[cfe-commits] [PATCH] Add -fobjc-direct-class-refs

Jonathan Schleifer js at webkeks.org
Sat Aug 25 14:34:50 PDT 2012

Am 25.08.2012 um 23:22 schrieb John McCall:

> It's pretty useful to be able to catch an arbitrary exception from either language — for one, it's a hard requirement of @finally that a single personality can catch anything.  It also means that C++11's std::exception_ptr will correctly be able to shift your exceptions around between threads.  It's also what Clang happens to enforce, so you'll need to add a bunch of new checking if you don't want to do it. :)

That indeed sounds desirable…

> You don't need to depend on the full libstdc++;  you can just rely on the ABI-level library (libsupc++ / libc++abi).

… while this does not. I'd like to not depend on anything C++ related at all, so that I could even compile with a GCC that only has --enable-languages=c,objc.

Maybe I'll check in configure if $OBJC supports C++ and add some #ifdefs. But then, still, I'd rather not have references to mangled symbols that contain the GNUstep namespace.

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