a", "__b", "__c");
-    break;
-  case OpMlslHiN:
-    s += MangleName("vmlsl_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a, " + GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMullLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMullHiLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(" +
-      GetHigh("__a", typestr) + ", " + SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMlalLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmlal", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, __b, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMlalHiLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmlal", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", " + SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMlslLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmlsl", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, __b, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMlslHiLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmlsl", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", " + SplatLane(nElts, "__c", "__d") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQDMulhLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmulh", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpQRDMulhLane:
-    s += MangleName("vqrdmulh", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-      SplatLane(nElts, "__b", "__c") + ");";
-    break;
-  case OpEq:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")(__a == __b);";
-    break;
-  case OpGe:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")(__a >= __b);";
-    break;
-  case OpLe:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")(__a <= __b);";
-    break;
-  case OpGt:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")(__a > __b);";
-    break;
-  case OpLt:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")(__a < __b);";
-    break;
-  case OpNeg:
-    s += " -__a;";
-    break;
-  case OpNot:
-    s += " ~__a;";
-    break;
-  case OpAnd:
-    s += "__a & __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpOr:
-    s += "__a | __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpXor:
-    s += "__a ^ __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpAndNot:
-    s += "__a & ~__b;";
-    break;
-  case OpOrNot:
-    s += "__a | ~__b;";
-    break;
-  case OpCast:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")__a;";
-    break;
-  case OpConcat:
-    s += "(" + ts + ")__builtin_shufflevector((int64x1_t)__a";
-    s += ", (int64x1_t)__b, 0, 1);";
-    break;
-  case OpHi:
-    // nElts is for the result vector, so the source is twice that number.
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a";
-    for (unsigned i = nElts; i < nElts * 2; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s+= ");";
-    break;
-  case OpLo:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s+= ");";
-    break;
-  case OpDup:
-    s += Duplicate(nElts, typestr, "__a") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpDupLane:
-    s += SplatLane(nElts, "__a", "__b") + ";";
-    break;
-  case OpSelect:
-    // ((0 & 1) | (~0 & 2))
-    s += "(" + ts + ")";
-    ts = TypeString(proto[1], typestr);
-    s += "((__a & (" + ts + ")__b) | ";
-    s += "(~__a & (" + ts + ")__c));";
-    break;
-  case OpRev16:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a";
-    for (unsigned i = 2; i <= nElts; i += 2)
-      for (unsigned j = 0; j != 2; ++j)
-        s += ", " + utostr(i - j - 1);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpRev32: {
-    unsigned WordElts = nElts >> (1 + (int)quad);
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a";
-    for (unsigned i = WordElts; i <= nElts; i += WordElts)
-      for (unsigned j = 0; j != WordElts; ++j)
-        s += ", " + utostr(i - j - 1);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpRev64: {
-    unsigned DblWordElts = nElts >> (int)quad;
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a";
-    for (unsigned i = DblWordElts; i <= nElts; i += DblWordElts)
-      for (unsigned j = 0; j != DblWordElts; ++j)
-        s += ", " + utostr(i - j - 1);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpXtnHi: {
-    s = TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = " +
-        MangleName("vmovn", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b);\n  " +
-        "return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a1";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts * 4; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpSqxtunHi: {
-    s = TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = " +
-        MangleName("vqmovun", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b);\n  " +
-        "return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a1";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts * 4; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpQxtnHi: {
-    s = TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = " +
-        MangleName("vqmovn", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b);\n  " +
-        "return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a1";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts * 4; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpFcvtnHi: {
-    std::string FName = (nElts == 1) ? "vcvt_f32" : "vcvt_f16";
-    s = TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = " +
-        MangleName(FName, typestr, ClassS) + "(__b);\n  " +
-        "return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a1";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts * 4; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpFcvtlHi: {
-    std::string FName = (nElts == 2) ? "vcvt_f64" : "vcvt_f32";
-    s = TypeString('d', typestr) + " __a1 = " + GetHigh("__a", typestr) +
-        ";\n  return " + MangleName(FName, typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpFcvtxnHi: {
-    s = TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = " +
-        MangleName("vcvtx_f32", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b);\n  " +
-        "return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __a1";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts * 4; ++i)
-      s += ", " + utostr(i);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpUzp1:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __b";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts; i++)
-      s += ", " + utostr(2*i);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpUzp2:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __b";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nElts; i++)
-      s += ", " + utostr(2*i+1);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpZip1:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __b";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (nElts/2); i++)
-       s += ", " + utostr(i) + ", " + utostr(i+nElts);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpZip2:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __b";
-    for (unsigned i = nElts/2; i < nElts; i++)
-       s += ", " + utostr(i) + ", " + utostr(i+nElts);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpTrn1:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __b";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (nElts/2); i++)
-       s += ", " + utostr(2*i) + ", " + utostr(2*i+nElts);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpTrn2:
-    s += "__builtin_shufflevector(__a, __b";
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (nElts/2); i++)
-       s += ", " + utostr(2*i+1) + ", " + utostr(2*i+1+nElts);
-    s += ");";
-    break;
-  case OpAbdl: {
-    std::string abd = MangleName("vabd", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, __b)";
-    if (typestr[0] != 'U') {
-      // vabd results are always unsigned and must be zero-extended.
-      std::string utype = "U" + typestr.str();
-      s += "(" + TypeString(proto[0], typestr) + ")";
-      abd = "(" + TypeString('d', utype) + ")" + abd;
-      s += Extend(utype, abd) + ";";
-    } else {
-      s += Extend(typestr, abd) + ";";
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpAbdlHi:
-    s += Gen2OpWith2High(typestr, "vabdl", "__a", "__b");
-    break;
-  case OpAddhnHi: {
-    std::string addhn = MangleName("vaddhn", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c)";
-    s += GenCombine(GetNarrowTypestr(typestr), "__a", addhn);
-    s += ";";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpRAddhnHi: {
-    std::string raddhn = MangleName("vraddhn", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c)";
-    s += GenCombine(GetNarrowTypestr(typestr), "__a", raddhn);
-    s += ";";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpSubhnHi: {
-    std::string subhn = MangleName("vsubhn", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c)";
-    s += GenCombine(GetNarrowTypestr(typestr), "__a", subhn);
-    s += ";";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpRSubhnHi: {
-    std::string rsubhn = MangleName("vrsubhn", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c)";
-    s += GenCombine(GetNarrowTypestr(typestr), "__a", rsubhn);
-    s += ";";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpAba:
-    s += "__a + " + MangleName("vabd", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpAbal:
-    s += "__a + " + MangleName("vabdl", typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c);";
-    break;
-  case OpAbalHi:
-    s += Gen3OpWith2High(typestr, "vabal", "__a", "__b", "__c");
-    break;
-  case OpQDMullHi:
-    s += Gen2OpWith2High(typestr, "vqdmull", "__a", "__b");
-    break;
-  case OpQDMullHiN:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmull_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(" + GetHigh("__a", typestr) + ", __b);";
-    return s;
-  case OpQDMlalHi:
-    s += Gen3OpWith2High(typestr, "vqdmlal", "__a", "__b", "__c");
-    break;
-  case OpQDMlalHiN:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmlal_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a, " + GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", __c);";
-    return s;
-  case OpQDMlslHi:
-    s += Gen3OpWith2High(typestr, "vqdmlsl", "__a", "__b", "__c");
-    break;
-  case OpQDMlslHiN:
-    s += MangleName("vqdmlsl_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a, " + GetHigh("__b", typestr) + ", __c);";
-    return s;
-  case OpDiv:
-    s += "__a / __b;";
-    break;
-  case OpMovlHi: {
-    s = TypeString(proto[1], typestr.drop_front()) + " __a1 = " +
-        MangleName("vget_high", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a);\n  " + s;
-    s += "(" + ts + ")" + MangleName("vshll_n", typestr, ClassS);
-    s += "(__a1, 0);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpLongHi: {
-    // Another local variable __a1 is needed for calling a Macro,
-    // or using __a will have naming conflict when Macro expanding.
