[cfe-commits] r94083 - in /cfe/trunk/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime: ./ darwin-clang_rt.c

Daniel Dunbar daniel at zuster.org
Thu Jan 21 09:10:39 PST 2010

Author: ddunbar
Date: Thu Jan 21 11:10:39 2010
New Revision: 94083

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=94083&view=rev
Add a test for clang_rt support on Darwin. With appropriate massaging, this
checks that the runtime library can be linked and works for compiling on 10.6
for 10.{4,5,6} targets. Currently test is only for x86, and misses some
compiler-rt functions.


Added: cfe/trunk/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c?rev=94083&view=auto

--- cfe/trunk/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c (added)
+++ cfe/trunk/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c Thu Jan 21 11:10:39 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+/* This file tests that we can succesfully call each compiler-rt function. It is
+   designed to check that the runtime libraries are available for linking and
+   that they contain the expected contents. It is not designed to test the
+   correctness of the individual functions in compiler-rt.
+   This test is assumed to be run on a 10.6 machine. The two environment
+   variables below should be set to 10.4 and 10.5 machines which can be directly
+   ssh/rsync'd to in order to actually test the executables can run on the
+   desired targets.
+// RUN: export TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE=localhost
+// RUN: export TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE=localhost
+// RUN: echo 10.4, i386
+// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -c %s -o %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
+// RUN: %t
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
+// RUN: ssh $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
+// RUN: echo
+// RUX: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
+// RUX: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: echo 10.5, i386
+// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -c %s -o %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
+// RUN: %t
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
+// RUN: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: echo 10.6, i386
+// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -c %s -o %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
+// RUN: %t
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: echo 10.4, x86_64
+// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -c %s -o %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
+// RUN: %t
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
+// RUN: ssh $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
+// RUN: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: echo 10.5, x86_64
+// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -c %s -o %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
+// RUN: %t
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
+// RUN: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
+// RUN: echo
+// RUN: echo 10.6, x86_64
+// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -c %s -o %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
+// RUN: %t
+// RUN: echo
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+typedef int si_int;
+typedef unsigned su_int;
+typedef long long di_int;
+typedef unsigned long long du_int;
+// Integral bit manipulation
+di_int __ashldi3(di_int a, si_int b);      // a << b
+di_int __ashrdi3(di_int a, si_int b);      // a >> b  arithmetic (sign fill)
+di_int __lshrdi3(di_int a, si_int b);      // a >> b  logical    (zero fill)
+si_int __clzsi2(si_int a);  // count leading zeros
+si_int __clzdi2(di_int a);  // count leading zeros
+si_int __ctzsi2(si_int a);  // count trailing zeros
+si_int __ctzdi2(di_int a);  // count trailing zeros
+si_int __ffsdi2(di_int a);  // find least significant 1 bit
+si_int __paritysi2(si_int a);  // bit parity
+si_int __paritydi2(di_int a);  // bit parity
+si_int __popcountsi2(si_int a);  // bit population
+si_int __popcountdi2(di_int a);  // bit population
+// Integral arithmetic
+di_int __negdi2    (di_int a);                         // -a
+di_int __muldi3    (di_int a, di_int b);               // a * b
+di_int __divdi3    (di_int a, di_int b);               // a / b   signed
+du_int __udivdi3   (du_int a, du_int b);               // a / b   unsigned
+di_int __moddi3    (di_int a, di_int b);               // a % b   signed
+du_int __umoddi3   (du_int a, du_int b);               // a % b   unsigned
+du_int __udivmoddi4(du_int a, du_int b, du_int* rem);  // a / b, *rem = a % b
+//  Integral arithmetic with trapping overflow
+si_int __absvsi2(si_int a);           // abs(a)
+di_int __absvdi2(di_int a);           // abs(a)
+si_int __negvsi2(si_int a);           // -a
+di_int __negvdi2(di_int a);           // -a
+si_int __addvsi3(si_int a, si_int b);  // a + b
+di_int __addvdi3(di_int a, di_int b);  // a + b
