[PATCH] Proposal on how to fix temporary dtors.

Manuel Klimek klimek at google.com
Sun Jun 15 14:53:34 PDT 2014

>>! In D3627#56, @jordan_rose wrote:
> At first I misread that as
>   void testSequencingOfConditionalTempDtors(bool b) {
>      (b || check(Dtor())), check(NoReturnDtor());
>      clang_analyzer_warnIfReached();  // expected-warning{{REACHABLE}}
>    }
> which should NOT be reachable. That's probably also a good test case. The comma operator is a real pain.

Funnily enough I had 10 minutes where I debugged why the CFG was looking incorrect, only to detect that in my small repro I had actually forgotten the parens for the comma operator.


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