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr.drop_front()) + " __a1 = " +
-         MangleName("vget_high", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a); \\\n";
-    s += "  (" + ts + ")" + MangleName(RemoveHigh(name), typestr, ClassS) +
-         "(__a1, __b);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpNarrowHi: {
-    s += "(" + ts + ")" + MangleName("vcombine", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a, " +
-         MangleName(RemoveHigh(name), typestr, ClassS) + "(__b, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpCopyLane: {
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[3], typestr) + " __c1 = __c; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __c2 = " +
-         MangleName("vget_lane", typestr, ClassS) + "(__c1, __d); \\\n  " +
-         MangleName("vset_lane", typestr, ClassS) + "(__c2, __a1, __b);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpCopyQLane: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[3], typestr) + " __c1 = __c; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __c2 = vget_lane_" + typeCode +
-         "(__c1, __d); \\\n  vsetq_lane_" + typeCode + "(__c2, __a1, __b);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpCopyLaneQ: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[3], typestr) + " __c1 = __c; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __c2 = vgetq_lane_" + typeCode +
-         "(__c1, __d); \\\n  vset_lane_" + typeCode + "(__c2, __a1, __b);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarMulLane: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __d1 = vget_lane_" + typeCode +
-      "(__b, __c);\\\n  __a * __d1;";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarMulLaneQ: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __d1 = vgetq_lane_" + typeCode +
-      "(__b1, __c);\\\n  __a1 * __d1;";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarMulXLane: {
-    bool dummy = false;
-    char type = ClassifyType(typestr, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-    if (type == 'f') type = 's';
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __d1 = vget_lane_" + typeCode +
-      "(__b1, __c);\\\n  vmulx" + type + "_" +
-      typeCode +  "(__a1, __d1);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarMulXLaneQ: {
-    bool dummy = false;
-    char type = ClassifyType(typestr, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-    if (type == 'f') type = 's';
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __d1 = vgetq_lane_" +
-      typeCode + "(__b1, __c);\\\n  vmulx" + type +
-      "_" + typeCode +  "(__a1, __d1);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarVMulXLane: {
-    bool dummy = false;
-    char type = ClassifyType(typestr, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-    if (type == 'f') type = 's';
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __d1 = vget_lane_" +
-      typeCode + "(__a1, 0);\\\n" +
-      "  " + TypeString('s', typestr) + " __e1 = vget_lane_" +
-      typeCode + "(__b1, __c);\\\n" +
-      "  " + TypeString('s', typestr) + " __f1 = vmulx" + type + "_" +
-      typeCode + "(__d1, __e1);\\\n" +
-      "  " + TypeString('d', typestr) + " __g1;\\\n" +
-      "  vset_lane_" + typeCode + "(__f1, __g1, __c);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarVMulXLaneQ: {
-    bool dummy = false;
-    char type = ClassifyType(typestr, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-    if (type == 'f') type = 's';
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString('s', typestr) + " __d1 = vget_lane_" +
-      typeCode + "(__a1, 0);\\\n" +
-      "  " + TypeString('s', typestr) + " __e1 = vgetq_lane_" +
-      typeCode + "(__b1, __c);\\\n" +
-      "  " + TypeString('s', typestr) + " __f1 = vmulx" + type + "_" +
-      typeCode + "(__d1, __e1);\\\n" +
-      "  " + TypeString('d', typestr) + " __g1;\\\n" +
-      "  vset_lane_" + typeCode + "(__f1, __g1, 0);";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarQDMullLane: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vqdmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, " +
-    "vget_lane_" + typeCode + "(__b1, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarQDMullLaneQ: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vqdmull", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, " +
-    "vgetq_lane_" + typeCode + "(__b1, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarQDMulHiLane: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vqdmulh", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, " +
-    "vget_lane_" + typeCode + "(__b1, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarQDMulHiLaneQ: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vqdmulh", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, " +
-    "vgetq_lane_" + typeCode + "(__b1, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarQRDMulHiLane: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vqrdmulh", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, " +
-    "vget_lane_" + typeCode + "(__b1, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarQRDMulHiLaneQ: {
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    s += TypeString(proto[2], typestr) + " __b1 = __b; \\\n  ";
-    s += MangleName("vqrdmulh", typestr, ClassS) + "(__a1, " +
-    "vgetq_lane_" + typeCode + "(__b1, __c));";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarGetLane:{
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a; \\\n  ";
-    std::string intType = quad ? "int16x8_t" : "int16x4_t";
-    std::string intName = quad ? "vgetq" : "vget";
-    // reinterpret float16 vector as int16 vector
-    s += intType + " __a2 = *(" + intType + " *)(&__a1);\\\n";
-    s += "  int16_t __a3 = " + intName + "_lane_s16(__a2, __b);\\\n";
-    // reinterpret int16 vector as float16 vector
-    s += "  float16_t __a4 = *(float16_t *)(&__a3);\\\n";
-    s += "  __a4;";
-    break;
-  }
-  case OpScalarSetLane:{
-    std::string typeCode = "";
-    InstructionTypeCode(typestr, ClassS, quad, typeCode);
-    s += TypeString(proto[1], typestr) + " __a1 = __a;\\\n  ";
-    std::string origType = quad ? "float16x8_t" : "float16x4_t";
-    std::string intType = quad ? "int16x8_t" : "int16x4_t";
-    std::string intName = quad ? "vsetq" : "vset";
-    // reinterpret float16_t as int16_t
-    s += "int16_t __a2 = *(int16_t *)(&__a1);\\\n";
-    // reinterpret float16 vector as int16 vector
-    s += "  " + intType + " __b2 = *(" + intType + " *)(&__b);\\\n";
-    s += "  " + intType + " __b3 = " + intName + "_lane_s16(__a2, __b2, __c);\\\n";
-    // reinterpret int16 vector as float16 vector
-    s += "  " + origType + " __b4 = *(" + origType + " *)(&__b3);\\\n";
-    s += "__b4;";
-    break;
-  }
+  // Extra constant integer to hold type class enum for this function, e.g. s8
+  if (getClassKind(true) == ClassB) {
+    Type ThisTy = getReturnType();
+    if (Proto[0] == 'v' || Proto[0] == 'f' || Proto[0] == 'F')
+      ThisTy = getParamType(0);
+    if (ThisTy.isPointer())
+      ThisTy = getParamType(1);
-  default:
-    PrintFatalError("unknown OpKind!");
+    S += utostr(ThisTy.getNeonEnum());
+  } else {
+    // Remove extraneous ", ".
+    S.pop_back();
+    S.pop_back();
-  return s;
+  S += ");";
+  std::string RetExpr;
+  if (!SRet && !RetVar.getType().isVoid())
+    RetExpr = RetVar.getName() + " = ";
+  OS << "  " << RetExpr << S;
+  emitNewLine();
-static unsigned GetNeonEnum(const std::string &proto, StringRef typestr) {
-  unsigned mod = proto[0];
+void Intrinsic::emitBody() {
+  std::vector<std::string> Lines;
-  if (mod == 'v' || mod == 'f' || mod == 'F')
-    mod = proto[1];
+  assert(RetVar.getType() == Types[0]);
+  // Create a return variable, if we're not void.
+  if (!RetVar.getType().isVoid()) {
+    OS << "  " << RetVar.getType().str() << " " << RetVar.getName() << ";";
+    emitNewLine();
+  }
-  bool quad = false;
-  bool poly = false;
-  bool usgn = false;
-  bool scal = false;
-  bool cnst = false;
-  bool pntr = false;
+  if (!Body || Body->getValues().size() == 0) {
+    // Nothing specific to output - must output a builtin.
+    emitBodyAsBuiltinCall();
+    return;
+  }
-  // Base type to get the type string for.
-  char type = ClassifyType(typestr, quad, poly, usgn);
+  // We have a list of "things to output". The last should be returned.
+  for (auto *I : Body->getValues()) {
+    if (StringInit *SI = dyn_cast<StringInit>(I)) {
+      Lines.push_back(replaceParamsIn(SI->getAsString()));
+    } else if (DagInit *DI = dyn_cast<DagInit>(I)) {
+      Lines.push_back(emitDag(DI).second + ";");
+    }
+  }
-  // Based on the modifying character, change the type and width if necessary.
-  type = ModType(mod, type, quad, poly, usgn, scal, cnst, pntr);
+  assert(Lines.size() && "Empty def?");
+  if (!RetVar.getType().isVoid())
+    Lines.back().insert(0, RetVar.getName() + " = ");
-  NeonTypeFlags::EltType ET;
-  switch (type) {
-    case 'c':
-      ET = poly ? NeonTypeFlags::Poly8 : NeonTypeFlags::Int8;
-      break;
-    case 's':
-      ET = poly ? NeonTypeFlags::Poly16 : NeonTypeFlags::Int16;
-      break;
-    case 'i':
-      ET = NeonTypeFlags::Int32;
-      break;
-    case 'l':
-      ET = poly ? NeonTypeFlags::Poly64 : NeonTypeFlags::Int64;
-      break;
-    case 'k':
-      ET = NeonTypeFlags::Poly128;
-      break;
-    case 'h':
-      ET = NeonTypeFlags::Float16;
-      break;
-    case 'f':
-      ET = NeonTypeFlags::Float32;
-      break;
-    case 'd':
-      ET = NeonTypeFlags::Float64;
-      break;
-    default:
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
+  for (auto &L : Lines) {
+    OS << "  " << L;
+    emitNewLine();
-  NeonTypeFlags Flags(ET, usgn, quad && proto[1] != 'g');
-  return Flags.getFlags();
-// We don't check 'a' in this function, because for builtin function the
-// argument matching to 'a' uses a vector type splatted from a scalar type.
-static bool ProtoHasScalar(const std::string proto)
-  return (proto.find('s') != std::string::npos
-          || proto.find('z') != std::string::npos
-          || proto.find('r') != std::string::npos
-          || proto.find('b') != std::string::npos
-          || proto.find('$') != std::string::npos
-          || proto.find('y') != std::string::npos
-          || proto.find('o') != std::string::npos);
+void Intrinsic::emitReturn() {
+  if (RetVar.getType().isVoid())
+    return;
+  if (UseMacro)
+    OS << "  " << RetVar.getName() << ";";
+  else
+    OS << "  return " << RetVar.getName() << ";";
+  emitNewLine();
-// Generate the definition for this intrinsic, e.g. __builtin_neon_cls(a)
-static std::string GenBuiltin(const std::string &name, const std::string &proto,
-                              StringRef typestr, ClassKind ck) {
-  std::string s;
-  // If this builtin returns a struct 2, 3, or 4 vectors, pass it as an implicit
-  // sret-like argument.
-  bool sret = IsMultiVecProto(proto[0]);
-  bool define = UseMacro(proto, typestr);
-  // Check if the prototype has a scalar operand with the type of the vector
-  // elements.  If not, bitcasting the args will take care of arg checking.
-  // The actual signedness etc. will be taken care of with special enums.
-  if (!ProtoHasScalar(proto))
-    ck = ClassB;
-  if (proto[0] != 'v') {
-    std::string ts = TypeString(proto[0], typestr);
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDag(DagInit *DI) {
+  // At this point we should only be seeing a def.
+  DefInit *DefI = cast<DefInit>(DI->getOperator());
+  std::string Op = DefI->getAsString();
+  if (Op == "cast" || Op == "bitcast")
+    return emitDagCast(DI, Op == "bitcast");
+  if (Op == "shuffle")
+    return emitDagShuffle(DI);
+  if (Op == "dup")
+    return emitDagDup(DI);
+  if (Op == "splat")
+    return emitDagSplat(DI);
+  if (Op == "save_temp")
+    return emitDagSaveTemp(DI);
+  if (Op == "op")
+    return emitDagOp(DI);
+  if (Op == "call")
+    return emitDagCall(DI);
+  if (Op == "name_replace")
+    return emitDagNameReplace(DI);
+  if (Op == "literal")
+    return emitDagLiteral(DI);
+  assert_with_loc(false, "Unknown operation!");
+  return std::make_pair(Type::getVoid(), "");
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagOp(DagInit *DI) {
+  std::string Op = cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(0))->getAsUnquotedString();
+  if (DI->getNumArgs() == 2) {
+    // Unary op.
+    std::pair<Type, std::string> R =
+        emitDagArg(DI->getArg(1), DI->getArgName(1));
+    return std::make_pair(R.first, Op + R.second);
+  } else {
+    assert(DI->getNumArgs() == 3 && "Can only handle unary and binary ops!");
+    std::pair<Type, std::string> R1 =
+        emitDagArg(DI->getArg(1), DI->getArgName(1));
+    std::pair<Type, std::string> R2 =
+        emitDagArg(DI->getArg(2), DI->getArgName(2));
+    assert_with_loc(R1.first == R2.first, "Argument type mismatch!");
+    return std::make_pair(R1.first, R1.second + " " + Op + " " + R2.second);
+  }
-    if (define) {
-      if (sret)
-        s += ts + " r; ";
-      else
-        s += "(" + ts + ")";
-    } else if (sret) {
-      s += ts + " r; ";
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagCall(DagInit *DI) {
+  std::vector<Type> Types;
+  std::vector<std::string> Values;
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < DI->getNumArgs() - 1; ++I) {
+    std::pair<Type, std::string> R =
+        emitDagArg(DI->getArg(I + 1), DI->getArgName(I + 1));
+    Types.push_back(R.first);
+    Values.push_back(R.second);
+  }
+  // Look up the called intrinsic.