+si_int __subvsi3(si_int a, si_int b);  // a - b
+di_int __subvdi3(di_int a, di_int b);  // a - b
+si_int __mulvsi3(si_int a, si_int b);  // a * b
+di_int __mulvdi3(di_int a, di_int b);  // a * b
+//  Integral comparison: a  < b -> 0
+//                       a == b -> 1
+//                       a  > b -> 2
+si_int __cmpdi2 (di_int a, di_int b);
+si_int __ucmpdi2(du_int a, du_int b);
+//  Integral / floating point conversion
+di_int __fixsfdi(      float a);
+di_int __fixdfdi(     double a);
+di_int __fixxfdi(long double a);
+su_int __fixunssfsi(      float a);
+su_int __fixunsdfsi(     double a);
+su_int __fixunsxfsi(long double a);
+du_int __fixunssfdi(      float a);
+du_int __fixunsdfdi(     double a);
+du_int __fixunsxfdi(long double a);
+float       __floatdisf(di_int a);
+double      __floatdidf(di_int a);
+long double __floatdixf(di_int a);
+float       __floatundisf(du_int a);
+double      __floatundidf(du_int a);
+long double __floatundixf(du_int a);
+//  Floating point raised to integer power
+float       __powisf2(      float a, si_int b);  // a ^ b
+double      __powidf2(     double a, si_int b);  // a ^ b
+long double __powixf2(long double a, si_int b);  // a ^ b
+//  Complex arithmetic
+//  (a + ib) * (c + id)
+      float _Complex __mulsc3( float a,  float b,  float c,  float d);
+     double _Complex __muldc3(double a, double b, double c, double d);
+long double _Complex __mulxc3(long double a, long double b,
+                              long double c, long double d);
+//  (a + ib) / (c + id)
+      float _Complex __divsc3( float a,  float b,  float c,  float d);
+     double _Complex __divdc3(double a, double b, double c, double d);
+long double _Complex __divxc3(long double a, long double b,
+                              long double c, long double d);
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  du_int du_tmp;
+  struct utsname name;
+  if (uname(&name))
+    return 1;
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s: clang_rt test:\n", argv[0]);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  target  : %d.%d.%d\n\n", target/100, (target/10) % 10,
+          target % 10);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  sysname : %s\n", name.sysname);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  nodename: %s\n", name.nodename);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  release : %s\n", name.release);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  version : %s\n", name.version);
+  fprintf(stderr, "  machine : %s\n", name.machine);
+  assert(__ashldi3(1, 1) == 2);
+  assert(__ashrdi3(2, 1) == 1);
+  assert(__lshrdi3(2, 1) == 1);
+  assert(__clzsi2(1) == 31);
+  assert(__clzdi2(1) == 63);
+  assert(__ctzsi2(2) == 1);
+  assert(__ctzdi2(2) == 1);
+  assert(__ffsdi2(12) == 3);
+  assert(__paritysi2(13) == 1);
+  assert(__paritydi2(13) == 1);
+  assert(__popcountsi2(13) == 3);
+  assert(__popcountdi2(13) == 3);
+  assert(__negdi2(3) == -3);
+  assert(__muldi3(2,2) == 4);
+  assert(__divdi3(-4,2) == -2);
+  assert(__udivdi3(4,2) == 2);
+  assert(__moddi3(3,2) == 1);
+  assert(__umoddi3(3,2) == 1);
+  assert(__udivmoddi4(5,2,&du_tmp) == 2 && du_tmp == 1);
+  assert(__absvsi2(-2) == 2);
+  assert(__absvdi2(-2) == 2);
+  assert(__negvsi2(2) == -2);
+  assert(__negvdi2(2) == -2);
+  assert(__addvsi3(2, 3) == 5);
+  assert(__addvdi3(2, 3) == 5);
+  assert(__subvsi3(2, 3) == -1);
+  assert(__subvdi3(2, 3) == -1);
+  assert(__mulvsi3(2, 3) == 6);
+  assert(__mulvdi3(2, 3) == 6);
+  assert(__cmpdi2(3, 2) == 2);
+  assert(__ucmpdi2(3, 2) == 2);
+  assert(__fixsfdi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixdfdi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixxfdi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixunssfsi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixunsdfsi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixunsxfsi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixunssfdi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixunsdfdi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__fixunsxfdi(2.0) == 2);
+  assert(__floatdisf(2) == 2.0);
+  assert(__floatdidf(2) == 2.0);
+  assert(__floatdixf(2) == 2.0);
+  assert(__floatundisf(2) == 2.0);
+  assert(__floatundidf(2) == 2.0);
+  assert(__floatundixf(2) == 2);
+  assert(__powisf2(2.0, 2) == 4.0);
+  assert(__powidf2(2.0, 2) == 4.0);
+  assert(__powixf2(2.0, 2) == 4.0);
+  assert(__mulsc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (-12.0 + 16.0j));
+  assert(__muldc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (-12.0 + 16.0j));
+  assert(__mulxc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (-12.0 + 16.0j));
+  assert(__divsc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (0.25 + 0j));
+  assert(__divdc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (0.25 + 0j));
+  assert(__divxc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (0.25 + 0j));
+  fprintf(stderr, "    OK!\n");
+  return 0;

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