[cfe-commits] [PATCH] Add -fobjc-direct-class-refs

John McCall rjmccall at apple.com
Sat Aug 25 14:24:27 PDT 2012

On Aug 25, 2012, at 2:27 AM, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> Am 21.08.2012 um 04:51 schrieb John McCall:
>> Committed.  This seemed trivial enough, but do try to include tests with your
>> patches.  You should also run the tests before sending out patches;  this
>> was failing on test/Driver/arc.c because the diagnostic messages changed.
> Sorry, I forgot to run them. I should try to make it a habit to run them after every compile.
>>> It also sets the version to 9 (class) / 3 (protocol), which is necessary to have the new class / protocol variables added by clang (for example for property introspection), or did I see it wrong and clang just always emits them?
>> That's a question for David Chisnall, I think.
> CC'ing him then.
> Btw, David, could you please remove the GNUstep exception stuff from CGObjCGNU? It effectively makes it impossible to use exceptions in ObjC++ with every other runtime than yours, as it generates code that references symbols in the GNUstep namespace. If you won't do it, I'll give it a try, but it would probably be better if you do it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "remove";  if that's GNUstep's ABI, then that's GNUstep's ABI.  It sounds like what you actually want is for it to be extracted into a different subclass.


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