+  std::string N;
+  if (StringInit *SI = dyn_cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(0)))
+    N = SI->getAsUnquotedString();
+  else
+    N = emitDagArg(DI->getArg(0), "").second;
+  Intrinsic *Callee = Emitter.getIntrinsic(N, Types);
+  assert(Callee && "getIntrinsic should not return us nullptr!");
+  // Make sure the callee is known as an early def.
+  Callee->setNeededEarly();
+  Dependencies.insert(Callee);
+  // Now create the call itself.
+  std::string S = Callee->getMangledName(true) + "(";
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < DI->getNumArgs() - 1; ++I) {
+    if (I != 0)
+      S += ", ";
+    S += Values[I];
+  }
+  S += ")";
+  return std::make_pair(Callee->getReturnType(), S);
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagCast(DagInit *DI,
+                                                    bool IsBitCast) {
+  // (cast MOD* VAL) -> cast VAL to type given by MOD.
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> R = emitDagArg(
+      DI->getArg(DI->getNumArgs() - 1), DI->getArgName(DI->getNumArgs() - 1));
+  Type castToType = R.first;
+  for (unsigned ArgIdx = 0; ArgIdx < DI->getNumArgs() - 1; ++ArgIdx) {
+    // MOD can take several forms:
+    //   1. $X - take the type of parameter / variable X.
+    //   2. The value "R" - take the type of the return type.
+    //   3. a type string
+    //   4. The value "U" or "S" to switch the signedness.
+    //   5. The value "H" or "D" to half or double the bitwidth.
+    //   6. The value "8" to convert to 8-bit (signed) integer lanes.
+    if (DI->getArgName(ArgIdx).size()) {
+      assert_with_loc(Variables.find(DI->getArgName(ArgIdx)) != Variables.end(),
+                      "Variable not found");
+      castToType = Variables[DI->getArgName(ArgIdx)].getType();
     } else {
-      s += "return (" + ts + ")";
+      StringInit *SI = dyn_cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(ArgIdx));
+      assert_with_loc(SI, "Expected string type or $Name for cast type");
+      if (SI->getAsUnquotedString() == "R") {
+        castToType = getReturnType();
+      } else if (SI->getAsUnquotedString() == "U") {
+        castToType.makeUnsigned();
+      } else if (SI->getAsUnquotedString() == "S") {
+        castToType.makeSigned();
+      } else if (SI->getAsUnquotedString() == "H") {
+        castToType.halveLanes();
+      } else if (SI->getAsUnquotedString() == "D") {
+        castToType.doubleLanes();
+      } else if (SI->getAsUnquotedString() == "8") {
+        castToType.makeInteger(8, true);
+      } else {
+        castToType = Type::fromTypedefName(SI->getAsUnquotedString());
+        assert_with_loc(!castToType.isVoid(), "Unknown typedef");
+      }
-  bool splat = proto.find('a') != std::string::npos;
+  std::string S;
+  if (IsBitCast) {
+    // Emit a reinterpret cast. The second operand must be an lvalue, so create
+    // a temporary.
+    std::string N = "reint";
+    unsigned I = 0;
+    while (Variables.find(N) != Variables.end())
+      N = "reint" + utostr(++I);
+    Variables[N] = Variable(R.first, N + VariablePostfix);
-  s += "__builtin_neon_";
-  if (splat) {
-    // Call the non-splat builtin: chop off the "_n" suffix from the name.
-    std::string vname(name, 0, name.size()-2);
-    s += MangleName(vname, typestr, ck);
+    OS << R.first.str() << " " << Variables[N].getName() << " = " << R.second
+       << ";";
+    emitNewLine();
+    S = "*(" + castToType.str() + " *) &" + Variables[N].getName() + "";
   } else {
-    s += MangleName(name, typestr, ck);
+    // Emit a normal (static) cast.
+    S = "(" + castToType.str() + ")(" + R.second + ")";
-  s += "(";
-  // Pass the address of the return variable as the first argument to sret-like
-  // builtins.
-  if (sret)
-    s += "&r, ";
-  char arg = 'a';
-  for (unsigned i = 1, e = proto.size(); i != e; ++i, ++arg) {
-    std::string args = std::string(&arg, 1);
-    // Use the local temporaries instead of the macro arguments.
-    args = "__" + args;
-    bool argQuad = false;
-    bool argPoly = false;
-    bool argUsgn = false;
-    bool argScalar = false;
-    bool dummy = false;
-    char argType = ClassifyType(typestr, argQuad, argPoly, argUsgn);
-    argType = ModType(proto[i], argType, argQuad, argPoly, argUsgn, argScalar,
-                      dummy, dummy);
+  return std::make_pair(castToType, S);
-    // Handle multiple-vector values specially, emitting each subvector as an
-    // argument to the __builtin.
-    unsigned NumOfVec = 0;
-    if (proto[i] >= '2' && proto[i] <= '4') {
-      NumOfVec = proto[i] - '0';
-    } else if (proto[i] >= 'B' && proto[i] <= 'D') {
-      NumOfVec = proto[i] - 'A' + 1;
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagShuffle(DagInit *DI) {
+  // See the documentation in arm_neon.td for a description of these operators.
+  class LowHalf : public SetTheory::Operator {
+  public:
+    virtual void anchor() {}
+    virtual ~LowHalf() {}
+    virtual void apply(SetTheory &ST, DagInit *Expr, SetTheory::RecSet &Elts,
+                       ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) {
+      SetTheory::RecSet Elts2;
+      ST.evaluate(Expr->arg_begin(), Expr->arg_end(), Elts2, Loc);
+      Elts.insert(Elts2.begin(), Elts2.begin() + (Elts2.size() / 2));
+  };
+  class HighHalf : public SetTheory::Operator {
+  public:
+    virtual void anchor() {}
+    virtual ~HighHalf() {}
+    virtual void apply(SetTheory &ST, DagInit *Expr, SetTheory::RecSet &Elts,
+                       ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) {
+      SetTheory::RecSet Elts2;
+      ST.evaluate(Expr->arg_begin(), Expr->arg_end(), Elts2, Loc);
+      Elts.insert(Elts2.begin() + (Elts2.size() / 2), Elts2.end());
+    }
+  };
+  class Rev : public SetTheory::Operator {
+    unsigned ElementSize;
-    if (NumOfVec > 0) {
-      // Check if an explicit cast is needed.
-      if (argType != 'c' || argPoly || argUsgn)
-        args = (argQuad ? "(int8x16_t)" : "(int8x8_t)") + args;
-      for (unsigned vi = 0, ve = NumOfVec; vi != ve; ++vi) {
-        s += args + ".val[" + utostr(vi) + "]";
-        if ((vi + 1) < ve)
-          s += ", ";
+  public:
+    Rev(unsigned ElementSize) : ElementSize(ElementSize) {}
+    virtual void anchor() {}
+    virtual ~Rev() {}
+    virtual void apply(SetTheory &ST, DagInit *Expr, SetTheory::RecSet &Elts,
+                       ArrayRef<SMLoc> Loc) {
+      SetTheory::RecSet Elts2;
+      ST.evaluate(Expr->arg_begin() + 1, Expr->arg_end(), Elts2, Loc);
+      int64_t VectorSize = cast<IntInit>(Expr->getArg(0))->getValue();
+      VectorSize /= ElementSize;
+      std::vector<Record *> Revved;
+      for (unsigned VI = 0; VI < Elts2.size(); VI += VectorSize) {
+        for (int LI = VectorSize - 1; LI >= 0; --LI) {
+          Revved.push_back(Elts2[VI + LI]);
+        }
-      if ((i + 1) < e)
-        s += ", ";
-      continue;
+      Elts.insert(Revved.begin(), Revved.end());
+  };
+  class MaskExpander : public SetTheory::Expander {
+    unsigned N;
-    if (splat && (i + 1) == e)
-      args = Duplicate(GetNumElements(typestr, argQuad), typestr, args);
-    // Check if an explicit cast is needed.
-    if ((splat || !argScalar) &&
-        ((ck == ClassB && argType != 'c') || argPoly || argUsgn)) {
-      std::string argTypeStr = "c";
-      if (ck != ClassB)
-        argTypeStr = argType;
-      if (argQuad)
-        argTypeStr = "Q" + argTypeStr;
-      args = "(" + TypeString('d', argTypeStr) + ")" + args;
+  public:
+    MaskExpander(unsigned N) : N(N) {}
+    virtual void anchor() {}
+    virtual ~MaskExpander() {}
+    virtual void expand(SetTheory &ST, Record *R, SetTheory::RecSet &Elts) {
+      unsigned Addend = 0;
+      if (R->getName() == "mask0")
+        Addend = 0;
+      else if (R->getName() == "mask1")
+        Addend = N;
+      else
+        return;
+      for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I)
+        Elts.insert(R->getRecords().getDef("sv" + utostr(I + Addend)));
+  };
-    s += args;
-    if ((i + 1) < e)
-      s += ", ";
-  }
-  // Extra constant integer to hold type class enum for this function, e.g. s8
-  if (ck == ClassB)
-    s += ", " + utostr(GetNeonEnum(proto, typestr));
+  // (shuffle arg1, arg2, sequence)
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> Arg1 =
+      emitDagArg(DI->getArg(0), DI->getArgName(0));
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> Arg2 =
+      emitDagArg(DI->getArg(1), DI->getArgName(1));
+  assert_with_loc(Arg1.first == Arg2.first,
+                  "Different types in arguments to shuffle!");
-  s += ");";
+  SetTheory ST;
+  LowHalf LH;
+  HighHalf HH;
+  MaskExpander ME(Arg1.first.getNumElements());
+  Rev R(Arg1.first.getElementSizeInBits());
+  SetTheory::RecSet Elts;
+  ST.addOperator("lowhalf", &LH);
+  ST.addOperator("highhalf", &HH);
+  ST.addOperator("rev", &R);
+  ST.addExpander("MaskExpand", &ME);
+  ST.evaluate(DI->getArg(2), Elts, ArrayRef<SMLoc>());
-  if (proto[0] != 'v' && sret) {
-    if (define)
-      s += " r;";
-    else
-      s += " return r;";
+  std::string S = "__builtin_shufflevector(" + Arg1.second + ", " + Arg2.second;
+  for (auto &E : Elts) {
+    StringRef Name = E->getName();
+    assert_with_loc(Name.startswith("sv"),
+                    "Incorrect element kind in shuffle mask!");
+    S += ", " + Name.drop_front(2).str();
-  return s;
+  S += ")";
-static std::string GenBuiltinDef(const std::string &name,
-                                 const std::string &proto,
-                                 StringRef typestr, ClassKind ck) {
-  std::string s("BUILTIN(__builtin_neon_");
-  // If all types are the same size, bitcasting the args will take care
-  // of arg checking.  The actual signedness etc. will be taken care of with
-  // special enums.
-  if (!ProtoHasScalar(proto))
-    ck = ClassB;
+  // Recalculate the return type - the shuffle may have halved or doubled it.
+  Type T(Arg1.first);
+  if (Elts.size() > T.getNumElements()) {
+    assert_with_loc(
+        Elts.size() == T.getNumElements() * 2,
+        "Can only double or half the number of elements in a shuffle!");
+    T.doubleLanes();
+  } else if (Elts.size() < T.getNumElements()) {
+    assert_with_loc(
+        Elts.size() == T.getNumElements() / 2,
+        "Can only double or half the number of elements in a shuffle!");
+    T.halveLanes();
+  }
-  s += MangleName(name, typestr, ck);
-  s += ", \"";
+  return std::make_pair(T, S);
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = proto.size(); i != e; ++i)
-    s += BuiltinTypeString(proto[i], typestr, ck, i == 0);
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagDup(DagInit *DI) {
+  assert_with_loc(DI->getNumArgs() == 1, "dup() expects one argument");
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> A = emitDagArg(DI->getArg(0), DI->getArgName(0));
+  assert_with_loc(A.first.isScalar(), "dup() expects a scalar argument");
-  // Extra constant integer to hold type class enum for this function, e.g. s8
-  if (ck == ClassB)
-    s += "i";
+  Type T = getBaseType();
+  assert_with_loc(T.isVector(), "dup() used but default type is scalar!");
+  std::string S = "(" + T.str() + ") {";
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < T.getNumElements(); ++I) {
+    if (I != 0)
+      S += ", ";
+    S += A.second;
+  }
+  S += "}";
-  s += "\", \"n\")";
-  return s;
+  return std::make_pair(T, S);
-static std::string GenIntrinsic(const std::string &name,
-                                const std::string &proto,
-                                StringRef outTypeStr, StringRef inTypeStr,
-                                OpKind kind, ClassKind classKind) {
-  assert(!proto.empty() && "");
-  bool define = UseMacro(proto, outTypeStr) && kind != OpUnavailable;
-  std::string s;
-  // static always inline + return type
-  if (define)
-    s += "#define ";
-  else
-    s += "__ai " + TypeString(proto[0], outTypeStr) + " ";
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagSplat(DagInit *DI) {
+  assert_with_loc(DI->getNumArgs() == 2, "splat() expects two arguments");
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> A = emitDagArg(DI->getArg(0), DI->getArgName(0));
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> B = emitDagArg(DI->getArg(1), DI->getArgName(1));
-  // Function name with type suffix
-  std::string mangledName = MangleName(name, outTypeStr, ClassS);
-  if (outTypeStr != inTypeStr) {
-    // If the input type is different (e.g., for vreinterpret), append a suffix
-    // for the input type.  String off a "Q" (quad) prefix so that MangleName
-    // does not insert another "q" in the name.
-    unsigned typeStrOff = (inTypeStr[0] == 'Q' ? 1 : 0);
-    StringRef inTypeNoQuad = inTypeStr.substr(typeStrOff);
-    mangledName = MangleName(mangledName, inTypeNoQuad, ClassS);
-  }
-  s += mangledName;
-  // Function arguments
-  s += GenArgs(proto, inTypeStr, name);
-  // Definition.
-  if (define) {
-    s += " __extension__ ({ \\\n  ";
-    s += GenMacroLocals(proto, inTypeStr, name);
-  } else if (kind == OpUnavailable) {
-    s += " __attribute__((unavailable));\n";
-    return s;
-  } else
-    s += " {\n  ";
+  assert_with_loc(B.first.isScalar(),
+                  "splat() requires a scalar int as the second argument");
-  if (kind != OpNone)
-    s += GenOpString(name, kind, proto, outTypeStr);
-  else
-    s += GenBuiltin(name, proto, outTypeStr, classKind);
-  if (define)
-    s += " })";
-  else
-    s += " }";
-  s += "\n";
-  return s;
+  std::string S = "__builtin_shufflevector(" + A.second + ", " + A.second;
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < BaseType.getNumElements(); ++I) {
+    S += ", " + B.second;
+  }
+  S += ")";
+  return std::make_pair(BaseType, S);
-/// run - Read the records in arm_neon.td and output arm_neon.h.  arm_neon.h
-/// is comprised of type definitions and function declarations.
-void NeonEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  OS <<
-    "/*===---- arm_neon.h - ARM Neon intrinsics ------------------------------"
-    "---===\n"
-    " *\n"
-    " * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining "
-    "a copy\n"
-    " * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"),"
-    " to deal\n"
-    " * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the "
-    "rights\n"
-    " * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, "
-    "and/or sell\n"
-    " * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n"
-    " * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n"
-    " *\n"
-    " * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be "
-    "included in\n"
-    " * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n"
-    " *\n"
-    "EXPRESS OR\n"
-    "SHALL THE\n"
-    "OTHER\n"
-    "ARISING FROM,\n"
-    "DEALINGS IN\n"
-    " * THE SOFTWARE.\n"
-    " *\n"
-    " *===--------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    "---===\n"
-    " */\n\n";
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagSaveTemp(DagInit *DI) {
+  assert_with_loc(DI->getNumArgs() == 2, "save_temp() expects two arguments");
+  std::pair<Type, std::string> A = emitDagArg(DI->getArg(1), DI->getArgName(1));
-  OS << "#ifndef __ARM_NEON_H\n";
-  OS << "#define __ARM_NEON_H\n\n";
+  assert_with_loc(!A.first.isVoid(),
+                  "Argument to save_temp() must have non-void type!");
-  OS << "#if !defined(__ARM_NEON)\n";
-  OS << "#error \"NEON support not enabled\"\n";
-  OS << "#endif\n\n";
+  std::string N = DI->getArgName(0);
+  assert_with_loc(N.size(), "save_temp() expects a name as the first argument");
-  OS << "#include <stdint.h>\n\n";
+  assert_with_loc(Variables.find(N) == Variables.end(),
+                  "Variable already defined!");
+  Variables[N] = Variable(A.first, N + VariablePostfix);
-  // Emit NEON-specific scalar typedefs.
-  OS << "typedef float float32_t;\n";
-  OS << "typedef __fp16 float16_t;\n";
+  std::string S =
+      A.first.str() + " " + Variables[N].getName() + " = " + A.second;
-  OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
-  OS << "typedef double float64_t;\n";
-  OS << "#endif\n\n";
+  return std::make_pair(Type::getVoid(), S);
-  // For now, signedness of polynomial types depends on target
-  OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
-  OS << "typedef uint8_t poly8_t;\n";
-  OS << "typedef uint16_t poly16_t;\n";
-  OS << "typedef uint64_t poly64_t;\n";
-  OS << "typedef __uint128_t poly128_t;\n";
-  OS << "#else\n";
-  OS << "typedef int8_t poly8_t;\n";
-  OS << "typedef int16_t poly16_t;\n";
-  OS << "#endif\n";
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagNameReplace(DagInit *DI) {
+  std::string S = Name;
-  // Emit Neon vector typedefs.
-  std::string TypedefTypes(
-      "cQcsQsiQilQlUcQUcUsQUsUiQUiUlQUlhQhfQfdQdPcQPcPsQPsPlQPl");
-  SmallVector<StringRef, 24> TDTypeVec;
-  ParseTypes(nullptr, TypedefTypes, TDTypeVec);
+  assert_with_loc(DI->getNumArgs() == 2, "name_replace requires 2 arguments!");
+  std::string ToReplace = cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(0))->getAsUnquotedString();
+  std::string ReplaceWith = cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(1))->getAsUnquotedString();
-  // Emit vector typedefs.
-  bool isA64 = false;
-  bool preinsert;
-  bool postinsert;
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TDTypeVec.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-    bool dummy, quad = false, poly = false;
-    char type = ClassifyType(TDTypeVec[i], quad, poly, dummy);
-    preinsert = false;
-    postinsert = false;
-    if (type == 'd' || (type == 'l' && poly)) {
-      preinsert = isA64? false: true;
-      isA64 = true;
-    } else {
-      postinsert = isA64? true: false;
-      isA64 = false;
-    }
-    if (postinsert)
-      OS << "#endif\n";
-    if (preinsert)
-      OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
+  size_t Idx = S.find(ToReplace);
-    if (poly)
-      OS << "typedef __attribute__((neon_polyvector_type(";
-    else
-      OS << "typedef __attribute__((neon_vector_type(";
+  assert_with_loc(Idx != std::string::npos, "name should contain '" + ToReplace + "'!");
+  S.replace(Idx, ToReplace.size(), ReplaceWith);
-    unsigned nElts = GetNumElements(TDTypeVec[i], quad);
-    OS << utostr(nElts) << "))) ";
-    if (nElts < 10)
-      OS << " ";
+  return std::make_pair(Type::getVoid(), S);
-    OS << TypeString('s', TDTypeVec[i]);
-    OS << " " << TypeString('d', TDTypeVec[i]) << ";\n";
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagLiteral(DagInit *DI) {
+  std::string Ty = cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(0))->getAsUnquotedString();
+  std::string Value = cast<StringInit>(DI->getArg(1))->getAsUnquotedString();
+  return std::make_pair(Type::fromTypedefName(Ty), Value);
+std::pair<Type, std::string> Intrinsic::emitDagArg(Init *Arg,
+                                                   std::string ArgName) {
+  if (ArgName.size()) {
+    assert_with_loc(!Arg->isComplete(),
+                    "Arguments must either be DAGs or names, not both!");
+    assert_with_loc(Variables.find(ArgName) != Variables.end(),
+                    "Variable not defined!");
+    Variable &V = Variables[ArgName];
+    return std::make_pair(V.getType(), V.getName());
-  postinsert = isA64? true: false;
-  if (postinsert)
-    OS << "#endif\n";
-  OS << "\n";
-  // Emit struct typedefs.
-  isA64 = false;
-  for (unsigned vi = 2; vi != 5; ++vi) {
-    for (unsigned i = 0, e = TDTypeVec.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-      bool dummy, quad = false, poly = false;
-      char type = ClassifyType(TDTypeVec[i], quad, poly, dummy);
-      preinsert = false;
-      postinsert = false;
-      if (type == 'd' || (type == 'l' && poly)) {
-        preinsert = isA64? false: true;
-        isA64 = true;
-      } else {
-        postinsert = isA64? true: false;
-        isA64 = false;
-      }
-      if (postinsert)
-        OS << "#endif\n";
-      if (preinsert)
-        OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
+  assert(Arg && "Neither ArgName nor Arg?!");
+  DagInit *DI = dyn_cast<DagInit>(Arg);
+  assert_with_loc(DI, "Arguments must either be DAGs or names!");
-      std::string ts = TypeString('d', TDTypeVec[i]);
-      std::string vs = TypeString('0' + vi, TDTypeVec[i]);
-      OS << "typedef struct " << vs << " {\n";
-      OS << "  " << ts << " val";
-      OS << "[" << utostr(vi) << "]";
-      OS << ";\n} ";
-      OS << vs << ";\n";
-      OS << "\n";
-    }
-  }
-  postinsert = isA64? true: false;
-  if (postinsert)
-    OS << "#endif\n";
-  OS << "\n";
+  return emitDag(DI);
+std::string Intrinsic::generate() {
+  CurrentRecord = R;
-  OS<<"#define __ai static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))\n\n";
+  // If we call a macro, our local variables may be corrupted due to
+  // lack of proper lexical scoping. So, add a globally unique postfix
+  // to every variable.
+  //
+  // indexBody() should have set up the Dependencies set by now.
+  for (auto *I : Dependencies)
+    if (I->UseMacro) {
+      VariablePostfix = "_" + utostr(Emitter.getUniqueNumber());
+      break;
+    }
-  std::vector<Record*> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
+  initVariables();
-  StringMap<ClassKind> EmittedMap;
-  std::string CurrentGuard = "";
-  bool InGuard = false;
-  // Some intrinsics are used to express others. These need to be emitted near
-  // the beginning so that the declarations are present when needed. This is
-  // rather an ugly, arbitrary list, but probably simpler than actually tracking
-  // dependency info.
-  static const char *EarlyDefsArr[] =
-      { "VFMA",      "VQMOVN",    "VQMOVUN",  "VABD",    "VMOVL",
-        "VMULL",     "VMLAL_N",   "VMLSL_N",  "VMULL_N", "VMULL_P64",
-        "VQDMLAL_N", "VQDMLSL_N", "VQDMULL_N" };
-  ArrayRef<const char *> EarlyDefs(EarlyDefsArr);
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < EarlyDefs.size(); ++i) {
-    Record *R = Records.getDef(EarlyDefs[i]);
-    emitGuardedIntrinsic(OS, R, CurrentGuard, InGuard, EmittedMap);
-  }
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RV.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-    Record *R = RV[i];
-    if (std::find(EarlyDefs.begin(), EarlyDefs.end(), R->getName()) !=
-        EarlyDefs.end())
-      continue;
+  emitPrototype();
-    emitGuardedIntrinsic(OS, R, CurrentGuard, InGuard, EmittedMap);
+  if (IsUnavailable) {
+    OS << " __attribute__((unavailable));";
+  } else {
+    emitOpeningBrace();
+    emitShadowedArgs();
+    emitBody();
+    emitReturn();
+    emitClosingBrace();
+  OS << "\n";
-  if (InGuard)
-    OS << "#endif\n\n";
+  CurrentRecord = nullptr;
+  return OS.str();
-  OS << "#undef __ai\n\n";
-  OS << "#endif /* __ARM_NEON_H */\n";
+void Intrinsic::indexBody() {
+  CurrentRecord = R;
+  initVariables();
+  emitBody();
+  OS.str("");
+  CurrentRecord = nullptr;
-void NeonEmitter::emitGuardedIntrinsic(raw_ostream &OS, Record *R,
-                                       std::string &CurrentGuard, bool &InGuard,
-                                       StringMap<ClassKind> &EmittedMap) {
+// NeonEmitter implementation
+Intrinsic *NeonEmitter::getIntrinsic(StringRef Name, ArrayRef<Type> Types) {
+  // First, look up the name in the intrinsic map.
+  assert_with_loc(IntrinsicMap.find(Name.str()) != IntrinsicMap.end(),
+                  ("Intrinsic '" + Name + "' not found!").str());
+  std::vector<Intrinsic *> &V = IntrinsicMap[Name.str()];
+  std::vector<Intrinsic *> GoodVec;
+  // Create a string to print if we end up failing.
+  std::string ErrMsg = "looking up intrinsic '" + Name.str() + "(";
+  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Types.size(); ++I) {
+    if (I != 0)
+      ErrMsg += ", ";
+    ErrMsg += Types[I].str();
+  }
+  ErrMsg += ")'\n";
+  ErrMsg += "Available overloads:\n";
+  // Now, look through each intrinsic implementation and see if the types are
+  // compatible.
+  for (auto *I : V) {
+    ErrMsg += "  - " + I->getReturnType().str() + " " + I->getMangledName();
+    ErrMsg += "(";
+    for (unsigned A = 0; A < I->getNumParams(); ++A) {
+      if (A != 0)
+        ErrMsg += ", ";
+      ErrMsg += I->getParamType(A).str();
+    }
+    ErrMsg += ")\n";
-  std::string NewGuard = R->getValueAsString("ArchGuard");
-  if (NewGuard != CurrentGuard) {
-    if (InGuard)
-      OS << "#endif\n\n";
-    if (NewGuard.size())
-      OS << "#if " << NewGuard << '\n';
+    if (I->getNumParams() != Types.size())
+      continue;
-    CurrentGuard = NewGuard;
-    InGuard = NewGuard.size() != 0;
+    bool Good = true;
+    for (unsigned Arg = 0; Arg < Types.size(); ++Arg) {
+      if (I->getParamType(Arg) != Types[Arg]) {
+        Good = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (Good)
+      GoodVec.push_back(I);
-  emitIntrinsic(OS, R, EmittedMap);
+  assert_with_loc(GoodVec.size() > 0,
+                  "No compatible intrinsic found - " + ErrMsg);
+  assert_with_loc(GoodVec.size() == 1, "Multiple overloads found - " + ErrMsg);
+  return GoodVec.front();
-/// emitIntrinsic - Write out the arm_neon.h header file definitions for the
-/// intrinsics specified by record R checking for intrinsic uniqueness.
-void NeonEmitter::emitIntrinsic(raw_ostream &OS, Record *R,
-                                StringMap<ClassKind> &EmittedMap) {
-  std::string name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
+void NeonEmitter::createIntrinsic(Record *R,
+                                  SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Out) {
+  std::string Name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
   std::string Proto = R->getValueAsString("Prototype");
   std::string Types = R->getValueAsString("Types");
+  Record *OperationRec = R->getValueAsDef("Operation");
+  bool CartesianProductOfTypes = R->getValueAsBit("CartesianProductOfTypes");
+  std::string Guard = R->getValueAsString("ArchGuard");
+  bool IsUnavailable = OperationRec->getValueAsBit("Unavailable");
-  SmallVector<StringRef, 16> TypeVec;
-  ParseTypes(R, Types, TypeVec);
+  // Set the global current record. This allows assert_with_loc to produce
+  // decent location information even when highly nested.
+  CurrentRecord = R;
-  OpKind kind = OpMap[R->getValueAsDef("Operand")->getName()];
+  ListInit *Body = OperationRec->getValueAsListInit("Ops");
-  ClassKind classKind = ClassNone;
+  std::vector<TypeSpec> TypeSpecs = TypeSpec::fromTypeSpecs(Types);
+  ClassKind CK = ClassNone;
   if (R->getSuperClasses().size() >= 2)
-    classKind = ClassMap[R->getSuperClasses()[1]];
-  if (classKind == ClassNone && kind == OpNone)
-    PrintFatalError(R->getLoc(), "Builtin has no class kind");
-  for (unsigned ti = 0, te = TypeVec.size(); ti != te; ++ti) {
-    if (kind == OpReinterpret) {
-      bool outQuad = false;
-      bool dummy = false;
-      (void)ClassifyType(TypeVec[ti], outQuad, dummy, dummy);
-      for (unsigned srcti = 0, srcte = TypeVec.size();
-           srcti != srcte; ++srcti) {
-        bool inQuad = false;
-        (void)ClassifyType(TypeVec[srcti], inQuad, dummy, dummy);
-        if (srcti == ti || inQuad != outQuad)
-          continue;
-        std::string s = GenIntrinsic(name, Proto, TypeVec[ti], TypeVec[srcti],
-                                     OpCast, ClassS);
-        if (EmittedMap.count(s))
+    CK = ClassMap[R->getSuperClasses()[1]];
+  std::vector<std::pair<TypeSpec, TypeSpec>> NewTypeSpecs;
+  for (auto TS : TypeSpecs) {
+    if (CartesianProductOfTypes) {
+      Type DefaultT(TS, 'd');
+      for (auto SrcTS : TypeSpecs) {
+        Type DefaultSrcT(SrcTS, 'd');
+        if (TS == SrcTS ||
+            DefaultSrcT.getSizeInBits() != DefaultT.getSizeInBits())
-        EmittedMap[s] = ClassS;
-        OS << s;
+        NewTypeSpecs.push_back(std::make_pair(TS, SrcTS));
     } else {
-      std::string s =
-          GenIntrinsic(name, Proto, TypeVec[ti], TypeVec[ti], kind, classKind);
-      if (EmittedMap.count(s)) {
-        errs() << "warning: duplicate definition: " << name
-               << " (type: " << TypeString('d', TypeVec[ti]) << ")\n";
-        continue;
-      }
-      EmittedMap[s] = classKind;
-      OS << s;
+      NewTypeSpecs.push_back(std::make_pair(TS, TS));
-  OS << "\n";
-static unsigned RangeFromType(const char mod, StringRef typestr) {
-  // base type to get the type string for.
-  bool quad = false, dummy = false;
-  char type = ClassifyType(typestr, quad, dummy, dummy);
-  type = ModType(mod, type, quad, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-  switch (type) {
-    case 'c':
-      return (8 << (int)quad) - 1;
-    case 'h':
-    case 's':
-      return (4 << (int)quad) - 1;
-    case 'f':
-    case 'i':
-      return (2 << (int)quad) - 1;
-    case 'd':
-    case 'l':
-      return (1 << (int)quad) - 1;
-    case 'k':
-      return 0;
-    default:
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
-  }
+  std::sort(NewTypeSpecs.begin(), NewTypeSpecs.end());
+  std::unique(NewTypeSpecs.begin(), NewTypeSpecs.end());
-static unsigned RangeScalarShiftImm(const char mod, StringRef typestr) {
-  // base type to get the type string for.
-  bool dummy = false;
-  char type = ClassifyType(typestr, dummy, dummy, dummy);
-  type = ModType(mod, type, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy);
+  for (auto &I : NewTypeSpecs) {
+    Intrinsic *IT = new Intrinsic(R, Name, Proto, I.first, I.second, CK, Body,
+                                  *this, Guard, IsUnavailable);
-  switch (type) {
-    case 'c':
-      return 7;
-    case 'h':
-    case 's':
-      return 15;
-    case 'f':
-    case 'i':
-      return 31;
-    case 'd':
-    case 'l':
-      return 63;
-    case 'k':
-      return 127;
-    default:
-      PrintFatalError("unhandled type!");
+    IntrinsicMap[Name].push_back(IT);
+    Out.push_back(IT);
-/// Generate the ARM and AArch64 intrinsic range checking code for
-/// shift/lane immediates, checking for unique declarations.
-NeonEmitter::genIntrinsicRangeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  std::vector<Record *> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
-  StringMap<OpKind> EmittedMap;
+  CurrentRecord = nullptr;
-  // Generate the intrinsic range checking code for shift/lane immediates.
+/// genBuiltinsDef: Generate the BuiltinsARM.def and  BuiltinsAArch64.def
+/// declaration of builtins, checking for unique builtin declarations.
+void NeonEmitter::genBuiltinsDef(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                 SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Defs) {
+  OS << "#ifdef GET_NEON_BUILTINS\n";
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RV.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-    Record *R = RV[i];
+  // We only want to emit a builtin once, and we want to emit them in
+  // alphabetical order, so use a std::set.
+  std::set<std::string> Builtins;
-    OpKind k = OpMap[R->getValueAsDef("Operand")->getName()];
-    if (k != OpNone)
+  for (auto *Def : Defs) {
+    if (Def->hasBody())
-    std::string name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
-    std::string Proto = R->getValueAsString("Prototype");
-    std::string Types = R->getValueAsString("Types");
-    std::string Rename = name + "@" + Proto;
     // Functions with 'a' (the splat code) in the type prototype should not get
     // their own builtin as they use the non-splat variant.
-    if (Proto.find('a') != std::string::npos)
-      continue;
-    // Functions which do not have an immediate do not need to have range
-    // checking code emitted.
-    size_t immPos = Proto.find('i');
-    if (immPos == std::string::npos)
+    if (Def->hasSplat())
-    SmallVector<StringRef, 16> TypeVec;
-    ParseTypes(R, Types, TypeVec);
+    std::string S = "BUILTIN(__builtin_neon_" + Def->getMangledName() + ", \"";
-    if (R->getSuperClasses().size() < 2)
-      PrintFatalError(R->getLoc(), "Builtin has no class kind");
+    S += Def->getBuiltinTypeStr();
+    S += "\", \"n\")";
-    ClassKind ck = ClassMap[R->getSuperClasses()[1]];
-    if (!ProtoHasScalar(Proto))
-      ck = ClassB;
-    for (unsigned ti = 0, te = TypeVec.size(); ti != te; ++ti) {
-      std::string namestr, shiftstr, rangestr;
-      if (R->getValueAsBit("isVCVT_N")) {
-        // VCVT between floating- and fixed-point values takes an immediate
-        // in the range [1, 32] for f32, or [1, 64] for f64.
-        ck = ClassB;
-        if (name.find("32") != std::string::npos)
-          rangestr = "l = 1; u = 31"; // upper bound = l + u
-        else if (name.find("64") != std::string::npos)
-          rangestr = "l = 1; u = 63";
-        else
-          PrintFatalError(R->getLoc(),
-              "Fixed point convert name should contains \"32\" or \"64\"");
-      } else if (R->getValueAsBit("isScalarShift")) {
-        // Right shifts have an 'r' in the name, left shifts do not.  Convert
-        // instructions have the same bounds and right shifts.
-        if (name.find('r') != std::string::npos ||
-            name.find("cvt") != std::string::npos)
-          rangestr = "l = 1; ";
-        unsigned upBound = RangeScalarShiftImm(Proto[immPos - 1], TypeVec[ti]);
-        // Narrow shift has half the upper bound
-        if (R->getValueAsBit("isScalarNarrowShift"))
-          upBound /= 2;
-        rangestr += "u = " + utostr(upBound);
-      } else if (R->getValueAsBit("isShift")) {
-        // Builtins which are overloaded by type will need to have their upper
-        // bound computed at Sema time based on the type constant.
-        shiftstr = ", true";
-        // Right shifts have an 'r' in the name, left shifts do not.
-        if (name.find('r') != std::string::npos)
-          rangestr = "l = 1; ";
-        rangestr += "u = RFT(TV" + shiftstr + ")";
-      } else if (ck == ClassB) {
-        // ClassB intrinsics have a type (and hence lane number) that is only
-        // known at runtime.
-        assert(immPos > 0 && "unexpected immediate operand");
-        if (R->getValueAsBit("isLaneQ"))
-          rangestr = "u = RFT(TV, false, true)";
-        else
-          rangestr = "u = RFT(TV, false, false)";
-      } else {
-        // The immediate generally refers to a lane in the preceding argument.
-        assert(immPos > 0 && "unexpected immediate operand");
-        rangestr =
-            "u = " + utostr(RangeFromType(Proto[immPos - 1], TypeVec[ti]));
-      }
-      // Make sure cases appear only once by uniquing them in a string map.
-      namestr = MangleName(name, TypeVec[ti], ck);
-      if (EmittedMap.count(namestr))
-        continue;
-      EmittedMap[namestr] = OpNone;
-      // Calculate the index of the immediate that should be range checked.
-      unsigned immidx = 0;
-      // Builtins that return a struct of multiple vectors have an extra
-      // leading arg for the struct return.
-      if (IsMultiVecProto(Proto[0]))
-        ++immidx;
-      // Add one to the index for each argument until we reach the immediate
-      // to be checked.  Structs of vectors are passed as multiple arguments.
-      for (unsigned ii = 1, ie = Proto.size(); ii != ie; ++ii) {
-        switch (Proto[ii]) {
-        default:
-          immidx += 1;
-          break;
-        case '2':
-        case 'B':
-          immidx += 2;
-          break;
-        case '3':
-        case 'C':
-          immidx += 3;
-          break;
-        case '4':
-        case 'D':
-          immidx += 4;
-          break;
-        case 'i':
-          ie = ii + 1;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      OS << "case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_";
-      OS << MangleName(name, TypeVec[ti], ck) << ": i = " << immidx << "; "
-         << rangestr << "; break;\n";
-    }
+    Builtins.insert(S);
+  for (auto &S : Builtins)
+    OS << S << "\n";
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
-struct OverloadInfo {
-  uint64_t Mask;
-  int PtrArgNum;
-  bool HasConstPtr;
 /// Generate the ARM and AArch64 overloaded type checking code for
 /// SemaChecking.cpp, checking for unique builtin declarations.
-NeonEmitter::genOverloadTypeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  std::vector<Record *> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
-  // Generate the overloaded type checking code for SemaChecking.cpp
+void NeonEmitter::genOverloadTypeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                           SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Defs) {
   OS << "#ifdef GET_NEON_OVERLOAD_CHECK\n";
   // We record each overload check line before emitting because subsequent Inst
   // definitions may extend the number of permitted types (i.e. augment the
   // Mask). Use std::map to avoid sorting the table by hash number.
+  struct OverloadInfo {
+    uint64_t Mask;
+    int PtrArgNum;
+    bool HasConstPtr;
+    OverloadInfo() : Mask(0ULL), PtrArgNum(0), HasConstPtr(false) {}
+  };
   std::map<std::string, OverloadInfo> OverloadMap;
-  typedef std::map<std::string, OverloadInfo>::iterator OverloadIterator;
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RV.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-    Record *R = RV[i];
-    OpKind k = OpMap[R->getValueAsDef("Operand")->getName()];
-    if (k != OpNone)
+  for (auto *Def : Defs) {
+    // If the def has a body (that is, it has Operation DAGs), it won't call
+    // __builtin_neon_* so we don't need to generate a definition for it.
+    if (Def->hasBody())
-    std::string Proto = R->getValueAsString("Prototype");
-    std::string Types = R->getValueAsString("Types");
-    std::string name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
-    std::string Rename = name + "@" + Proto;
     // Functions with 'a' (the splat code) in the type prototype should not get
     // their own builtin as they use the non-splat variant.
-    if (Proto.find('a') != std::string::npos)
+    if (Def->hasSplat())
     // Functions which have a scalar argument cannot be overloaded, no need to
     // check them if we are emitting the type checking code.
-    if (ProtoHasScalar(Proto))
+    if (Def->protoHasScalar())
-    SmallVector<StringRef, 16> TypeVec;
-    ParseTypes(R, Types, TypeVec);
-    if (R->getSuperClasses().size() < 2)
-      PrintFatalError(R->getLoc(), "Builtin has no class kind");
+    uint64_t Mask = 0ULL;
+    Type Ty = Def->getReturnType();
+    if (Def->getProto()[0] == 'v' || Def->getProto()[0] == 'f' ||
+        Def->getProto()[0] == 'F')
+      Ty = Def->getParamType(0);
+    if (Ty.isPointer())
+      Ty = Def->getParamType(1);
-    int si = -1, qi = -1;
-    uint64_t mask = 0, qmask = 0;
-    for (unsigned ti = 0, te = TypeVec.size(); ti != te; ++ti) {
-      // Generate the switch case(s) for this builtin for the type validation.
-      bool quad = false, poly = false, usgn = false;
-      (void) ClassifyType(TypeVec[ti], quad, poly, usgn);
-      if (quad) {
-        qi = ti;
-        qmask |= 1ULL << GetNeonEnum(Proto, TypeVec[ti]);
-      } else {
-        si = ti;
-        mask |= 1ULL << GetNeonEnum(Proto, TypeVec[ti]);
-      }
-    }
+    Mask |= 1ULL << Ty.getNeonEnum();
-    // Check if the builtin function has a pointer or const pointer argument.
+    // Check if the function has a pointer or const pointer argument.
+    std::string Proto = Def->getProto();
     int PtrArgNum = -1;
     bool HasConstPtr = false;
-    for (unsigned arg = 1, arge = Proto.size(); arg != arge; ++arg) {
-      char ArgType = Proto[arg];
+    for (unsigned I = 0; I < Def->getNumParams(); ++I) {
+      char ArgType = Proto[I + 1];
       if (ArgType == 'c') {
         HasConstPtr = true;
-        PtrArgNum = arg - 1;
+        PtrArgNum = I;
       if (ArgType == 'p') {
-        PtrArgNum = arg - 1;
+        PtrArgNum = I;
     // For sret builtins, adjust the pointer argument index.
-    if (PtrArgNum >= 0 && IsMultiVecProto(Proto[0]))
+    if (PtrArgNum >= 0 && Def->getReturnType().getNumVectors() > 1)
       PtrArgNum += 1;
+    std::string Name = Def->getName();
     // Omit type checking for the pointer arguments of vld1_lane, vld1_dup,
     // and vst1_lane intrinsics.  Using a pointer to the vector element
     // type with one of those operations causes codegen to select an aligned
     // load/store instruction.  If you want an unaligned operation,
     // the pointer argument needs to have less alignment than element type,
     // so just accept any pointer type.
-    if (name == "vld1_lane" || name == "vld1_dup" || name == "vst1_lane") {
+    if (Name == "vld1_lane" || Name == "vld1_dup" || Name == "vst1_lane") {
       PtrArgNum = -1;
       HasConstPtr = false;
-    if (mask) {
-      std::pair<OverloadIterator, bool> I = OverloadMap.insert(std::make_pair(
-          MangleName(name, TypeVec[si], ClassB), OverloadInfo()));
-      OverloadInfo &Record = I.first->second;
-      if (!I.second)
-        assert(Record.PtrArgNum == PtrArgNum &&
-               Record.HasConstPtr == HasConstPtr);
-      Record.Mask |= mask;
-      Record.PtrArgNum = PtrArgNum;
-      Record.HasConstPtr = HasConstPtr;
-    }
-    if (qmask) {
-      std::pair<OverloadIterator, bool> I = OverloadMap.insert(std::make_pair(
-          MangleName(name, TypeVec[qi], ClassB), OverloadInfo()));
-      OverloadInfo &Record = I.first->second;
-      if (!I.second)
-        assert(Record.PtrArgNum == PtrArgNum &&
-               Record.HasConstPtr == HasConstPtr);
-      Record.Mask |= qmask;
-      Record.PtrArgNum = PtrArgNum;
-      Record.HasConstPtr = HasConstPtr;
+    if (Mask) {
+      std::string Name = Def->getMangledName();
+      OverloadMap.insert(std::make_pair(Name, OverloadInfo()));
+      OverloadInfo &OI = OverloadMap[Name];
+      OI.Mask |= Mask;
+      OI.PtrArgNum |= PtrArgNum;
+      OI.HasConstPtr = HasConstPtr;
-  for (OverloadIterator I = OverloadMap.begin(), E = OverloadMap.end(); I != E;
-       ++I) {
-    OverloadInfo &BuiltinOverloads = I->second;
-    OS << "case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_" << I->first << ": ";
-    OS << "mask = " << "0x" << utohexstr(BuiltinOverloads.Mask) << "ULL";
-    if (BuiltinOverloads.PtrArgNum >= 0)
-      OS << "; PtrArgNum = " << BuiltinOverloads.PtrArgNum;
-    if (BuiltinOverloads.HasConstPtr)
+  for (auto &I : OverloadMap) {
+    OverloadInfo &OI = I.second;
+    OS << "case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_" << I.first << ": ";
+    OS << "mask = 0x" << utohexstr(OI.Mask) << "ULL";
+    if (OI.PtrArgNum >= 0)
+      OS << "; PtrArgNum = " << OI.PtrArgNum;
+    if (OI.HasConstPtr)
       OS << "; HasConstPtr = true";
     OS << "; break;\n";
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
-/// genBuiltinsDef: Generate the BuiltinsARM.def and  BuiltinsAArch64.def
-/// declaration of builtins, checking for unique builtin declarations.
-void NeonEmitter::genBuiltinsDef(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  std::vector<Record *> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
-  // We want to emit the intrinsics in alphabetical order, so use the more
-  // expensive std::map to gather them together first.
-  std::map<std::string, OpKind> EmittedMap;
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RV.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-    Record *R = RV[i];
-    OpKind k = OpMap[R->getValueAsDef("Operand")->getName()];
-    if (k != OpNone)
-      continue;
+NeonEmitter::genIntrinsicRangeCheckCode(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                        SmallVectorImpl<Intrinsic *> &Defs) {
-    std::string Proto = R->getValueAsString("Prototype");
-    std::string name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
-    std::string Rename = name + "@" + Proto;
+  std::set<std::string> Emitted;
+  for (auto *Def : Defs) {
+    if (Def->hasBody())
+      continue;
     // Functions with 'a' (the splat code) in the type prototype should not get
     // their own builtin as they use the non-splat variant.
-    if (Proto.find('a') != std::string::npos)
+    if (Def->hasSplat())
+      continue;
+    // Functions which do not have an immediate do not ned to have range
+    // checking
+    // code emitted.
+    if (!Def->hasImmediate())
+      continue;
+    if (Emitted.find(Def->getMangledName()) != Emitted.end())
-    std::string Types = R->getValueAsString("Types");
-    SmallVector<StringRef, 16> TypeVec;
-    ParseTypes(R, Types, TypeVec);
-    if (R->getSuperClasses().size() < 2)
-      PrintFatalError(R->getLoc(), "Builtin has no class kind");
-    ClassKind ck = ClassMap[R->getSuperClasses()[1]];
-    for (unsigned ti = 0, te = TypeVec.size(); ti != te; ++ti) {
-      // Generate the declaration for this builtin, ensuring
-      // that each unique BUILTIN() macro appears only once in the output
-      // stream.
-      std::string bd = GenBuiltinDef(name, Proto, TypeVec[ti], ck);
-      if (EmittedMap.count(bd))
-        continue;
-      EmittedMap[bd] = OpNone;
-    }
-  }
+    std::string LowerBound, UpperBound;
-  // Generate BuiltinsNEON.
-  OS << "#ifdef GET_NEON_BUILTINS\n";
+    Record *R = Def->getRecord();
+    if (R->getValueAsBit("isVCVT_N")) {
+      // VCVT between floating- and fixed-point values takes an immediate
+      // in the range [1, 32) for f32 or [1, 64) for f64.
+      LowerBound = "1";
+      if (Def->getBaseType().getElementSizeInBits() == 32)
+        UpperBound = "31";
+      else
+        UpperBound = "63";
+    } else if (R->getValueAsBit("isScalarShift")) {
+      // Right shifts have an 'r' in the name, left shifts do not. Convert
+      // instructions have the same bounds and right shifts.
+      if (Def->getName().find('r') != std::string::npos ||
+          Def->getName().find("cvt") != std::string::npos)
+        LowerBound = "1";
+      UpperBound = utostr(Def->getReturnType().getElementSizeInBits() - 1);
+    } else if (R->getValueAsBit("isShift")) {
+      // Builtins which are overloaded by type will need to have thier upper
+      // bound computed at Sema time based on the type constant.
+      // Right shifts have an 'r' in the name, left shifts do not.
+      if (Def->getName().find('r') != std::string::npos)
+        LowerBound = "1";
+      UpperBound = "RFT(TV, true)";
+    } else if (Def->getClassKind(true) == ClassB) {
+      // ClassB intrinsics have a type (and hence lane number) that is only
+      // known at runtime.
+      if (R->getValueAsBit("isLaneQ"))
+        UpperBound = "RFT(TV, false, true)";
+      else
+        UpperBound = "RFT(TV, false, false)";
+    } else {
+      // The immediate generally refers to a lane in the preceding argument.
+      assert(Def->getImmediateIdx() > 0);
+      Type T = Def->getParamType(Def->getImmediateIdx() - 1);
+      UpperBound = utostr(T.getNumElements() - 1);
+    }
+    // Calculate the index of the immediate that should be range checked.
+    unsigned Idx = Def->getNumParams();
+    if (Def->hasImmediate())
+      Idx = Def->getGeneratedParamIdx(Def->getImmediateIdx());
+    OS << "case NEON::BI__builtin_neon_" << Def->getMangledName() << ": "
+       << "i = " << Idx << ";";
+    if (LowerBound.size())
+      OS << " l = " << LowerBound << ";";
+    if (UpperBound.size())
+      OS << " u = " << UpperBound << ";";
+    OS << " break;\n";
-  for (std::map<std::string, OpKind>::iterator I = EmittedMap.begin(),
-                                               E = EmittedMap.end();
-       I != E; ++I)
-    OS << I->first << "\n";
+    Emitted.insert(Def->getMangledName());
+  }
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
@@ -3230,187 +2058,220 @@ void NeonEmitter::genBuiltinsDef(raw_ost
 void NeonEmitter::runHeader(raw_ostream &OS) {
   std::vector<Record *> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
+  SmallVector<Intrinsic *, 128> Defs;
+  for (auto *R : RV)
+    createIntrinsic(R, Defs);
   // Generate shared BuiltinsXXX.def
-  genBuiltinsDef(OS);
+  genBuiltinsDef(OS, Defs);
   // Generate ARM overloaded type checking code for SemaChecking.cpp
-  genOverloadTypeCheckCode(OS);
+  genOverloadTypeCheckCode(OS, Defs);
   // Generate ARM range checking code for shift/lane immediates.
-  genIntrinsicRangeCheckCode(OS);
+  genIntrinsicRangeCheckCode(OS, Defs);
-/// GenTest - Write out a test for the intrinsic specified by the name and
-/// type strings, including the embedded patterns for FileCheck to match.
-static std::string GenTest(const std::string &name,
-                           const std::string &proto,
-                           StringRef outTypeStr, StringRef inTypeStr,
-                           bool isShift, bool isHiddenLOp,
-                           ClassKind ck, const std::string &InstName,
-                           bool isA64,
-                           std::string & testFuncProto) {
-  assert(!proto.empty() && "");
-  std::string s;
-  // Function name with type suffix
-  std::string mangledName = MangleName(name, outTypeStr, ClassS);
-  if (outTypeStr != inTypeStr) {
-    // If the input type is different (e.g., for vreinterpret), append a suffix
-    // for the input type.  String off a "Q" (quad) prefix so that MangleName
-    // does not insert another "q" in the name.
-    unsigned typeStrOff = (inTypeStr[0] == 'Q' ? 1 : 0);
-    StringRef inTypeNoQuad = inTypeStr.substr(typeStrOff);
-    mangledName = MangleName(mangledName, inTypeNoQuad, ClassS);
-  }
-  // todo: GenerateChecksForIntrinsic does not generate CHECK
-  // for aarch64 instructions yet
-  std::vector<std::string> FileCheckPatterns;
-  if (!isA64) {
-    GenerateChecksForIntrinsic(name, proto, outTypeStr, inTypeStr, ck, InstName,
-                               isHiddenLOp, FileCheckPatterns);
-    s+= "// CHECK_ARM: test_" + mangledName + "\n";
-  }
-  s += "// CHECK_AARCH64: test_" + mangledName + "\n";
-  // Emit the FileCheck patterns.
-  // If for any reason we do not want to emit a check, mangledInst
-  // will be the empty string.
-  if (FileCheckPatterns.size()) {
-    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = FileCheckPatterns.begin(),
-                                                  e = FileCheckPatterns.end();
-         i != e;
-         ++i) {
-      s += "// CHECK_ARM: " + *i + "\n";
+/// run - Read the records in arm_neon.td and output arm_neon.h.  arm_neon.h
+/// is comprised of type definitions and function declarations.
+void NeonEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << "/*===---- arm_neon.h - ARM Neon intrinsics "
+        "------------------------------"
+        "---===\n"
+        " *\n"
+        " * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person "
+        "obtaining "
+        "a copy\n"
+        " * of this software and associated documentation files (the "
+        "\"Software\"),"
+        " to deal\n"
+        " * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation "
+        "the "
+        "rights\n"
+        " * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, "
+        "and/or sell\n"
+        " * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software "
+        "is\n"
+        " * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n"
+        " *\n"
+        " * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be "
+        "included in\n"
+        " * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n"
+        " *\n"
+        "EXPRESS OR\n"
+        "SHALL THE\n"
+        "OTHER\n"
+        "ARISING FROM,\n"
+        "DEALINGS IN\n"
+        " * THE SOFTWARE.\n"
+        " *\n"
+        " *===-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+        "---"
+        "---===\n"
+        " */\n\n";
+  OS << "#ifndef __ARM_NEON_H\n";
+  OS << "#define __ARM_NEON_H\n\n";
+  OS << "#if !defined(__ARM_NEON)\n";
+  OS << "#error \"NEON support not enabled\"\n";
+  OS << "#endif\n\n";
+  OS << "#include <stdint.h>\n\n";
+  // Emit NEON-specific scalar typedefs.
+  OS << "typedef float float32_t;\n";
+  OS << "typedef __fp16 float16_t;\n";
+  OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
+  OS << "typedef double float64_t;\n";
+  OS << "#endif\n\n";
+  // For now, signedness of polynomial types depends on target
+  OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
+  OS << "typedef uint8_t poly8_t;\n";
+  OS << "typedef uint16_t poly16_t;\n";
+  OS << "typedef uint64_t poly64_t;\n";
+  OS << "typedef __uint128_t poly128_t;\n";
+  OS << "#else\n";
+  OS << "typedef int8_t poly8_t;\n";
+  OS << "typedef int16_t poly16_t;\n";
+  OS << "#endif\n";
+  // Emit Neon vector typedefs.
+  std::string TypedefTypes(
+      "cQcsQsiQilQlUcQUcUsQUsUiQUiUlQUlhQhfQfdQdPcQPcPsQPsPlQPl");
+  std::vector<TypeSpec> TDTypeVec = TypeSpec::fromTypeSpecs(TypedefTypes);
+  // Emit vector typedefs.
+  bool InIfdef = false;
+  for (auto &TS : TDTypeVec) {
+    bool IsA64 = false;
+    Type T(TS, 'd');
+    if (T.isDouble() || (T.isPoly() && T.isLong()))
+      IsA64 = true;
+    if (InIfdef && !IsA64) {
+      OS << "#endif\n";
+      InIfdef = false;
+    }
+    if (!InIfdef && IsA64) {
+      OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
+      InIfdef = true;
+    if (T.isPoly())
+      OS << "typedef __attribute__((neon_polyvector_type(";
+    else
+      OS << "typedef __attribute__((neon_vector_type(";
+    Type T2 = T;
+    T2.makeScalar();
+    OS << utostr(T.getNumElements()) << "))) ";
+    OS << T2.str();
+    OS << " " << T.str() << ";\n";
+  if (InIfdef)
+    OS << "#endif\n";
+  OS << "\n";
-  // Emit the start of the test function.
-  testFuncProto = TypeString(proto[0], outTypeStr) + " test_" + mangledName + "(";
-  char arg = 'a';
-  std::string comma;
-  for (unsigned i = 1, e = proto.size(); i != e; ++i, ++arg) {
-    // Do not create arguments for values that must be immediate constants.
-    if (proto[i] == 'i')
-      continue;
-    testFuncProto += comma + TypeString(proto[i], inTypeStr) + " ";
-    testFuncProto.push_back(arg);
-    comma = ", ";
-  }
-  testFuncProto += ")";
-  s+= testFuncProto;
-  s+= " {\n  ";
-  if (proto[0] != 'v')
-    s += "return ";
-  s += mangledName + "(";
-  arg = 'a';
-  for (unsigned i = 1, e = proto.size(); i != e; ++i, ++arg) {
-    if (proto[i] == 'i') {
-      // For immediate operands, test the maximum value.
-      if (isShift)
-        s += "1"; // FIXME
-      else
-        // The immediate generally refers to a lane in the preceding argument.
-        s += utostr(RangeFromType(proto[i-1], inTypeStr));
-    } else {
-      s.push_back(arg);
+  // Emit struct typedefs.
+  InIfdef = false;
+  for (unsigned NumMembers = 2; NumMembers <= 4; ++NumMembers) {
+    for (auto &TS : TDTypeVec) {
+      bool IsA64 = false;
+      Type T(TS, 'd');
+      if (T.isDouble() || (T.isPoly() && T.isLong()))
+        IsA64 = true;
+      if (InIfdef && !IsA64) {
+        OS << "#endif\n";
+        InIfdef = false;
+      }
+      if (!InIfdef && IsA64) {
+        OS << "#ifdef __aarch64__\n";
+        InIfdef = true;
+      }
+      char M = '2' + (NumMembers - 2);
+      Type VT(TS, M);
+      OS << "typedef struct " << VT.str() << " {\n";
+      OS << "  " << T.str() << " val";
+      OS << "[" << utostr(NumMembers) << "]";
+      OS << ";\n} ";
+      OS << VT.str() << ";\n";
+      OS << "\n";
-    if ((i + 1) < e)
-      s += ", ";
-  s += ");\n}\n\n";
-  return s;
+  if (InIfdef)
+    OS << "#endif\n";
+  OS << "\n";
-/// Write out all intrinsic tests for the specified target, checking
-/// for intrinsic test uniqueness.
-void NeonEmitter::genTargetTest(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  StringMap<OpKind> EmittedMap;
-  std::string CurrentGuard = "";
-  bool InGuard = false;
+  OS << "#define __ai static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__, "
+        "__nodebug__))\n\n";
+  SmallVector<Intrinsic *, 128> Defs;
   std::vector<Record *> RV = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Inst");
-  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RV.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-    Record *R = RV[i];
-    std::string name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
-    std::string Proto = R->getValueAsString("Prototype");
-    std::string Types = R->getValueAsString("Types");
-    bool isShift = R->getValueAsBit("isShift");
-    std::string InstName = R->getValueAsString("InstName");
-    bool isHiddenLOp = R->getValueAsBit("isHiddenLInst");
-    std::string NewGuard = R->getValueAsString("ArchGuard");
-    if (NewGuard != CurrentGuard) {
-      if (InGuard)
-        OS << "#endif\n\n";
-      if (NewGuard.size())
-        OS << "#if " << NewGuard << '\n';
-      CurrentGuard = NewGuard;
-      InGuard = NewGuard.size() != 0;
-    }
-    SmallVector<StringRef, 16> TypeVec;
-    ParseTypes(R, Types, TypeVec);
-    ClassKind ck = ClassMap[R->getSuperClasses()[1]];
-    OpKind kind = OpMap[R->getValueAsDef("Operand")->getName()];
-    if (kind == OpUnavailable)
-      continue;
-    for (unsigned ti = 0, te = TypeVec.size(); ti != te; ++ti) {
-      if (kind == OpReinterpret) {
-        bool outQuad = false;
-        bool dummy = false;
-        (void)ClassifyType(TypeVec[ti], outQuad, dummy, dummy);
-        for (unsigned srcti = 0, srcte = TypeVec.size();
-             srcti != srcte; ++srcti) {
-          bool inQuad = false;
-          (void)ClassifyType(TypeVec[srcti], inQuad, dummy, dummy);
-          if (srcti == ti || inQuad != outQuad)
-            continue;
-          std::string testFuncProto;
-          std::string s = GenTest(name, Proto, TypeVec[ti], TypeVec[srcti],
-                                  isShift, isHiddenLOp, ck, InstName,
-                                  CurrentGuard.size(), testFuncProto);
-          if (EmittedMap.count(testFuncProto))
-            continue;
-          EmittedMap[testFuncProto] = kind;
-          OS << s << "\n";
-        }
-      } else {
-        std::string testFuncProto;
-        std::string s =
-            GenTest(name, Proto, TypeVec[ti], TypeVec[ti], isShift, isHiddenLOp,
-                    ck, InstName, CurrentGuard.size(), testFuncProto);
-        OS << s << "\n";
+  for (auto *R : RV)
+    createIntrinsic(R, Defs);
+  for (auto *I : Defs)
+    I->indexBody();
+  std::stable_sort(
+      Defs.begin(), Defs.end(),
+      [](const Intrinsic *A, const Intrinsic *B) { return *A < *B; });
+  // Only emit a def when its requirements have been met.
+  // FIXME: This loop could be made faster, but it's fast enough for now.
+  bool MadeProgress = true;
+  std::string InGuard = "";
+  while (!Defs.empty() && MadeProgress) {
+    MadeProgress = false;
+    for (SmallVector<Intrinsic *, 128>::iterator I = Defs.begin();
+         I != Defs.end(); /*No step*/) {
+      bool DependenciesSatisfied = true;
+      for (auto *II : (*I)->getDependencies()) {
+        if (std::find(Defs.begin(), Defs.end(), II) != Defs.end())
+          DependenciesSatisfied = false;
+      }
+      if (!DependenciesSatisfied) {
+        // Try the next one.
+        ++I;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Emit #endif/#if pair if needed.
+      if ((*I)->getGuard() != InGuard) {
+        if (!InGuard.empty())
+          OS << "#endif\n";
+        InGuard = (*I)->getGuard();
+        if (!InGuard.empty())
+          OS << "#if " << InGuard << "\n";
+      // Actually generate the intrinsic code.
+      OS << (*I)->generate();
+      MadeProgress = true;
+      I = Defs.erase(I);
-  if (InGuard)
+  assert(Defs.empty() && "Some requirements were not satisfied!");
+  if (!InGuard.empty())
     OS << "#endif\n";
-/// runTests - Write out a complete set of tests for all of the Neon
-/// intrinsics.
-void NeonEmitter::runTests(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  OS << "// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple thumbv7s-apple-darwin -target-abi "
-        "apcs-gnu\\\n"
-        "// RUN:  -target-cpu swift -ffreestanding -Os -S -o - %s\\\n"
-        "// RUN:  | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK_ARM\n"
-        "\n"
-        "// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple aarch64-none-linux-gnu \\\n"
-        "// RUN -target-feature +neon  -ffreestanding -S -o - %s \\\n"
-        "// RUN:  | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK_AARCH64\n"
-        "\n"
-        "// REQUIRES: long_tests\n"
-        "\n"
-        "#include <arm_neon.h>\n"
-        "\n";
-  genTargetTest(OS);
+  OS << "\n";
+  OS << "#undef __ai\n\n";
+  OS << "#endif /* __ARM_NEON_H */\n";
 namespace clang {
@@ -3421,6 +2282,6 @@ void EmitNeonSema(RecordKeeper &Records,
 void EmitNeonTest(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  NeonEmitter(Records).runTests(OS);
+  assert(0 && "Neon test generation no longer implemented!");
 } // End namespace clang

Modified: cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h?rev=211101&r1=211100&r2=211101&view=diff
--- cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/TableGen/TableGenBackends.h Tue Jun 17 08:11:27 2014
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ void EmitClangCommentCommandList(RecordK
 void EmitNeon(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
 void EmitNeonSema(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
 void EmitNeonTest(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitNeon2(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitNeonSema2(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitNeonTest2(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);
 void EmitClangAttrDocs(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS);

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